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« Chapter 22 »

WARNING: Violence in this chapter, a lot, ye be warned!

The cops came and took him away, they brought him downtown where they questioned him and took him to trial, luckily for Josh he didn’t exactly have any wallets with him but he confessed his crime nevertheless. It was really no use denying when he’d been caught red-handed.

It was pretty much routine as they gave him an official warning, it was the first time he’d been arrested for pick pocketing. He’d been caught before and it hadn’t been nice but this time he even got arrested, something that hadn’t happened the first time. The lady that had caught him almost a year ago was very forgiving as Josh had excused himself over and over again. She’d been about seventy years old and obviously believed in the honesty of man kind as she’d strictly told him he should never do it again. It was like his grandmother was talking to him, the grandmother he’d never had but nevertheless it felt weird and familiar at the same time. He’d nodded frantically and apologized a few more times till she smiled a little and walked away. His big innocent blue eyes and his dark, spiky hair had reminded her of her grandson and she’d seen he couldn’t be much older than her grandson was. Somehow she’d felt sorry for him and let him off the hook.

She probably didn’t know what she’d done for him but he knew and he would be forever grateful for it. Henry had punished him then too, severely but Josh knew it would have been far worse if he’d gotten himself arrested like this time. He was relieved he only got a warning, he’d been scared what they would do to him but he was more scared of Henry since whatever the court could do to him, it would be nothing compared to what Henry would do….

Josh slowly shuffled towards the man that only inflicted pain and misery into his life. Henry had seen the police taking Josh with them in handcuffs at the mall. It had been quite some scene, people stopped and stared at the young arrested boy. Henry watched him, his rage building as Josh’s eyes begged for forgiveness.

Henry stood there waiting for him with flaring eyes and Josh walked as slowly as he could manage though it only dreaded his fate maybe even worsened it. Henry harshly grabbed his upper arm and dragged his step-son with him. Josh let him, having no other choice. Henry dragged him out to the car like a rag doll, Josh trying to keep up the angry man’s pace, stumbling next to him. Henry opened the passenger seat door and shoved Josh inside. Josh folded himself in the seat, making himself as small as possible. He sat hunched over, his chin touching his chest, his eyes staring down at his hands that were fisting in his lap as he waited for Henry to get in the drivers seat. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Henry get in. He didn’t say a word and Josh dared to softly let out his breath he’d been holding in anticipation of the blow he knew would come.

Henry buckled up and started the car, pulling out of the parking spot at the police station. Josh dared a quick peek at the man sitting next to him, keeping his head lowered as he glanced at him through his eyelashes. Henry was gripping the wheel so tightly his knuckles were white, his gaze fixed straight ahead and he saw the fire in the man’s eyes. He got scared by just looking at him so he quickly shifted his gaze back onto his lap.

The blow to his cheek came totally unexpected, his head snapped to the side as Henry’s upper hand made contact with his face. Josh brought his hand up to cover the cheek as he fearfully glanced at Henry.

“I… I’m… s… sorry” Josh whispered through his tears from both pain and fear.

“Not. Another. Word” Henry told him through gritted teeth, anger flashing in his eyes as he pulled up hard, pressing Josh in his seat.

“I don’t want to hear another word from you, not a squeak nothing understand?”

Josh nodded frantically, still cupping his cheek.

Henry looked away to the road in front of him and left Josh with the enormous fear that caused his stomach to turn itself into a knot, getting kink after kink with every turn in the road that took them closer and closer to home.

Henry parked the car and slammed his door shut with such force it vibrated through the small car. Josh jumped in fear; they were home, he would get it now. Josh too scared to move stayed hunched over in his seat. Henry pulled the door open swiftly and grabbed his step-son, dragging him out of the car and into the house again leaving Josh no other choice but to follow as he stumbled over his own two feet.

Henry shoved Josh inside in front of him before slamming the front door shut. Henry caught up with him and shoved him once again; further into the house. Josh stumbled and was shoved against the wall. Josh slid down the wall and cowered into the corner as Henry approached; his fists clenching and unclenching at his sides.

Josh desperately tried to disappear into the wall, pressing himself up against it but to no use. Henry reached down for him, fisting his hand in Josh’s T-shirt as he scrambled to get away.

“Please… please don’t hurt me” he cried frantically as he was lifted from the floor to meet the angry man’s eyes.

