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« Chapter 35 »

Lance walked to school on Monday morning, alone, for the first time in months. Over the weekend he’d told his parents about Josh, how he’d met him and what he thought had happened. His parents had been angry with him, especially his father asking him what the hell he was thinking inviting a thief over. Lance had ducked his head and listened shamefully to his father’s ranting. His mother finally cut in and although his father was angry they were also proud of him, proud he didn’t judge people right away and that he’d tried to help. Lance had nodded but didn’t feel any better about the whole thing. The police had called that Saturday afternoon, telling them that the suspect had confessed. Josh had confessed.

Lance was devastated. He’d been so sure Josh was different. He’d known for sure that it was not what it looked like, he’d known for sure that he could trust Josh, that he was his friend and to find out what Josh had really done, why he had really hung out with him for all those months devastated him. He’d violated his trust, he’d used him and apart from feeling very stupid, betrayed and sad. There was also a big part of him that was really angry. He’d helped him, he’d changed his life, at least somewhat and what did he get in return? Lance was not looking for gratitude he had never meant to play hero, just from the moment he’d seen Josh he just felt this urge to help him. And he had, on some parts but apparently Josh felt like he didn’t owe him anything, apparently Josh didn’t care. It had been about the money from day one and that made him fucking angry. However he’d done the right thing; he’d reported him and now Josh would get what he deserved.

As he reached the school gates, he held his head up high and walked to his locker. The stares from his fellow schoolmates didn’t go unnoticed and he figured everyone had heard what happened. Or maybe they didn’t know just found it odd that he was now walking by himself. He shrugged mentally; he really didn’t care what they thought. He opened his locker, taking out some of the books he would need and shoving them in his backpack before zipping it and closing his locker. He sighed as he came face to face with Brad.

“Hey Lance” Brad smirked.

“What do you want Brad?” Lance asked scowling.

“Oh not much” Brad denied, throwing a smile over his shoulder to his lackeys.

“Then why the hell are you bothering me?” Lance growled, he was really not in the mood to deal with this asshole.

“You know Lance,” Brad started, taking a step towards him making Lance frown.

“I heard,” he continued, a huge smile breaking out.

“That thief boy finally showed his true colors”

Lance’s frown deepened, wondering how the hell Brad knew but it really didn’t matter.

“Don’t you feel really stupid now?” Brad taunted.

Lance looked at him, fire in his eyes. “Shut up”

“Never trust a thief, didn’t your mommy teach you that?” Lance took a deep breath.

“Brad I strongly advise you to shut up now unless you’re applying for a broken nose” Lance growled.

“Whoa! Touchy” Brad mocked.

“Whatever” Lance mumbled, pushing past the bully and walking away, he really didn’t want to deal with it.

The stares continued but Lance ignored them all, even Mr. Zaggery’s nasty comments but apparent good mood got ignored as he passed him in the hallway. He dragged himself through the classes, relieved Justin plumped down next to him during lunch, hoping he could take his mind off of it all now.

“Hey Lance” Justin greeted friendly but he’d also heard about the rumors. Josh being arrested and they all saw it had something to do with Lance. They just didn’t know exactly how.

“Hey” Lance replied, eyeing him.

“How are you?” Justin asked, a twinge of concern in his voice. Lance sighed, dropping his head for a second before he looked at Justin, bringing his head back up but supporting it with his hand.

“You heard what happened” Lance said, it wasn’t a question it was a statement.

“I heard a little” Justin confessed, he stared intently.

“You want to tell me what really happened?” Justin offered, he was pretty curious but he would understand if Lance didn’t want to talk. The few things he’d heard didn’t sound good.

Lance shook his head no, spinning in his seat so he was sitting directly in front of the table, Justin staring at him from the side. Justin nodded, accepting Lance’s answer but a moment later Lance spun back towards him, ready to talk after all.

“He robbed our house” Lance revealed.

“Again” he added sadly.

“Oh Lance I’m sorry” Justin sympathized, this was bad.

Lance barely managed a smile.

“Yeah well...” Lance shrugged, acting lightly but Justin saw it affected him.

“I reported him this time though”

Justin remembered that time when Lance told him about the first time he’d met Josh, how they’d met. Lance hadn’t reported Josh that time, not even after Justin had asked Lance to do so however this time Justin didn’t have to ask; Lance had already reported him.

“I went along and they arrested him. I saw him. I yelled at him and then they took him away” Lance told his friend, raking up the memories, his eyes watering as he did so.

“I’m sorry” Justin said softly, placing a hand on his shoulder. Lance looked at the hand, blinking back tears he followed the hand up to the face of his friend, smiling a little at him.

“See I...” Justin started, remembering the previous week when he’d wanted to talk to Lance about Josh’s injuries. He hadn’t gotten a chance then and he hoped he could finally ask him. Although it wasn’t exactly a good time, maybe there was a connection but Lance didn’t let him finish.

“Shut up, don’t even think about saying I told you so” Lance suddenly snarled at his friend. He didn’t want a lecture, Justin had no right to lecture him.

“I wasn’t!” Justin defended. Lance gave him a pointed look.

“I swear! I just wanted to you talk to you about something”

“What?” Lance asked a bit suspicious but his voice was softer and friendlier.

“Josh” Justin breathed, knowing that that name was like adding oil to the fire.

“What?!” Lance exclaimed.

“I just… I really think he wanted...” Justin started immediately. Lance held up a hand, silencing Justin.

“I really don’t give a shit about what he wants”

“No Lance but he...” Justin denied, continuing his ranting but Lance interrupted again.

“He fucking lured me into telling him where the safe was, hung out with me for months just so he could rob us later so forgive me if I don’t give a damn” Lance raved.

“Ok I understand but...”

“I don’t want to hear about him or talk about him. I don’t care anymore. He deserved it for all I care...”

“But you said...” Justin interrupted this time but Lance interrupted in his turn.

“I know what I said and well... I was wrong”
