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« Epilogue »

Thanksgiving, 4 years later…

“Oh my, look at you two!” Karen gasped as she opened the front door.

“You’ve grown so much” Karen fussed as she drew the two smiling men into a hug.

“Oh stop, it’s only been a few months” Josh argued as Justin laughed at Karen’s comment; it was the exact same thing his mother always said when she saw him. It was also then that she would say; it seems like yesterday I could wrap you up in a blanket and hold you in my arms Justin always rolled his eyes at her but he loved it.

“And I stopped growing when I was eighteen” Josh added with a smirk. Karen smiled; she was just so happy to see the both of them again; they found out Josh was gay but they were nothing but supportive and accepting. How could they not? As long as Josh was happy; boy or girl it didn’t matter to them.

“You’re growing up” she stated with a gently smile, pulling him back against her.

“I’m so glad you’re here” she said softer.

Josh nodded on her shoulder. “Me too”

“Oh my! Justin” a voice, Justin immediately recognized, exclaimed as she came rushing into the hallway. Justin automatically rolled his eyes but his smile couldn’t have been bigger.

“Hi mom” he said happily as she stormed towards her baby, wrapping him up in a hug as well.

“You grew” Lynn stated immediately once she pulled back and checked him over. Justin rolled his eyes once again.

“See” Karen said triumphantly; her point proven.

“You two planned this” Josh accused with a playful smile.

“Come everyone is here already, they want to see you” Karen urged suddenly.

“It was Justin’s fault; you know how he’s always late” Josh teased lightly, his arm around Karen while Justin and Lynn followed.

“Hey” Justin argued but Lynn nodded sympathetically to Josh.

“Mom” Justin whined, catching his mother’s answer.

“Ah, I see he’s still got the whine” Lynn noted.

“Yup and the pout” Josh added with a playful wink to Justin, making him forget the teasing almost immediately.

“Hey look who’s finally here” Karen announced, the tease still in her voice as she steered the two into the living room. People came running from every direction; Heather, Tyler, Roy, Paul, Lance’s parents and of course Lance himself with his girlfriend of two years; Carry. It was pretty much a full house but that was common for any good Thanksgiving. Justin and Josh were showered with hugs and kisses and when the storm passed Karen announced it was time for diner.

When everyone was settled and the food was steaming in front of them they held their traditional round of where everyone was thankful for starting of course with the hostess; Karen.

“I’m thankful I have all my children home again” she said, eyeing Tyler, Heather and Josh all in turn, making Josh feel extra special. Josh still loved it how Karen called him her son; it always made him feel special.

“I’m thankful for my lovely wife who cooked us this amazing diner” Roy went next, squeezing Karen’s hand.

“I’m thankful… that Lance didn’t loose his persistence and that he kept pushing me, although I was stubborn, to talk to Josh and get to know him” Justin smiled, grasping Josh’s hand.

“And I’m thankful Josh let me in and that we’re still together” he brought Josh’s hand to his lips and lightly kissed the palm. Josh smiled happily.

“I’m thankful… for my whole life basically and everyone who got me here. I’m thankful that Lance was persistent, I’m thankful that Lynn and Paul took me in although they knew nothing about me, I’m thankful Roy and Karen adopted me although they knew what I’d done, I’m thankful Tyler and Heather made me feel welcome and that they love me like a brother. I’m thankful they made me apart of their family and… I’m thankful Justin… wanted to be with me and that he still wants and loves me after all these years” Josh listed; he had a long list, with each name he eyed the person in question till his eyes ended on Justin’s; their eyes locked and Justin couldn’t help but lean in and place a sweet kiss on his boyfriend’s lips.

Josh had this list every year; he added some things now and then but it was mainly the same list every year. He felt like he needed to show the people he loved just how grateful he was and he hoped this helped. Everyone was staring; a smile on their faces.

Josh and Justin seemed very happy and they were all happy for them; if anyone deserved to be happy it was Josh and they were glad that was with Justin.

“It was nice, wasn’t it?” Josh asked happily as he lay in his boyfriend’s arms, thinking of the day’s events.

His parents had insisted they would spend the night; they could sleep in Josh’s old room and seeing how late it got; they happily took the offer. The two of them were laying on the bed in the middle of the room, pressed against each other; talking a little.

“Yeah, it was” Justin answered as he stroked Josh’s arm lightly.

“It feels so good to be here again; in my old room… with you” Justin smiled, kissing Josh’s hair.

“I love you so much Josh” he whispered.

“I love you too” Josh said softly, his eyes closing.