Henry ignored him and dragged him to his bedroom, literally, Josh’s feet dangled about a feet above the ground as he was harshly carried to the other room. Henry came to a stop and released Josh till his surprise, he took this as an opportunity to defend himself, hoping it would make a difference.

“Henry please I didn’t do it on purpose, please!” Josh pleaded seeing the rage in Henry’s eyes.

“Drop it” Henry ordered almost calmly.

“Henry please” Josh shuddered at the command.

“Drop it now!” Henry repeated, angry now.

“Or do I need to help you?” he added evilly. Josh shuddered uncontrollable.

“” he stuttered, knowing what it would mean if Henry helped him so he quickly declined hoping that Henry wouldn’t force his help on him.

“Good then move it or I’ll add one more for every second you stall”

Josh nodded wildly, his hands quickly moving to the button of his jeans. He made quick work of undressing the lower part of his body and then he stood there waiting for his punishment. The bruises of the beating from next week had been almost gone, now he would get some whole new ones, much more painful ones.

“What are you waiting for?” Henry growled, seeing Josh’s hesitation.

“You know what to do!” he snapped.

Josh nodded, “Yes sir” he whispered nervously.

He dropped himself to his knees shakily and carefully bent his body over the bed, his arms stretched over the bed in front of him. His upper body resting on the soft mattress but he didn’t feel that. He only felt the nakedness of his lower body and the vulnerability of his position.

A rough hand pushed his shirt up to his shoulders leaving also his back bare. He was almost completely naked now and already praying; please let this be over soon. He shut his eyes tightly as he waited all the while mentally preparing himself for the first touch of pain.

Henry looked around the room quickly, scanning it for anything he could use to hurt his son and he soon found it. In the corner of the room lay a tennis racket. He grinned evilly as he strode towards it, swooping it off the floor and as he walked back towards Josh, he twirled it around in his hand, making sure he had a good grip on the normal object that would really punish his step-son. Josh was shivering now as he heard the footsteps approach and his hands fisted the sheets beneath him, bracing himself for whatever it was he was going to get hit with. Henry liked to hurt him with different things, trying things out and Josh was more afraid than ever.

He heard the distinct sound of something whooshing through the air but it didn’t warn him in the least bit. He cried out loudly as something connected with his buttocks. Josh was too scared to think about what it could be; it felt like a racket or something but he really didn’t care it hurt like hell and he screamed for that. This only angered Henry further as he continued his vicious attack on the teenager.

“Don’t you ever…” another blow accentuated his last word and Josh once again cried out.

“Ever” Henry continued, another blow and another cry.

“Get caught” two quick ones.

“Again!” he breathed harshly from extension. The words accompanied with a final blow that was like the mother of all blows. There was so much force behind it Josh felt it vibrate through his entire body. His toes curled, his back ached and he screamed out in pain. But that was not the end of it, Henry continued, still not satisfied. Josh heard a thud and flinched but then realized the hated object had been flung to the floor. Josh didn’t dare to hope this was the end of it and once he heard a belt being unbuckled his eyes grew wide in fear; the belt. The belt came off and Josh knew exactly what was coming.

“Henry, no, please” Josh pleaded almost desperately while he wiggled a little in the hope to escape this fate.

“Shut up!” Henry shouted at him. Josh flinched.

“Please” he whispered terrified, his eyes shutting tightly again. Henry changed to get a better grip on the belt in his right hand, he traced a finger over the glowing ass cheeks of his step-son and smirked when he felt him shaking beneath him, flinching away and pressing his face deeper in the mattress.

“Lay still, you fucking screw up!” Henry yelled as Josh wiggled again, out of Henry’s reach. Josh stilled his movements immediately and lay shivering, waiting for the first lash. It came very soon and he once again screamed as Henry had aimed for his already flaming ass, the belt worsening his bottom and he knew he would be in pain for days, maybe even weeks.

Josh tensed every time he knew the belt was making his way towards his buttocks but five lashes later he no longer had the strength to tense up. He was limp against the bed that held him up. He had no feeling in his ass except for the unbearable flaming. He wished he wouldn’t feel it at all but it seemed paralyzed except for the pain. It was flaring and stinging and awful. He felt small triggers of blood running down his body and he shivered from pain and cold. Another lash landed on his back and he knew he couldn’t take much more.

“Please” he choked, his voice slurred with pain and muffled by the mattress his face was pressed in.

“Please Henry, stop please!” Josh begged, his butt felt like it was on fire. But Henry still wasn’t satisfied, he launched more lashes at Josh’s butt and again Josh screamed.

