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« Chapter 47 »

They were all surprised when they were faced with a new English teacher the next day; Mrs. Hover. Especially Brad’s look was classical; he would no longer be able to get to Josh in English class and his look was hilarious.

Josh now understood what Justin had meant when he’d said Mr. Zaggery wouldn’t bother him again. He’d made him quit. Josh smiled fully for the first time and the butterflies in Justin’s stomach went nuts when he caught the sweet smile. Satisfied they both settled in their seat and Lance looked adoringly when he caught the dreamy glance on both his friends’ faces after they’d met each other’s eyes.

He got them to like each other, more than he’d asked for but it was better, way better.

He couldn’t have asked for more.

They were good for each other and with that thought Lance also settled in his seat; satisfied.

Josh settled in quite nicely; he even enjoyed English classes now and with Lance and Justin around almost constantly he didn’t have to worry about Brad either. Everything finally seemed to be normal and going somewhere. He knew the trial was getting closer but it all really wasn’t so bad anymore. Justin and Lance truly made it easier.

He was however afraid something bad would happen because he was just not this lucky. Finally everything seemed to really be ok but in Josh’s life that never lasted long.

He was waiting for something to screw that up since it always did; making him anything but normal once again.

“You want to come over?” Lance invited suddenly.

Josh had not seen this coming. It was nearing the end of the week and Lance was fed up with the homework; he needed to do something fun. Inviting Josh to come over seemed like a good idea. He hadn’t spent any time alone with Josh since Josh revealed his past and Lance thought it would be good for them to do something together again; watch a movie like old times.

“Oh” Josh breathed, taking aback. “You sure?”

“Yes come on, we’ll watch a movie, have a drink” Lance offered.

Josh finally smiled. “Ok” He did want to go, he hadn’t expected Lance to invite him again and he was a little hesitant about going to the house again but he did look forward to spending some time with his friend. As if nothing happened.

Lance’s parents weren’t home, as usual and Josh breathed a sigh of relief; he didn’t want to deal with them too. They must know him… he was just glad they weren’t here. As Lance opened the door for him and invited him in; uninvited memories passed in front of his eyes. The last time he was here…

“Just let it go Josh, come on” Lance interrupted his thoughts; he knew what Josh was thinking about but that was not the reason he’d invited him and he wanted to forget. The sooner Josh would get used to coming to his house again, the sooner they could forget.

“I want to thank you Lance. If it wasn’t for you…” Josh said, realizing he’d never thanked Lance for all the things he’d done for him, as they took a seat on the couch; drinks and snacks in front of them. Josh wanted to get this off his chest before they started the movie. He wanted to enjoy it.

“It’s ok Josh” Lance reassured, picking up the remote control to turn on the TV. Josh stopped him, putting his hand over the remote.

“No really everything I have now, I have it thanks to you”

“No you don’t” Lance denied.

“Yes I do”

“Justin helped too” Lance said shyly, he was not good at this.

“Justin only believed in me because of you Lance. I’ll never be able to repay you for everything you’ve done for me” Josh continued, he was dead serious.

“Stop Josh, you’re making me blush” Lance scolded playfully.

Josh smiled a small smile, finally leaning back a little; giving Lance some space.

“You can promise me one thing though” Lance said seriously.

“Oh, um… ok what is it?” Josh asked curiously but nervous as well.

“Promise me you’ll never steal again”

Josh’s nervous features turned into a smile; he could promise that, he never wanted to steal again.

“I promise” Josh said seriously. Lance smiled.

“Believe me I’ll never steal again, never”

“I believe you” Lance said surely; the trust in Josh was back. Actually Lance wasn’t even sure if it had ever gone away. He’d just been too angry to really see clear.

“I owe you forever” Josh said softly.

“No you don’t” Lance denied again.

“I’m just glad I could help. I’m sorry you had to go through all of that”

Josh smiled his small shy smile.

“You deserve everything you have right now”

“Thanks to you” Josh said again.

“I’m glad you’re ok now. Now let’s watch a movie” Josh nodded in agreement.

Lance smiled, “Your pick”

Josh was smiling when he came home, well Justin’s home; he knew Justin was away so he would have a little time for himself. He loved Justin for wanting to take care of him, wanting to protect him but the prospect of being alone for a little while was luring as well. He’d been nothing but alone for the past few years and it took some time getting used to that there were now people who cared about him and were there for him. He had to get used to the fact that he was no longer alone.

He caught the note when he walked into the kitchen to get himself a drink. He read it as he popped open the can of soda, taking a sip as he read over the rim.

Dear Josh and Justin,

We went out to the mall and we’ll have diner afterwards. We’ll be back sometime tonight. Be good and don’t forget to eat.

Love, Paul and Lynn

Justin was playing basketball with a friend and now he was totally alone. He sighed, dropping himself onto the sofa with the latest book he’d been reading. It was so quiet, so peacefully quiet and the best thing; there was nothing to be afraid of. Living with Henry had been quiet on occasion as well but with Henry it was mostly the calm before the storm. Here however he did not have to worry about it, he sank in the cushions and opened his book; enjoying the silence.

An hour later it was starting to get dark and Josh was forced to still his reading for a moment because he could simply not see the words anymore. Unconsciously he’d brought the book closer to his face as the light outside turned to the darkness of the evening and he now was forced to step out of his imaginary world to turn on a light. Taking the opportunity he got up and flicked on the light in the living room before going to the kitchen; getting himself another soda and making a sandwich. He was getting hungry; it was already 6.15.

It had taken some getting used to to make himself something to eat. It felt weird to check the fridge; it was not his fridge he had no right to look in it and make himself something. Lynn and Paul had explained and reassured him over and over again that Josh was allowed to take something when he was hungry. That also was something he had to get used to; it went easier but it still felt weird at times, especially when, like now, there was no one else around. He was hungry though so he picked something, not too much; he wasn’t that used to it just yet. He made himself a sandwich before taking the soda can and plate to the living room, settling himself back into the comfy cushions with his book.

Ten pages later, he was startled when the bell rang. He quickly closed his book and got up; thinking it would probably be Justin who forgot his key. He didn’t expect Paul or Lynn back yet so it had to be Justin.

He put the book on the coffee table and then walked to the hallway, pulling a hand through his hair before he stretched his hand towards the doorknob, twisting the lock with his other hand and swinging the door open once the lock was flipped.

A smile on his lips as he expected to find Justin on the other side of the door.

But it wasn’t Justin.
