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« Part 7 »

“Randy, I can’t stand to see him like this” Lynn addressed her husband, only four weeks after they’d moved here.

“Me either” Randy agreed, he’d been home more often the past few days and Justin’s behavior hurt him. He couldn’t imagine what his son must be feeling.

“But what can we do?” Randy asked his wife, he could tell she already had a plan or at least had a possible solution to the problem.

“I think that the only way for Justin to be happy again is when he can see Josh” Lynn started.

“But the boy’s in Baltimore” Randy said, not entirely sure where his wife was going with this.

“Yes” Lynn said simply.

“So?” Randy invited her to continue, seeing in her eyes that the conversation was going in the right direction for her to reveal her plan.

“So, if we want to make him happy again we need to take him back to Josh and that means...”

“That we have to move back” Randy finished.

“But I can’t move back” he added almost immediately, pretty sure his wife knew this.

“I know but we can” Lynn said.

“I don’t want to separate our family and I certainly don’t want to be away from you but... I think we have to do what’s best for Justin right now because I’m seriously scared for him” she ranted, knowing how her husband felt about being away from each other and frankly she felt the same but this was an exception.

“I know” Randy told her, nodding.

“I think we need to do this for him, it’s only five months till graduation and he can go to college wherever he wants to go but I think he needs to finish his senior year in one place” Randy nodded. She knew they were seeing eye to eye on this. She’d reunite with her husband once Justin graduated high school and Justin had traveled with them his whole life, he deserved this.

“He needs to finish it in Baltimore, with Josh”

“Start packing baby” Lynn announced as she peeked her head around her son’s door, finding him once again in the window seat staring off into space.

“What?” he asked, pulling himself out of his thoughts, truly confused.

“Start packing” she repeated with a small smile.

“Why? I just unpacked all my stuff!”

“We’re moving” she informed her son, still with a smile.

“What a surprise” he said sarcastically.

“Where to?” he asked a bit sadder, not really caring, he hadn’t been so stupid to make friends in the short month they’d been here.

“We’re moving back” Lynn informed her son. Justin snapped up.

“What?” he asked, a mixture of shock and hope written all over his face.

“We’re moving back” she repeated simply.

“Where to?” he asked hope in his eyes.

“We’re moving back to Baltimore” As soon as Justin heard their next destination, his face broke into a huge grin, he sprung from the floor and hugged his mother tightly.

“We are?” he squealed, swinging her lightly.

“Yes,” she smiled. “We are”

“But what about dad?” he finally asked, pulling back as he suddenly wondered how this was possible.

“He’ll stay here”

“We’re leaving him here?” Justin asked confused, they’d never done that before.

“Yes” Lynn confirmed.

“Why?” Justin asked, still confused.

“Because your father has work to do here” Lynn explained, understanding her son’s confusion; they’d never done this before.

“But then why are we moving back?”

“You need to be able to finish your senior year in one place” she said meaningful, staring into his eyes.

“Dad doesn’t mind?” he asked, shocked they’d do this for him.

“We talked about it, we both think it’s best, till graduation” Lynn said, smiling as she saw the grin on her son’s face. The first grin in weeks. Justin had to give up so much in his young life, so his dad could do his job; it wasn’t fair and Randy and Lynn had come to the conclusion that this was their time to give something up for Justin’s sake.

“Thank you!” he exclaimed, hugging her tight as the smile reappeared, thinking about Josh and their reunion, real soon.

Justin was practically bouncing on the front seat as they drove from the airport to Baltimore, Maryland. They’d packed quickly to make sure Justin wouldn’t have to be away from Josh any longer than needed. A house to live in wasn’t hard to find either with a little help from Randy’s employers and almost a week after Lynn had told her son they were moving back they were on their way back from the airport. Lynn couldn’t help but smile endeared as she looked at her son; she knew they’d made the right decision. Justin’s smile couldn’t have been bigger and she was glad he was happy.

It was rough on him, to move around so much and he’d held up strongly but she’d seen how it affected him, it got tougher on him and this time when he’d had to leave Josh behind it had seemed to be his breaking point. Josh was obviously very special to him and he’d been devastated at the news; they were moving again. Lynn had thought he would get over it but it didn’t seem to happen. In those few weeks in Jackson, Mississippi she’d caught her son gazing off into space, sitting in his window and overlooking the street with a sad look in his eyes. He clutched a letter in his hand and she didn’t have to ask to know it was from Josh. It hadn’t seemed to get better either and Lynn knew he’d definitely not made any friends and it made her sad. Seeing her baby boy this depressed made her sad. She knew it had been time to sacrifice something for him. She didn’t want to leave her husband behind but Justin needed this and so they’d reached this decision.

Justin couldn’t be happier. He couldn’t believe they were on their way back and only 30 miles away from Josh. Not only would he see Josh again he also knew he wouldn’t have to move any time soon; he would get to stay and he already had a friend, a boyfriend even. He wouldn’t have to start over... again! This was great. He couldn’t wait till they’d get to Baltimore, just 25 miles left; Josh here I come! Justin thought as he bounced again, one more time, the smile never leaving his face.

Justin wanted to surprise his boyfriend and therefore asked his mother to drop him off at Josh’s house. He hadn’t called him to tell him the good news; he wanted to tell him this in person and he soon would be able to do that.

As soon as his mother pulled up in front of Josh’s house Justin had opened his door and jumped out. He almost ran to the door and rang the doorbell. Lynn watched with a smile as her son was bouncing impatiently on the balls of his feet.

