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« Chapter 18 »

A year and a half later…

The huge iron doors opened slowly, squeaky. Justin waited anxiously for them to open fully so he could finally leave this place after a year and a half.

“Ju-tin!!” a voice exclaimed ahead and Justin smiled to see Sam coming right at him. He stepped outside and was met with Sam who launched himself into his arms and wrapped his little arms around Justin’s neck. Justin was crouched down in front of the jail with the little boy pressed in his arms. He held on tight and enjoyed the feeling of having this little boy in his arms again. He stood up slowly, taking the little boy with him as he settled him on his arm and walked towards the man he knew would be waiting for him; Josh. He saw him from a distant; God he looked good. The loose jeans hung nonchalant on his slender hips, the muscular shirt that showed you just how thin he really was and Justin could see the amazing blue eyes twinkle from a distant. He was gorgeous. How had he’d missed this beauty standing there waiting just for him.

He smiled at Josh all the way and when they finally met they fell into each other, hugging tightly with Sam pressed between them.

Their family reunited.

Justin thanked God he reunited him with the two people he loved most. He shifted the little boy on his arm and kissed his forehead with the breathed words, “I missed you” before he kissed the man he loved.

He knew he’d made the right decision of turning himself in. He’d never have to look over his shoulder again afraid to get caught. He was free, really free from his past and all the mistakes he’d made. He could finally shake his past, the painful reminder of it anyway. He could really start living his new life with Josh by his side, forever.

And that made Justin realize just how lucky he’d been.

Because what were the odds of him getting in Josh’s car?

Maybe it was luck, maybe it was a coincidence or maybe it was just fate, meant to be, to give Justin an opportunity to a loving family and to finally be apart of one as he’d always dreamed off as a kid.

« The End »

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