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Here To Stay

He's an ambitious little fucker, JC will give him that. One day on the set and he's hovering hopefully around the older kids.

JC notices the excited smile and the bright blue eyes. He doesn't have time to say anything, introduce himself. But he notices.

JC watches from a distance as Justin goes around, and introduces himself. He even dares to step up to the older kids and shake their hands, with a confident smile, that tells everyone he deserves to be here. JC can’t help but stare because up until this point he still isn’t exactly sure why he’s still here and it amazes him to see a kid that young have so much confidence without coming off as cocky.

“Hi,” a perky, high pitched, voice greets excitedly. JC blinks as he realizes the kid he’d followed with his eyes just moments before, is now standing in front of him. And even more so; waiting for him to respond. The boy’s mega watt smile never fades as he waits and JC knows he’s staring at those perfect white teeth behind sweet pink lips.

“Hi,” JC finally manages, after pulling himself together, his voice sounds a little scratchy even to himself and he swallows.

“I’m Justin,” the kid says, offering his hand. The excitement is obvious and he’s nearly bouncing. JC can’t do anything but smile back, “JC,” and takes his hand. He can’t help but notice how soft Justin’s hand feels in his own, how right it feels and regrets it when he has to let go.

“I know,” Justin tells him, with a smirk.

JC ducks his head, a little embarrassed, forgetting sometimes that he’s been on TV for the past two years and people know him.

Justin takes a step forward, bends towards him and whispers, “Don’t tell anyone, but I think you are the best, I hope we have a lot of scenes together.”

Suddenly JC’s mouth feels as dry as dust and no matter how hard he swallows, it’s like a desert. He doesn’t know what to say, he finally settles on, “Thanks,”

Justin steps away and smirks knowingly, “See you around, JC.”

JC only manages to nod, as he watches Justin walk away with an air of confidence lingering around him. His eyes travel down to the boy’s ass, perfectly round and swaying with each step he takes. This kid knows how to move.

JC smiles. It’s going be a great season.

the end

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