Justin waited for what seemed like hours but were in fact mere minutes for someone to open the door. He swallowed hard, forcing the lump that had formed in his throat, nervousness gripping him, back down. He was very eager to see Josh again but also a bit nervous. The door finally opened and it was Josh. The young boy eyed the person on his doorstep, his eyes widening when he fully realized who it was.

“Oh my God” he whispered, watching how Justin smiled fully.

“What are you doing here?!” he exclaimed as he stepped forward quickly and wrapped his arms tightly around his love. Justin beamed as he fell in the hug, bringing his arms up, hugging him back around the waist.

“We’re moving back” Justin revealed with a full smile. Josh quickly pulled back in shock.

“What?” he asked, afraid to hope.

“We’re moving back Josh” Justin repeated, the huge grin never leaving his face.

“You... you’re moving back? Here?” Josh asked, hope in his eyes but adding the last part a bit uncertain.

“Yes here” Justin nodded.

“We’re moving back here” Justin said, the smile growing still.

“I can’t believe it!” Josh exclaimed, joy coming over him as well as he pulled Justin back in his arms.

“I thought I would never see you again, you said we wouldn’t see each other again” Josh said in confusion, the second part added in a sad tone of voice as he pulled back a little, however keeping his arms around his love.

“I know, I thought I wouldn’t see you again. We never lived in a city twice” he told his confused boyfriend.

“But... what’s different now?” Josh asked still in confusion.

“You” Justin said simply, smiling softly.

“What?” Josh asked softly, still confused.

“You are the reason it is all different. Good different. I met a lot of people and I was always sad when I had to leave them but... when I had to leave you...” Justin explained slowly, staying close to Josh, his arms around his waist never released.

“I’ve never felt like that before, I never felt so alone” he revealed softly, ducking his head. Josh lifted his boyfriend’s head gently with his index-finger making him meet his eyes.

“Me either” he admitted. Justin smiled a little, locking eyes with Josh as they sparkled, still tightly wrapped in each others embrace.

“I’m so glad you’re back” Josh told him, still keeping eye contact.

“Me too” Justin nodded, his smile growing, his eyes following; the sparkle brightened. Josh slowly leaned in, closing his eyes on the way as they slowly, gently met halfway in a kiss. A kiss that was long overdue.

“You want to watch a movie?” Josh asked mischievously as Justin closed his locker. Justin smiled at the question, both knowing watching the movie was the last thing they’d be doing. Justin nodded, the smile still in place. It was a given thing whenever he was around Josh.

“Yes” he said, without hesitation and he couldn’t believe how good that felt.

It was Justin’s first day back at school and they both enjoyed it immensely, going to school separately had been so boring and it was still hard for Justin to realize that he was really back. More importantly that he wouldn’t go anywhere soon. Josh smiled as well as he wrapped his arm around Justin’s shoulders. Justin turned in his boyfriend’s half embrace, wrapping his arms around Josh’s waist, leaning into his side as they happily walked off to class.

Justin lay on top of his love on the couch as they kissed passionately. They’d missed each other so much and as always they could never get enough of each other. They forgot everything around them, their world revolved around just the two of them; they were all that mattered.

Josh gasped finally, pulling back a little but Justin was insatiable. Josh gasped again, holding Justin back with a smile.

“Hold... on” he panted.

“Baby” Justin whined, the pout already appearing and Josh smiled endeared, cupping his boyfriend’s cheek.

“Just give me a minute babe” Justin sighed but gave in, lowering his head on Josh’s chest.

“Okay, you got five minutes” he added in a joke. Josh smiled.


“Can I ask you something?” Josh asked finally, after catching his breath.

“Yeah sure, what?” Justin asked, lifting his head up a bit and eyeing his blue eyed angel.

“Are you sure... you’re staying?” Josh asked a little insecure. He knew Justin was moving back, had moved back he’d been here for almost a week but he also knew Justin moved around a lot and it didn’t mean he was staying permanently. He’d been too happy he was back to question it but he needed to be sure to be able to fully enjoy this.

“Yeah why?” Justin asked a little taken aback by the question.

“No I mean are you really staying, not just for a few extra months but...”

“Forever?” Justin finished for him, his face scrunched up in confusion.

“Yeah” Josh sighed.

“I can’t promise forever Josh but till graduation that’s for sure” he revealed. Josh looked confused. Justin knew he hadn’t totally explained and he saw Josh needed it.

“My mom promised we would stay here till graduation” he started.

“What about your dad?” Josh asked, knowing he was the reason they moved around so much.

“My father lives in Jackson, Mississippi, alone, but my mother will go back to him as soon as I graduate. I’ll be eighteen then and I’ll no longer have to move with them, I’ll go to college and live on my own and they’ll continue to move when they have to” he explained.

“I always moved with my parents, we never separated but my mother saw how much I missed you, she saw I was unhappy and my parents decided it was best... for me that I lived here for a while, somewhere steady, with you. A place where I knew I’d stay for longer than four months so they came up with this plan”

“Thank God they did” Josh said with a smile, totally reassured as he leaned in again.

“Indeed” Justin agreed, as they went back to kissing. He pulled back a little as he tasted Josh’s lips on his own, fully enjoying them as he whispered against his lips.


They couldn’t get enough of each other but once again eventually they were forced to pull back, they needed the air and they settled on the couch. Justin sighed contently as he lowered himself on Josh’s chest, beaming as he snuggled in Josh’s embrace, watching the movie after all. He sighed contently once more, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend’s waist as Josh kissed his forehead.

For once Justin wouldn’t have to start over, for once he wouldn’t have to be afraid they’d have to move again, for once he could fully enjoy himself and he did... with Josh.

No one could erase his smile, he was totally at ease, he’d never felt better and he was more than happy.

More importantly he was staying.

« The End »

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