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« Chapter 12 »

“What’s going on Justin?” Lance asked the next day when Justin finally sat with them again. He caught Justin flinching as Brad walked passed him and roughly clapped him on the shoulder. He also saw how Josh shrunk in his chair and ducked his head when he felt Brad’s eyes on him but Lance was more surprised about Justin’s reaction. Lance’s suspicions grew, Brad definitely had something to do with this.

“Nothing” Justin mumbled. Lance stared at him intently. After a few moments Justin finally met his eyes.

“What?! Nothing is going on, ok?!” Justin lashed out.

“Could’ve fooled me” Lance said sarcastically.

“Whatever” Justin dismissed. Lance poked around in his food.

“What happened with Brad?”

“What do you mean?” Justin mumbled.

“I mean I thought you didn’t let him get to you” Lance stated.

“I don’t” Justin huffed.

“Don’t believe that” Lance said and Justin groaned. What was it with Lance and his persistence? He wanted to know it all, he wanted to make the world a better place. It annoyed him.

“Leave it Lance”

“No, what happened?”

“Nothing happened! For God’s sake man, let it go!”

“No because you know something happened, I know it, you know it, tell me”

“If you already know then I don’t have to tell you”

“Justin” Lance warned.

“Fuck it Lance, go away” Justin said angrily, he was sick of it. Lance didn’t know what he was doing by simply hanging out with Josh he was changing the unspoken rules in this school.

“Brad hates Josh” Justin simply stated when he waited for his friend after class. Lance turned towards Justin, confused and surprised Justin would talk to him. After lunch Lance had tried to get eye contact with Justin but Justin had avoided it, he was staring out in front of him during the whole class and now he was suddenly talking to him again. Maybe he’d been thinking.


“He hates Josh” Justin simply repeated.


“Because Brad thinks Josh stole something from him that was very valuable and apparently very important to him” Lance looked confused.

“He was certain Josh had stolen it but Josh always denied. Brad gave Josh one more chance to come forward and when he didn’t Brad decided to make his life miserable”

“Because he thinks Josh stole something from him?”

Justin nodded.

“He doesn’t even know it for sure!” Lance exclaimed indignantly.

“He had no prove but he was sure of it” Lance stared out in front of him.

“You were right” Justin admitted suddenly.

“About what?”

“Something did happen with Brad. He… well…. he cornered me, told me I wouldn’t wanna hang out with Josh” Justin admitted.

“You ok?” Lance asked concerned.

Justin nodded, “Yeah… but can’t you just leave Josh alone? It’s all because of him”

Lance shook his head.

“I can’t, he’s my friend”

“I thought I was your friend” Justin said angrily.

“You are, you both are but….”

“I haven’t had trouble with Brad in a long time and now he’s back, because of Josh. I don’t want anything to do with him”

“But I do”

“Fine then you fight Brad!” Justin snapped.

“I already did” Lance told him.

Justin’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “You what?”

“He waited for us when we came out of the cafeteria a little while back. He was telling us how Josh should stay outside and everything. I told him no and well he didn’t like that very much so he took a swing at me but I ducked and well he lost”

“You…. beat Brad?” Justin asked astonished.

“Yes” Lance confirmed.

“Is that so hard to believe?” Lance added when Justin’s eyes held a look of disbelief.

“I… well… no... but” Lance laughed at his friend.

“Ok so maybe it is but when I tell you I have a black belt in Karate would you believe me then?” Lance smirked.

Justin laughed, “You beat Brad?” he asked again. Lance nodded.

“So that’s why he came to me?” Justin thought out loud.

“He couldn’t get you so he came after me, getting you to leave Josh alone. Asshole!” Justin cursed.

“I guess” Lance agreed.

“You know I don’t care what Brad wants. He has no right to tell me who I can hang out with and who not. I like Josh and he disserves a second chance, I don’t care what y’all say” Lance told Justin. Justin nodded.

“But I will take care of Brad, make sure he won’t bother you because it is my fault but don’t ask me to stop seeing Josh because I won’t” Lance informed his friend, telling him how it was.

“Thanks” Justin said grateful.

“I’d appreciate that”

It was after all Lance who got him in this situation with Brad, he was just relieved he wouldn’t have to fight him because sure Justin could take care of himself but Brad was just stronger and if he wouldn’t make it his lackeys would help him Justin knew that much. Lance however could take ‘em and this way Brad would soon no longer be a problem.

“I don’t trust him though” Justin blurted suddenly. Lance looked at him strangely.

“I just don’t trust Josh, Brad has got nothing to do with that. I just don’t trust him” Justin told him.

“You haven’t even given him a chance” Lance argued. Justin shrugged.

“I told you he doesn’t disserve the chance” he said simply before speeding up his pace. Lance stopped walking, he watched as Justin disappeared into the next classroom. He could not believe Justin was so quick to judge. Sure Josh had made mistakes but how could Justin judge the fact whether or not he disserved a second chance? It was not up to Justin to decide that but he still did. He simply could not believe it.

True to his word, Lance took care of Brad. He told the bully how it was and he knew better than to lure Lance into another fight. Lance had made sure Brad was alone so he did not have the protection of his lackeys and therefore Lance really did have the upper hand. He told Brad to back off and sullenly he agreed. The threat, just for fun, to get him back somewhat for what he did to Josh. Although Brad backed off a bit, he left Justin alone, it still didn’t stop him from bringing Josh down in English class. Furiously Lance had gone back to him, sought him out once again and demanded of him to leave Josh alone as well but this was not so easy.

“Josh is scum he deserves it” Brad had said.

“Thief or fagboy? I gotta have my fun man” Brad had smirked when Lance looked disgusted. He wanted to save them both but Brad had left him the choice and Lance had to choose for Justin. He’d promised Justin to get Brad off his back and so he kept his promise.

He’d growled his, “Fine” added an angry, “And his name is Justin” before he stormed off.

Justin was relieved Brad backed off, he hadn’t had trouble from Brad in a while and he was not going to let him bully him again just because Lance so desperately wanted to hang out with Josh. He still didn’t understand what Lance wanted with Josh but he wisely kept his mouth shut. He didn’t ask because he liked Lance and since he obviously couldn’t change his mind he reluctantly took it. He wanted to hang out with Lance, he couldn’t get him to ditch Josh and since they always ended up fighting or ignoring each other over it Justin had now decided to try to stop asking Lance about Josh. It would improve their friendship and maybe Lance would finally see the light.

A little subtle persuasion could do the trick because he did not know why Josh allowed Lance in but he knew it was bound to end nasty. Josh meant trouble and he didn’t want Lance to get hurt or anything, especially not because of a thief. He simply didn’t trust Josh, he was up to no good and the sooner Lance found out the less chance he had to get hurt or betrayed, or both.
