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« Chapter 3 »

2.17 pm

“Mike” a guy addressed him coming from behind.

“Yeah Tim?” Mike asked when he saw who it was. Tim was in charge of the cockpit, it was his job to make sure the cockpit was under control.

“We’re ready for the demands” he informed Mike who glanced around at the shocked and confused faces.

“Ooh yeah, um take him” Mike said pointing towards Justin whose eyes widened in fear. He had chosen Justin because he could cause problems since they threatened his girlfriend. If he got rid of him for a while, he could tie up his friends without much trouble and that’s what he needed.

He couldn’t fail, he couldn’t screw up, their boss wouldn’t allow that. He’d been planning this for a long time and now everything had to go exactly according to plan. Tim walked towards Justin while he cowered back in his chair. A strong hand reached for his collar and yanked him out of his chair.

“Let’s go” Tim instructed while pushing him in the direction of the cockpit.

“But…”Justin tried but Mike cut him off.

“Shut up,” he sneered. “Here” he said to Tim before he threw a pair of handcuffs at Tim. He caught them easily and turned back towards Justin.

“Hands behind your back” Tim ordered. Justin turned around, fearfully glancing at the man ready to chain his hands together.

“Do it” Mike sneered pointing his gun in JC’s direction. Justin helplessly looked at JC and he wished he could do something for his younger friend. Knowing he couldn’t, he did the only thing he could think off what would somewhat help him; he gave him a comforting smile. Justin calmed down a little reading the look in JC’s eyes as he slowly turned back around and complied with the command he got earlier. Tim snapped the handcuffs around Justin wrists.

“Do as you’re told or this will be the last time you see your precious girlfriend” Eddie threatened while he traced the gun down Zoey’s cheek. Justin watched in fear giving his girlfriend a comforting smile, letting her know he would never do anything to put her in danger, waiting for her returning smile before turning to Eddie. Justin nodded, letting him know he would do as they said before Tim pushed him towards the cockpit.

“Alright now we have the big guys out of the way we can move on. Get up” Mike ordered Chris once Tim and Justin were out of sight. Chris slowly rose to his feet while gazing around at his friends. The man motioned for Chris to stand in front of him and so he did.

“Turn around” Mike said while making a twirl around gesture. Hesitantly Chris turned afraid of what would happen, he gasped when his hands were roughly drawn begin his back and the cuffs that they placed around his wrists snapped shut. He was powerless now, powerless to stop the lunatics from hurting his friends, his brothers. The man started pushing him towards the curtain and Chris was afraid they’d take him away from his friends. If that was the case he couldn’t do anything for them.

“Where are we going?” he asked quietly. The guy didn’t answer him and that only worried him more.

“Don’t take me away from them” he pleaded quietly.

“Shut up” Mike sneered and pushed him harder. They stopped at the back row, with six chairs in a row. The man pushed him in the far right one and buckled his seatbelt, pulling it tight causing Chris to gasp for air.

“Hey I need to breathe alright!” he shrieked trying to get the man to loosen it but all he got was a smack against his head. He ducked his head and closed his eyes to calm his breathing and to push the tingling pain away. His feet were bound with rope when he opened his eyes again but he never felt them being tied up.

“Ok, next” the man mocked while he gestured for Joey to stand up.

“Alright I suggest you just shut up and do as I say” Mike warned before he also snapped handcuffs around Joey’s wrist and pushed him in the chair next to Chris, Justin still hadn’t returned.

2.39 pm

Justin was amazed he was in the cockpit of an airplane, he’d flown in a plane many times before but he had never been in a cockpit. The inner child taking over but he snapped out of it when he remembered why he was here.

“Have a seat” Tim instructed while he pushed Justin towards a chair in the cockpit. Justin stumbled towards the seat and slowly sat down glancing at the pilot and co-pilot giving them a small smile. Tim grabbed a headphone with a microphone attached to it, putting it over Justin’s ears.

“Only say something when we tell you to” Tim instructed while he put a piece of paper in front of him.

