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« Chapter 5 »

Another week and 3 English classes further Lance just couldn’t stay away any longer. Lance looked around him carefully every time Mr. Zaggery attacked Josh with the hurtful remarks but no one flinched. No one tried to stop it. He did see how Justin would duck his head and he would try to ignore it but he saw how it affected Justin.

And it was true; it did affect him and Justin did care, he just didn’t want to show it, he wanted nothing to do with that boy and he certainly didn’t want to get involved in his troubles. As far as he knew; Josh had disserved it and although Mr. Zaggery didn’t have a right to talk to him like that, he knew he had it coming. Stealing just didn’t go unnoticed and he suffered for it yes but maybe that would make him think twice before doing it again but in this case; Justin didn’t know what he was talking about.

Lance stood up, he hadn’t took out his lunch, deciding he would go eat with Josh. Justin looked at him strangely but Lance ignored it.

“I gotta go, I’ll catch you later” Lance told him vaguely, he didn’t want to lie about it but telling him would be stupid.

Justin would just try to stop him but Lance wouldn’t let himself be stopped, not this time. He walked away before Justin could say anything, could ask where he was going exactly. Justin watched him go, strangely, he’d been acting weird all week, what was wrong with him?

“Can I sit here?” Lance asked cautious but confident. He’d spotted Josh outside on a bench all by himself just like every other day since Lance’s first day; Josh had sat by himself, all alone outside, away from everyone.

“It’s a free country” Josh shrugged in response, he had a feeling that although he would have said no the boy still would have sat down, so he saved himself the trouble of rejecting him. Lance sat down without another word and Josh made no attempt to say something either, they ate in silence until Justin came over.

“What do you want Timberlake?” Josh said defensive all of a sudden.

“Chill dude, I didn’t come here for you” he said before he shifted his gaze to Lance,

“Can I talk to you for a second?”

“Yeah sure” he said.

“In private” Justin added when Lance didn’t make a move to stand up.

“Fine” he said wiping his mouth on a paper napkin before he threw it down and followed Justin till they were a few feet away from Josh.

“Lance what are you doing with Josh? I told you, you don’t wanna hang out with this guy. He’s nothing but trouble” Justin said, he’d thought he’d been clear about Josh. Josh was trouble and someone you didn’t want to waste your time on, it would only get you in trouble. But then Lance had suddenly got up and left, a few minutes later Justin saw him going outside and straight to the one person he should stay away from; Josh.

“Oh come on Justin, he ain’t that bad, give him a chance”

“If you give him a chance, he’ll be walking away with your wallet” Lance just looked at him,

“Look Justin, I can take care of myself. Thanks for the warning but I’ll be fine” he said with a smile.

“But…” Justin tried once more, looking around for any unwanted attention.

“Justin, I’m staying here” Lance made it perfectly clear.

“I’ll catch up with you in class alright?” Lance asked although it was not really a question.

“Fine” Justin huffed before he walked away shaking his head a little, not understanding what Lance wanted with that boy.

Josh watched as Justin walked away, eyeing him he wondered what Lance wanted from him as well. Lance talked to him, he actually acknowledged him but why? He’d heard bits and pieces and knew Justin had warned Lance but that didn’t keep Lance away from him. Josh just wondered why not? Why didn’t it keep Lance away from him and what did Lance want from him? Josh didn’t know…. but Lance did and Lance was determined to succeed.
