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« Chapter 45 »

“Josh get up” Justin gently prodded the sleeping boy. Josh groaned and rolled over. A hand on his shoulder however made him instantly awake; he still had nightmares about Henry coming into his room and beating the shit out of him. The hand on his shoulder seemed too real and he was up instantly, bolting upright. However Justin’s smiling face, reassured him he was safe immediately and he took a deep breath.

“Good morning” Justin greeted.

“Hi” Josh whispered sheepishly.

“It’s time to get up” Justin informed him.

“I made you breakfast” he added while he turned to pick up the tray of food he’d carried upstairs.

“You did?” Josh asked shocked.

“Uh-huh” he confirmed as he placed the tray in Josh’s lap.

“Thank you” he said smiling as he eyed the food. He wasn’t really hungry; he was nervous about going to school and seeing all those people again, he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to choke it down but Justin smiling down at him, Justin who’d made this breakfast especially for him made him want to eat something.

He managed to force down a sandwich and two bites of his egg with Justin eyeing him the whole time.

“You nervous?” he asked gently, once Josh was done.

Josh ducked his head a little before meeting Justin’s eyes slowly. He nodded.

“I’ll let you get dressed” Justin said after a nod, deciding to not push this as he caught the look in Josh’s eyes.

“I’ll wait downstairs” Justin added with a small smile. Josh returned the smile, watching as Justin took the tray from him and went to the door, closing it softly behind him as he balanced the tray on one hand.

Josh let out a deep sigh, as he heard Justin on the stairs, his shoulders slumped as his hands found each other in his lap. He let out another deep breath; mentally preparing himself for the day ahead although he had a feeling it was no use. He would never be prepared for this. He thought maybe he was overreacting, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad, maybe he was just being a baby… but he couldn’t help it. He was worried what the people in class would say, he was worried about what they would do. It had been over two weeks since he last went to school and he’d gotten used to this safe house, he was afraid to face them.

He pushed the covers off of him in one movement, forcing himself out of bed. He went to his dresser, pulling out a pair of jeans Justin’s mother had bought him. She’d taken him shopping and bought him some clothes, he smiled as he remembered the afternoon. He’d been shy and a bit scared at first but Justin’s mom made him feel comfortable only 30 minutes into it. She even reminded Josh of his mother. She was warm and kind and he’d enjoyed her company.

Once dressed he picked up some books and his backpack. It was his, Mrs. Grandon had brought him his books and stuff. Josh had told her he didn’t want it but he now understood why she’d persisted. He sighed shoving some books into the backpack before zipping it up, letting it drop to the floor as he moved to the mirror. He stared at his reflection; he looked tired. That was no wonder really; he hadn’t really slept very well, thought about the things that could happen today. It worried him and that was not all. Josh was not only worried about all the kids in school; Mr. Henman was a thing to worry about as well.

Mr. Henman had definitely heard about what had happened and Josh remembered the warning; “Don’t ever let me hear about you getting arrested again or I’ll triple that detention… when you get out of prison.”

Josh shook his head, shaking the thoughts; he needed to get going and so he pulled his hand through his hair, picked up his backpack and stepped out of the room.

“Oh hey” Josh said surprised as he walked in the room and was met with two pair of eyes instead of the one he’d been expecting. Lance was there too.

“Hi” Lance smiled.

“I told him” Justin informed Josh. Justin had called Lance on Saturday for advice on how to get Josh to come to school with him. He’d told Lance about what had happened and Lance had advised him to be honest. He knew how simple that sounded but the truth was always the easiest way. Justin had wanted to take his advice but as he’d caught Josh’s sad expression and his almost liquid blue eyes he just couldn’t.

Josh nodded in response before he pulled on his jacket.

He breathed another sigh, “I’m done”

“You ready?” Justin asked as he put his arm around the thin boy. He nodded, then stared into Justin’s eyes.

“Yes” Justin slowly brought his lips closer to Josh’s, kissing him gently. Josh wanted to pull back; Lance didn’t know yet! But when he caught Lance’s smile he discovered that Lance did in fact know.

“You know?” he asked astonished.

Lance nodded.

“Justin told me” Lance explained gesturing towards Justin who still had an arm around Josh.

“About ten times” Lance added, rolling his eyes playfully. Josh smiled a little as well, gazing up to meet Justin’s eyes; he was proud, proud Josh wanted to be with him.

“You never told me you were gay” Lance said lightly, not at all accusingly. Josh looked down, embarrassed.

“I haven’t told anybody. I couldn’t, I’m sorry” he said softly. Josh seemed to think of something suddenly.

“You mean it’s ok if I am?” he asked incredulously.

“Sure, why not? Justin is gay, I don’t mind really. I’m glad you guys are happy” Lance reassured. Josh could hardly believe his ears.

“Just promise me you’ll get a room when you get beyond the kissing part” Lance added with a wink. Josh smiled a little, glad his friend accepted him and could joke about it. Justin pretended to be angry.

“Shut up Bass” he said, smacking him lightly, pushing him out the door. He kept Josh close to him, taking a moment to kiss him sweetly and reassure him once again.

“See, it will be ok. I promise” he told him softly, kissing him one more time before he guided Josh out the door, the three of them heading for school.
