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« Chapter 7 »

“You’re late” Henry stated simply without looking up as he heard the front door open. Josh shuffled in after shrugging off his jacket and neatly placing it over the coat rack in the hallway.

Henry was careless with his jacket but he demanded from Josh to hang up his jacket neatly, he didn’t want any shit from him in the way, or so he’d said one day when he threw the jacket at his step-son. After that Josh always hung it up with care, not wanting to repeat that scene.

He timidly walked inside, lingering in the doorway.

“I’m sorry sir” Josh apologized quietly.

“Don’t care boy, I already ate” Henry told him smugly and Josh’s shoulders slumped. He already ate, that meant they already ate.

They always ate when Henry was hungry, when Josh wasn’t there at that moment, tough for him. He would get no diner when he wasn’t there because Henry set the rules and Josh could do nothing but obey them. Shut up and obey him, that was all Josh ever did.

He nodded in acknowledgment as his eyes dropped to the floor. He was so happy he’d eaten something at Lance’s house, it was not much but the popcorn was still something. At least he wouldn’t be up all night because of his hungry stomach begging him to feed him.

It had happened in the past, even if he missed diner by a few minutes, he walked in just when Henry swallowed his first bite, Henry wouldn’t give him the food. He was late so no diner, that was the rule. He’d even made him sit with him and watch him eat while his eyes pleaded with his step dad to give him something, the pots and pans with food in front of him, the smell reaching his nose and making his stomach rumble. Henry had just laughed but had given him nothing. That night he’d tried to get himself some food, sneaking out of bed, into the kitchen to get something, anything that would stop the rumble in his stomach that prevented him from falling asleep. He’d succeeded but the next day he regretted his decision when Henry dragged him out of bed and shoved his face in the refrigerator, pointing towards the items that were missing. He’d been so rough with him and Josh had definitely felt his mistake, for a week to be precise.

“What are you still standing there, you ain’t getting any so get out of my sight!” Henry snarled at him as he threw a beer can, the extra one he always kept next to him, in Josh’s direction. He avoided it, jumping out of the way just in time before scrambling towards his room, closing the door quickly behind him to block out his step father.

He sighed heavily and slumped against the door, his heart was pounding and he was breathing hard from escaping the beer can that had been thrown at him. He took a minute to let his heart go back to its normal pace and his breathing slowed down with it. He pushed himself off and sauntered through his small bedroom, rummaging through his desk drawer he fished his discman, placed the headphones over his ears and started his CD. He flopped down on his bed as the music played in his ears, taking him with him to another world. Another escape from his life and his hunger.

He’d closed his eyes to fully enjoy the music but when the music stopped he was forced to reopen them again and to face his real life. It was now only 7pm and already felt the first stings of hunger. He decided to do a little homework, his teachers would appreciate it and it would take his mind off of everything. It only worked for about an hour, he couldn’t think anyway on an empty stomach so he gave up trying and decided he was time for bed, well not really anyway but it was the oldest trick; you hungry? You go to sleep and you won’t feel the hunger anymore. That was if you could fall sleep on an empty stomach. Well it had to because that was his only option. Sleep was his refuge and it served him again tonight. He fell asleep pretty quickly. Breakfast was just around the corner.

Lance lay awake. He was staring at the ceiling above as he relived the day in his head.

It had started out pretty roughly with Justin and Josh practically going at each other but once he’d gotten Josh away from Justin and most importantly away from school he’d relaxed. He’d opened up a bit and Lance smiled at the thought. It was all a bit uncomfortable at first but after the movie they’d discussed it like they were old friends.

Lance seriously believed Josh had enjoyed himself, he’d seen the slight twinkle in his eyes when Lance invited him to come over again however his defenses where still there. He’d not only seen the joy in his eyes he’d also seen suspicion. Suspicion of his intentions and he still saw the question in Josh’s eyes; why did he want to hang out with me? He knew the suspicion wouldn’t go away with just an afternoon of being friendly, this would take weeks maybe even months but Lance was up for the job.

He still didn’t know exactly what attracted him to this boy. It was something in his eyes, something in his posture, just something about him that made Lance want to help him, protect him and make his life better, any way possible. He didn’t know how he was going to make his life better but he knew he would; he would help him no matter what. Happily Lance fell asleep, tomorrow was another day, another day to help Josh.

But he had no idea what Josh’s life was really like, he had no idea what he was up against….