“Please!” he screamed.

“Stop! Please I can’t take it anymore” he wailed. He sobbed into the mattress, completely broken. It was exactly what Henry had been waiting for. It was how he kept control over Josh.

“Please stop” he begged childishly. A final lash brought Josh’s head up high from the mattress and a yell erupted from his already sore throat. He dropped his head back on the bed and sobbed.

“Henry please!” he hiccupped into the mattress, it was barely audible but Henry hadn’t been listening in the first place. A hand fisted in his hair, pulling his head back.

“Learned your lesson?” Henry asked snidely, whispering in his ear. Josh nodded carefully.

“Yes. YES!” he said quickly.

“Good if I ever have to come and get you from the police station again you’d wish this was your punishment. Then this will only be the start. Understood?” he growled. Josh once again nodded almost frantically.

“Good” Henry said satisfied releasing Josh’s hair, shoving his head away in the mattress.

“Now clean yourself up, you’re a mess”

Josh was too tired to get angry at that, he simply nodded and tried to push himself up without inflicting more pain to his hurting ass. It was no use though, it fucking hurt and it felt like it would never heal again. Henry plumped down on the bed satisfied, he did it again. Josh ignored the glare he felt on his back as he painfully pulled his pants up a little without it actually making contact with his butt. The shirt fell down on its own and he hissed loudly as it brushed mercilessly over his welts.

“Oh Joshy!” Henry called after the limping teenage boy. He turned around fearfully, his eyes looked back at his stepfather wearily.

“While you’re at it clean the floor here as well will you?” Henry asked kindly but knowing full well Josh wouldn’t even think about saying no.

“Yes sir” Josh replied shakily, he could barely keep himself up, the pain that was shooting through his ass was almost unbearable.

“Thank you” Henry said with a full smile as he lazily folded his hands behind his head, the cockiness coming off in waves but Josh chose to ignore it.

He dragged himself to the shower, stripping as quickly as his injuries allowed him before he slipped in the shower. He turned on the shower and bit back his screams as the hot water assaulted his open wounds. He felt as if he was about to faint. He took deep breaths to ease away the pain and when it slowly did Josh could no longer keep his body up; he sank to the floor and dropped his head in his hands, still biting back the pain but even though he’d wanted to stand up his legs just didn’t corporate as they gave way. He sat on his knees, leaning against the wall on his right side to keep some of the pressure off of his ass but it was basically impossible to do. Josh sat there huddled in the shower corner sobbing quietly, his salty tears mixed with hot water, sobbing for the horrible reality that was his life.

He crawled in bed that night, totally exhausted, laying on his stomach to avoid putting pressure on his still flaming ass cheeks. He’d just finished cleaning Henry’s bedroom floor under Henry’s supervision.

After he’d finally pulled himself together and got out of the shower with difficulty he’d limped to Henry and waited till he was given the order. It came right after Henry asked him what the cops had said. He told him he’d gotten a warning and Henry had given him a warning of his own. And when Henry was satisfied he’d scared Josh enough he told him to get to work. A couple of minutes later Josh found himself on the floor, on his knees, scrubbing away his own blood while Henry watched on amused.

He did not know what he’d done to deserve it.

Sure he got caught and the lashing was something he could have expected but Henry making him clean the floor while he knew in how much pain he must have been was evil. Plain evil.

Had he really done such a lousy job?

Hadn’t he gotten him a lot of money over the years?

Had he not provided for him when it should have been the other way around?

Was he really that unworthy of anything normal?

Did Henry really hate him that much?

Did he really deserve all of this?

The pain, the constant fear and the harassment?

Did he really deserve it all?

Henry never said anything about all the robbery’s he’d pulled off successfully. No, those were never mentioned or rewarded. Henry only punished him for the stuff that went wrong. It was not fair, but that was just his life.

No one understood what he went through. It was not only the fear, almost constantly living in fear of what Henry would do to him or would make him do next. It was not just that, it was only the beginning, the tip of the iceberg. He missed out on so many things, more than anyone would think off. A lot of things were just not meant for him, he didn’t have all that; Josh had no Christmases, no birthdays, no simple talks, no laughing, no presents, no affection, no love, no comfort, no support, no fun, no simple things, no celebrations, no attention and no happiness. Normal things that really every teenager had a right too. However Josh was not one of those teenagers; he had no rights, he only had duties and punishments, making an already hard life worse.

Add the forced crime and it was almost unbearable.
