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« Chapter 17 »

“Hey Lance!” Justin called to his friend. Lance stopped and waited for Justin to catch up.

“You wanna watch a movie later? Just hang out?”

“Sure, cool” Lance agreed with a smile.

“Great I’ll see you later then” Justin said already walking away.

“Justin?” Lance called after him, making Justin turn back towards him, eyebrows raised expectantly,


“Do you think I could maybe invite Josh too?” he asked his voice soft as he spoke the boy’s name. Justin’s face turned into a frown.

“No” he said bluntly, Lance was taken aback by his reaction, sure he knew Justin wouldn’t be jumping for joy but saying no like that wasn’t really what he was expecting either. Now that he came to think of it he didn’t know what he was expecting from it, he just knew he had to at least ask.

“Justin,” he said a little whine in his voice.

“Come on, you can hold me responsible for it”

“Why would you wanna do that?” Justin asked in confusion.

“Because it ain’t what it looks like” he persisted, hoping his friend would agree to let him come.

Justin sighed in response, “Ok, fine, you win. But if I even catch him picking up a pen without asking, he’s out the door”

“That’s all I ask, thanks Justin”

“I wouldn’t expect too much from it, Lance” Justin told him, learning about the burglary basically proved Justin’s opinion about Josh; he was a thief and he couldn’t be trusted.

He’d seen how Josh had avoided him, averted his eyes when they were close to meeting and how he ducked his head in the hope Justin wouldn’t see him but he had seen him. Josh didn’t know that by acting this way he was actually attracting more attention from Justin than before. Justin knew why Josh did it; he was afraid he would dob him in but what Josh didn’t know was that Justin was not planning on reporting him. He had given Lance his word and he was planning on keeping it, at least for now.

If he ever caught Josh stealing one more thing he would report him and nothing Lance said would be able to stop him but he would not break his word.

“I don’t know if this is such a good idea” Josh said nervously as he moved from one foot onto the other.

“Yes it is Josh, just relax” Lance reassured him as he stretched up to ring the doorbell.

It had taken quite some persuasion on Lance’s part to get Josh to come, he just really wanted Justin to see that Josh was a nice person and that it was somehow not what it looked like. He still didn’t know himself how that was but he was determined not to give up, he would find out what was going on.

Josh had all but agreed to come when he first asked him to come over to Justin’s place. It was the last place Josh wanted to be; he wanted to avoid Justin not look him up. But as usual Lance persuaded him into coming along, after swearing Justin would keep his word and really meant no harm. Josh finally agreed, reluctantly but he came along.

Justin opened the door moments later, led them to the living room and soon they were settled in and ready for the movie without any incidents.

It was however when Josh went to the bathroom and Justin excused himself to get something real quick that you could wait for some sort of run in. And there was; Josh stepped out of the bathroom and met Justin outside. He was almost in his face and made Josh cower back into the bathroom door he’d just closed.

“What are you trying to pull here Josh?” Justin cornered him.

“What are you talking about Justin?” Josh countered, the same icy tone in his voice as he recognized in Justin’s, going on defense immediately. He couldn’t afford to let Justin see him as weak, he would take advantage of that the minute he would see it in his eyes.

“I know you convinced Lance that you’ve changed” he mocked, “but I don’t buy it and I don’t trust you. I don’t know why Lance does but I won’t fall for your shit” Justin said getting in his face.

“See if I give a damn” Josh countered trying to push passed Justin. Every time he was around Justin his walls came back up, he needed to protect himself and pushing people away was the only way. He’d tried it with Lance too but Lance wouldn’t go away, he was determined to reach him and finally he’d let him, too much effort to keep him at bay. Justin however didn’t want to be anywhere near him and when he did Josh felt threatened; his walls needed to protect himself. Justin shoved him backwards.

“I know you broke into his house” Josh’s eyes grew wide, surprised Justin would confront him with this and he was immediately suspicious.

“What are you gonna do with it?” Josh asked, a mix of anger and fear in his voice.

“Don’t worry Joshy…” Justin started but the hand that fisted in his shirt and pulled him towards a very angry Josh stopped him abruptly.

“Don’t call me that” Josh growled, Henry always called him Joshy to degrade him, patronize him, humiliate him and to put him in his place and he wasn’t going to let Justin call him that, he was not going to let Justin degrade him like his step father always did. Justin’s hand flew to Josh’s fist and pulled it away, he grabbed Josh’s arm, spun him around and twisted Josh’s arm up behind his back. He pressed him up against the wall as he held a firm grip on his arm.

“I won’t tell anyone about your little sin because Lance asked me not too but if you steal something from me I’ll chop your hands off” he threatened.