Justin gently lifted Josh head up to his lips; kissing him slowly and with care. Josh relaxed, sighing into the kiss; letting Justin pamper him. Justin shifted a little, shifting Josh along with him till they were both on their side; facing each other and still kissing. Justin moved both hands to Josh’s face, guiding his mouth to his, moving Josh’s head to get the right angle. Josh moaned; feeling Justin’s tongue sweep around in his mouth, teasing his tongue and licking his teeth. His hands moved to Justin’s waist as he pulled himself closer to his boyfriend; pressing against him. Justin took his time, kissing him for the longest time; the kisses started sweetly but they were more lustful, hungrily.

“Make love to me Josh” Justin whispered huskily and quite suddenly as he pulled back. He wanted Josh; he’d waited for so long and that was ok because Josh hadn’t been ready to take that step but he craved to make love to him; show him just exactly how much he loved him.

“Here?” Josh asked a little shocked. Justin just nodded. Josh bit his lip.

“Do you trust me Josh?” Justin asked, knowing Josh was worrying about pain.

Josh nodded immediately. “Yes, I trust you”

“I love you so much Josh; I’ll never hurt you. I promise”

Josh nodded; he believed him. He turned towards Justin, bringing their lips closer, touching lightly.

“I love you, make love to me” Josh requested softly. He knew how much Justin wanted this and he’d actually dreamt about it for quite some time; he was just a little afraid but he knew he was ready and he knew he didn’t have to worry about Justin hurting him.

He trusted Justin with all his heart, he trusted Justin with his life and he placed himself in Justin’s hands surrendering to Justin’s, overwhelming, love.

The years had gone so fast. It seemed like only a few months ago when he first met Lance and his life changed forever. This time however for the better. At first Josh hadn’t known what to do with that boy who’d told him straight forward that he wanted to help him. He still didn’t know what he’d done to deserve Lance’s concern. He had to admit he loved it; no one had cared about him since his mother died and Lance had made people care about him. He’d defended him, been his friend and hung out with him although no one else wanted to come near him. Despite people’s warnings and even threats Lance had stuck by him. However at the beginning Josh didn’t want Lance’s concern, he couldn’t have his concern. Lance was the type of guy you’d wanted to share your secrets with but his secrets were not something he’d wanted to share nor did he want Lance to get involved in his mess. Lance made it easier to open up and that was exactly what Josh couldn’t have back then. He couldn’t tell him, his life was too messed up to share with anyone especially Lance so he’d had to push him away instead. He could never let Lance in on the pathetic excuse that was his life. Nevertheless Lance didn’t give up on him. Despite Josh’s attempts to push him away Lance had never abandoned him. Lance was the cause of all the good things he now had in his life. Josh would be forever grateful for that. Lance had triggered it and he’d truly saved him, saved him from a life that had no future.

He knew he would never be able to repay Lance for what he’d done for him but the thing he could do, something he had promised Lance a long time ago and something he kept up; he never stole again.

Two people who’d also given him his future were Roy and Karen. They’d taken him in and even paid for him to go to college, where he was now a senior. The start had been a little tough but what could you expect really? It was not nothing to just take someone in you’d never met before and for Josh it was not easy to move in with strangers. It took him quite a while to trust them, to feel safe with them and to tell them, in his own words, what exactly he’d been through. Roy and Karen had been shocked to say the least; they’d heard a little bit from Mrs. Grandon and Lynn but hearing it come out of Josh’s mouth, hearing how his breath hitched and seeing how he closed his eyes tightly when a memory rolled by absolutely broke their hearts. The worst thing was that they could do nothing more than make him feel safe, they couldn’t erase his past no matter how badly they’d wanted to.

They understood then why Josh flinched every time you came too close, why he would almost jump out of his skin when you placed a hand on his shoulder, why he immediately explained, apologized and begged forgiveness when he only had the idea he’d done something remotely wrong. They’d wanted Josh to talk to someone about this; a professional. Josh had protested at first but he saw how much it meant to Karen and Roy and he wanted to please them so he agreed. They were happy to learn that it was helping; Josh seemed to feel better but that alone wasn’t enough. It had also taken them a lot of actions to show the teenage boy he could trust them; words of reassurances were not enough. But they had won his trust and Josh was no longer on etch around them; he trusted them and it was wonderful to experience a relaxed Josh. It was really the only reward they ever wanted; seeing him happy.

And boy was Josh happy; Josh had never been as happy as when Roy and Karen informed Josh that he could go to college. Josh had revealed that he really wanted to study….. and Roy and Karen wanted to make that wish come true. They wanted him to go to college. Josh had been so shocked at the end of that year; he’d expected after his exam that that would be it. He would be required to move out on his own but nothing was further from the truth. They sat him down a few weeks before graduation and informed him of the big news. They’d contacted the local college and asked around. Josh could still apply if he wanted and Josh had jumped up and down from sheer happiness for several minutes, after making sure they were sure, making sure it was real and it was ok. He’d never thought he would get in because of Henry. It had been his dream but Henry always blocked the way to get there. But now Henry was gone, he was no longer standing in the way; he had Karen and Roy encouraging him even.