“This is flight 2084A come in” Tim said into his microphone.

“This is the traffic control tower, come in” a man responded. Tim nodded, a sign for Justin that he could start reading from the paper in front of him. He scooted closer to the edge of the chair and began reading,

“This plane has been hijacked and is… um… no longer under the control of our captain” Justin read in a shaky voice, he paused at the end of the sentence and the man he was talking to took the opportunity to ask him a question. He heard that it was a different man then who’d addressed the tower and he could hear the man who was talking was reading something, he sounded afraid.

“What’s your name?” Justin glanced at Tim to see if he could give him an answer. Tim nodded giving him permission to give his name.

“Justin Timberlake”

“Are they threatening you right now?” the man asked.

“Yes” Justin said without asking Tim who put the gun against his head in an instant.

“Watch what you say” he whispered in an angry tone of voice.

“Ok, just tell me what they want you to say” the man said calmly while he pushed the alarm button and recorded the conversation.

“Um... ok, they want um... 10 million dollars in bags, untraceable, when we arrive at um… New York airport. In exchange for the money we’ll give you …. um one… hundred passengers. The rest will be released in London after we’re safe…” he ended.

“We’ll be in touch” Tim interfered before he shut the radio off, making sure the man had no opportunity to interfere.

“How do you know they’ll get the money in time?” Justin asked fearfully while allowing Tim to pull him out of the chair.

“They better if they know what’s good for the passengers…” he said in a tone of voice that scared Justin before he punched Justin in the gut. He hunched forward trying to get the air back in his lungs while he started coughing. Instinctively he moved to put his arms around his stomach but when he tried to do so he discovered he couldn’t, remembering his arms were still behind his back and he couldn’t use them to protect his stomach from another punch. The pilot and co-pilot watched, helplessly, as the young man tried to protect himself from the punches but seeing he was failing.

“That’s enough” the pilot interfered in a steady voice and Tim stopped much to Justin’s relief. He gulped for air and stayed hunched over.

“If you know what’s good for you, you just shut up and fly this plane!” Tim instructed and the pilot turned back around, gazing out in front of him, knowing he somewhat helped the younger man but also knowing he shouldn’t push it any further.

“Come on” Tim said angrily pulling Justin along with him. “That will teach you, ignoring orders” he snarled stopping for a moment. Justin looked up fearfully while whispering,

“I did what you told me”

“Did I say you could say you were being threatened?” he spat out.

“No” Justin whispered, understanding what this was about.

“Good,” he said before he started moving again.

“Let’s get you back” Tim said to Justin pushing him back to the business class where Mike was still busy tying up the members of Nsync before their boss would make his entrance.

2.52 pm

“Here you go Mr. Chasez,” Mike smiled while he pushed JC in the chair next to Joey.

“A special seat for you”

“Great,” JC mumbled. “Just like our bodyguards right?” he said sarcastically.

“Right,” Mike said amused. “Although I think you’re luckier since you get the chair all they have is a toilet seat” Mike snickered while he finished tying JC’s ankles together.

“Lucky?” JC asked angrily and frustrated he was powerless to do anything.

“You’re kidding me right?”

“Nope but…. I could make your friend unlucky” he said with a mischievous smile, waving his hand in the air as a gesture for Eddie, who understood what his partner’s meaning was. He cocked the hammer putting the gun against Zoey’s temple. She yelped in surprise causing JC to glance from Mike to Zoey and back.

“Don’t… please” he whispered, eyeing Mike.

“Hmmm, I’ll forgive you this once, but you won’t be this lucky again” he warned but with amusement in his voice while JC sighed in relief, not caring about the fact that he was being mocked. Actually his amusement was one of the reasons Mike had signed up for this. Of course he needed the money and the boss had promised a fair amount for each of his men but he would be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy this.

He liked the adventure and the power he had over these boys. Although he didn’t know what the boss’ exact plan was he didn’t really care. He’d get a lot of money for this, he could enjoy himself during the flight and when they’d arrive in London he’d disappear in the crowd so that nobody would link him to the hijacking. He could live a nice life there with the money, knowing if he’d just play his cards right he could live off the money for the rest of his life.