“I know you got some swift hands but I’ll be watching you and waiting for you to slip up because it’s only a matter of time and if you hurt Lance or do anything to disworthy his trust I’ll haul your ass to jail before you even realize what’s going on, understand?” Justin asked him harshly.

Josh nodded, the physical threat scaring him more than he would want to. It was just too familiar and when he was in a loosing battle, pain only minutes away it was just easiest to agree and shut up. He couldn’t help the shiver that went down his spine, fear shaking him and he just prayed Justin didn’t feel it. But he did, at least he felt something, something changed. Justin had already opened his mouth to continue his threat about touching him like that but when he felt the shiver something made him shut his mouth. He stared at Josh, pressed up against the wall the arm still in his own hand, not too painful just to show him who was in charge and unconsciously his grip loosened.

“Good” he said in monotone. Josh stayed put, breathing slowly, his eyes tightly shut as he heard footsteps walk away. Justin didn’t know what happened all of a sudden, he walked to the end of the hall, very confused, as he heard footsteps coming up.

Lance’s worried voice cut through them both, “Everything ok here?”

Justin nodded hesitantly, looking back to Josh who nodded as well while he slowly turned around from the wall. Justin saw the fear in his eyes.

“You guys coming?” Lance asked, interrupting Justin’s thoughts and he quickly and gratefully pushed them away before walking out it front of them not waiting for Josh nor Lance to follow him.

He’d seen fear in Josh’s eyes.

At least he thought it was fear….

Maybe it was just his imagination… or another scam….

When the movie ended Lance and Justin excused himself to get more drinks Lance saw this as an opportunity to ask him about what had happened earlier. He hadn’t heard anything but was sure they hadn’t been talking friendly by the look on Josh’s face.

“What happened Justin?” Lance asked him once the kitchen door closed.

“When?” Justin asked, looking at him.

“With Josh?” Lance clarified, once the name came up Justin turned his back to Lance as he mumbled,


“I don’t really believe that” Lance told him.

“Lance,” Justin sighed.

“I just warned him a bit” Justin mumbled when he felt Lance’s intent stare.

“For his own good” Justin added quickly.

“Why can’t you just be nice to him?” Lance sighed frustrated.

“Is that really so hard?”

“He doesn’t deserve it” Justin shrugged.

“I don’t trust him” he stated.

“Why are you treating him like this? You of all people should know what it feels like when people are biased”

“Oh shut up Lance, that has nothing to do with this. It’s totally different” Justin said angrily, Lance was not comparing being gay to being a thief. Josh brought this upon himself, he however did not choose to be gay.

“Is it?” Lance challenged.

“Yes! People are prejudice towards gay people because they’re narrow minded, people are prejudice towards Josh because he made them that way. He gave them every reason to be prejudice towards him because he stole all those things” Justin explained with a little more fierce than necessary.

“How would you know he really stole all that? And even if he did… everyone deserves a second chance”

“Right, Lance you live in a dream world. I think it’s all nice and stuff but this will never end nice trust me” Justin finished, picking up the drinks and heading towards the living room before Lance could say anything more.

Another movie was put in and watched in silence. They were about half way when it started. Lance was stunned as he watched the scene unfolding in front of his eyes. His two friends lunged at each other suddenly. He couldn’t remember what had been said exactly. All he knew was that one moment they were calmly watching a movie and the next thing he knew insults were hurled over his head, followed shortly with both of them getting up and angrily stomping towards each other ready to take it on.

As he saw the two coming dangerously close Lance got out of his daze and jumped up, intervening before this turned into a real fight.

“Hey stop it!” Lance yelled pulling them apart, he pushed Josh one way and Justin the opposite way.

“What the hell is wrong with you two?” he scolded, looking from Josh to Justin who in turn both ducked their head when they made eye contact with Lance.

“I thought I would have a good time with my friends now if either of you has a problem with that you can leave” he said, forgetting for a second that he was in Justin’s house but neither Justin nor Josh seemed to have noticed that. They both stared at the floor a little ashamed of themselves but stubborn as hell.

“Sorry” Josh mumbled, for Lance it wasn’t for Justin but Lance, he owed Lance. Justin however had been provoking him and he definitely did not deserve his apology.

“Sorry” Justin followed, he was also apologizing to Lance not to Josh, as far as he was concerned; Josh had deserved it and he did not deserve his apology.

“Good now can we start the movie again?” Lance asked satisfied, he’d pulled this off. He just wanted them to get along, he didn’t understand why that was so much to ask.


“Sure” they responded mumbling. Lance smiled before indicating they could sit down. He pressed play and slowly the angry scowls on both his friends faces abated and Lance’s smile grew that he pulled it off… for now.

If only he could make them like each other…