Josh never heard from Henry again. They never did catch him. Josh was just glad he hadn’t visited him again; as long as Henry was out of his life he didn’t care where he was exactly. As long as it was far away from him he was happy.

Just when he thought things couldn’t get any better; Roy and Karen also told him they had officially filed for an adoption. It had been easy stripping Henry of his rights as a parent and the adoption came through quicker than anyone had expected but it was happily welcomed. They’d given him a home and a family he thought he’d never have again after the death of his mother. They’d made his dreams come true and he owed them so much.

And then there was Justin; who wrapped up all the good in his life. Justin was everything he wanted in a boyfriend. He’d never really thought about actually being with someone; he only ever wanted someone he could talk to and who would be there for him. Someone who wouldn’t make him feel like he was all alone. He’d often longed for someone he could talk to but he’d never actually thought about having a boyfriend although he’d known he was gay for some time. Justin was great to talk to, he was definitely always there for him and Josh trusted him with all his heart.

Lance’s friendship had changed Justin’s opinion about Josh. Justin had told Josh that he’d always thought Josh was attractive but Justin had also told him he thought he was trouble, a thief and simply someone you didn’t want to get involved with. But when Lance started hanging out with Josh; Justin had slowly started to realize that Josh was not only trouble. He’d gotten to know Josh differently; not as trouble but as troubled. A boy who had the misfortune to get left behind with a stepfather like Henry. Justin knew he owed Lance as well. If it hadn’t been for Lance they’d never gotten together. Lance had forced him to see Josh differently. He’d forced him to ignore what people said about him and encouraged him to get to know him, for real, making him realize that Josh was a lot different than people said he was. There was a lot more to him than that he stole and there was a lot more behind the stealing than anyone ever knew. Lance had made him see this and without Lance Justin would have never known that his soul mate had been right in front of him all long.

They were even living together for almost a year now. He’d lived with Roy and Karen for a few more years during college; he needed those few years to process it all; giving himself some space. Halfway through their junior year Justin had asked Josh to move in with him. He agreed happily and together they began searching for their own home. They’d soon found it and when they brought the news to Roy and Karen they were happy for them; it was more than Josh expected but exactly what he wanted. They moved in together soon after and Josh was even kind of sad to leave Roy and Karen; they’d been so good to him. He also felt a bit guilty but Roy and Karen had been nothing but supportive; Roy had even helped him move and Karen had helped him pack. Although he’d been kind of sad to move out he’d also been really happy he’d move in with the love of his life. Till this day he loved living with Justin who was also in his final year of college; he stayed in town especially for him.

That’s when Josh realized just how much Justin loved him and it was also then that he realized that he loved Justin just as much.

He went from having nothing to having it all within a year, but what a year it had been; all the things he’d overcome they were all worth it though he honestly couldn’t ask for more. As he now thought back he knew he had everything he wanted; he was truly happy.

“That was amazing” Justin panted as he rolled of off Josh.

“You ok?” he asked concerned as Josh lay still; in a daze. He was met with a full smile.

“More than ok” Josh reassured, kissing Justin hungrily. As they pulled back Justin wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. Josh settled against Justin’s body with ease. Their bodies melted together easily as if made for each other. Suddenly Justin slowly eased Josh from him; he rolled over and hung from the bed.

“Justin?” Josh questioned. He heard some rustling before Justin pulled himself back up on the bed. He turned so he was facing Josh.

“Josh?” Justin started slowly. Josh could only nod. Justin swallowed nervously.

“Will you marry me?” Justin popped the big question. He pulled the small box into view and opened it.

Josh gasped. He’d definitely not expected this. Josh’s eyes filled with happy tears as he stared at the ring in the small box Justin was still holding in front of him; it was beautiful. He then lifted his eyes meeting Justin’s dead on. He saw all the love they held and he was sure he himself had the same look in his eyes.

He knew there and then that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Justin. Justin was, without a doubt, his other half. He knew Justin would make him happy, give him the life he wanted, the love he desired and all the other wonderful things he dreamt about. Justin would never hurt him, Josh was sure of that and it was still so important to him, to know that Justin would always be there for him, he would always protect him and it was all that mattered. He’d given him his heart and a life with Justin was all he wanted. A life with Justin, with family and friends to support and love him was more than he could wish for. It was the normal life he’d craved for all those years ago and there was no doubt in his mind as he answered.


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