2.59 pm

Mike was busy tying Lance’s ankles together when Justin appeared with Tim right behind him. “All yours,” Tim said gaining the attention of his colleague while he pushed Justin ahead of him. “The money is on its way” he said when Mike stood up and walked up to him.

“Good” Mike nodded while pulling Justin a little further a head by the arm.

“I’ll see you later” Tim said before he went back to his post. Patiently Justin waited for Mike to guide him to the chair, not daring to try anything while he glanced back and forth between his four best friends tied up in the back row, knowing this would be his faith as well, and his girlfriend still in the hands of a second man. He winced as Mike’s hands went over his handcuffs, making sure they were still secure, effectively keeping his hands behind his back.

“Ok take her away and inform the boss we got them” Mike instructed Eddie while he pushed Justin towards the chairs. However, Justin stayed still.

“No,” Justin said quietly but Mike heard him and Justin felt a gun against his head even before the word was fully out of his mouth.

“Please let her stay here” he quietly pleaded with the gun still against his head. Zoey hopefully looked up at the man who was holding a firm grip on her left arm.

“No take her away” Mike commanded.

“NO! Let her stay!” Justin said angrily, he didn’t feel the gun anymore he just wanted his girlfriend to be close to him, he needed her. Mike grabbed a handful of curls and pulled his head back while he moved the gun to his throat. Zoey, scared by the sudden movement just like the others, pleaded,

“Please don’t hurt him. He didn’t mean it that way, please. Justin…” she addressed him searching for eye contact.

“Sweetie I’ll be fine, just stay calm alright? Just stay clam” she said in the calmest tone of voice she had right now. The captors were impressed by the way she calmed him down and also the rest of Nsync were surprised in how calm she stayed. They didn’t know however that she was just as scared as they were, her heart was beating out of her chest but for some reason she sounded calm. She wanted to keep herself together because she knew when she’d let go she wouldn’t be able to calm down again. She saw tears in his eyes and fought hard against her own. She felt a tug on her arm and the man jerked her away from her friends.

“Please” Justin choked out in a small voice.

“Shut up” Mike sneered before he released him. Zoey disappeared behind the curtain and Justin ducked his head, swallowing hard before he slowly walked towards his friends, sitting down in the chair next to Lance before Mike buckled his seatbelt and tightened it.

3.07 pm

“Good to see you’re feeling better, boss” Eddy said sarcastically.

“Yeah” the boss snickered.

“We got them all, boss. All tied up and waiting for you” Eddie informed his boss.

“Good job” the boss said smiling before he turned to the girl who was slightly squirming in Eddie’s grasp.

“What a pleasure to see you again” the man smirked. Zoey looked at him with suspicion,

‘How did this guy know her?’ she wondered.

“Bring her along, we could use her” the boss instructed while Eddie who held a strong grip on her arm nodded, Zoey’s eyes widened in surprise and shock.

“Ooh my God...” she whispered almost inaudible.

“What’s wrong my dear?” the boss mocked her while getting closer to her.

That voice!! Zoey’s mind screamed.

‘It was him! What was he doing here?’ she wondered frantically. When the man took off his wig and fake beard it was a fact.

It was him and he would never stop.

3.12 pm

“Why are you doing this?” Chris asked carefully, ignoring the glances from his friends but knowing the same question was on their mind as well.

“You’ll find out soon enough” Mike replied. Chris was about to ask another question when they heard footsteps approach the curtain that separated their cabin from the next one. They all turned their head to look who entered,

“Zoey!” Justin exclaimed when he saw his girlfriend in the hands of one of the hijackers again or still, he wasn’t sure, all he knew was that he was happy he saw her again.

But when the second person walked in, Justin’s ‘happiness’ disappeared at once. Lance was the first one who came out of his shock and in total disbelief he said,

“What are YOU doing here?”

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