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« Chapter 3 »

“Ashley, Ashley, can I talk to you for a minute?” Josh said when he spotted Ashley alone by her locker. She’d been surrounded by friends and family since the day they’d arrested him and he needed to talk to her. He needed to know what she was doing.

“What?” she asked before turning, seeing it was Josh she shrunk back keeping as much distance between them as possible.

“I’m not doing anything” he said holding up his hands in surrender.

“And you know I didn’t do anything to you…. why are you doing this to me?” he asked leaning in closer as his emotions took over.

“You got some nerve to ask this!” she lashed out, something that Josh wasn’t expecting.

“I didn’t do anything to you! You know that!” Josh said pointing his finger at her, he was getting angry as well.

“Ashley I could go to jail for this, this is not funny! You’ve GOT to tell the truth”

“I did” she said simply.

“You’ve got to stop this!” he said frustrated, his voice carrying a hint of a plea. His only hope was that he could somehow convince Ashley that she needed to drop the charges but it didn’t look like she was going to do that and that frightened him.

“Getting anxious are we?” she asked nasty. Josh narrowed his eyes at her.

“You disserve this! You raped me” she growled.

“You are just…” he started angrily getting even closer but before he had a chance to finish his sentence someone pushed him away from her.

“You stay away from her! Haven’t you done enough?!” Frank interfered pushing Josh away from his sister. He shoved him into the lockers while getting in his face,

“If I ever see you near my sister again, you’ll pay you understand?” he hissed, pulling him closer before slamming him into the lockers. Josh nodded,

“Yes” he cringed at the sting in his back.

“Good” Frank said slowly releasing him.

“Let’s go home sis” he put an arm around her, comforting her while he guided her outside. Josh watched them go,

‘I’m screwed’

“Good afternoon Josh” Mr. Turner said walking into the living room after Roy.

“Hello Mr. Turner” Josh said politely shaking his attorney’s hand before offering him a seat. Charles Turner put his briefcase on the salon table and pulled out a notebook.

“So what are you here for sir?” Josh asked curiously, nervously shifting in his seat.

“Relax kid” he smiled as he saw his client nerves. Josh offered him a smile but he wasn’t convinced, how was he supposed to relax?

“I need you to tell me the exact story of what happened that night”

“But I already told it a million times” Josh said a little exasperated, sighing to show his impatience. He didn’t want to go over this over and over, he wanted this man to get him out of this situation.

“Josh” his father said sternly.

“Ok, I’m sorry”

“It’s ok Josh just start at the beginning” the man encouraged him.


“Hello this is Josh” he said picking up the ringing phone.

“Hi Josh this is Ashley” she said sweetly.

“Ooh hey Ashley what’s up” Josh replied flipping through a magazine on the counter.

“I just wanted to ask you for a favor” she paused, “I was wondering if you could come over and help me with the science test” she asked fully knowing Josh wasn’t any good when it came to formulas and calculating.

“But the science test isn’t for another week”

“I know but I really need to start early if I wanna make it”

“Not only that, I suck at science” he chuckled.

“You can’t be worse than me trust me, I really need your help, please Josh” she pleaded picturing herself kissing him.

“Ok” he shrugged; he didn’t have anything better to do.

“Cool can you be here at 7?” she asked, just enough time to prepare herself for her study date. Josh’s eyes left the magazine he was still flipping through for a moment to check the digits on the microwave, 5.20.

“Yeah sure” he said.

“Ok thanks see you at 7, bye”

“Bye” Josh replied before they hung up.

“Come in” Ashley said with a big smile. Josh stepped inside, science book tugged under his arm while he looked around.

“You alone?” he asked after he saw that all the rooms he could look in were empty. She nodded seductively but Josh didn’t mean it like that. He shrugged off his jacket and followed her into the living room, sitting down on the couch after he placed his book in front of him on the table.

After they got drinks they soon started studying but Ashley was studying something else than Josh was. Ashley was studying him instead of the material he was reading out loud from the book placed in his lap. Josh was about to turn the page when he felt a hand move over the back of his neck.

He looked at Ashley with a questioning look in his eyes but before he had a chance to voice his question Ashley pulled Josh’s head closer to hers with the hand placed on the back of his neck. Her lips soon met his as she moved on top of him, pushing him down against the soft couch cushions.

One hand found its way under his shirt while the other one caressed his cheek. Josh was totally shocked by the sudden action and the position he was in now, finally realizing what was happening,

“Ashley” he mumbled against her lips while gently pushing her hands away all the while trying to sit up right.

“Ashley what are you doing?”

“What does it look like?” she asked innocently moving her arms around his waste.

“Ashley…” Josh said but Ashley silenced him with a kiss.

“Mhmm...” Josh said trying to say something which didn’t come out because of Ashley’s lips pressed on his. He was again trying to pull away from her.

“What’s wrong Josh?”

“Nothing I’m just…”

“What? I know you want me, I’ve seen the way you look at me, don’t deny it Josh” she said seductively running her hands over his chest.

“There’s no one home remember”

“I’m sorry I just… I’m not interested I’m sorry” Josh said pushing her hands off of his chest before pushing her aside.

He grabbed his book that had tumbled onto the floor when Ashley moved on top of him and he grabbed his jacket in the hallway before he disappeared through the door leaving a very shocked Ashley behind.

“And I left” Josh ended his explanation.

“Ok thank you Josh” Charles said while he finished writing down information, details which could maybe help Josh in court.

“I’ll read Ashley’s statement to you, I just got it the other day” Charles said before he took a piece of paper out of his briefcase and started reading out loud;

“I asked him to come over to help me study for a science test next week and he agreed to come. He asked if I was alone when he came in, I thought it was a weird question and he said it really strange. He had a really weird tone in his voice but I shrugged it off. We moved to the living room and started studying; everything was fine till all of a sudden I felt a hand on my leg. I looked at him and he ran his hand up and down my leg. He moved closer to me and kissed me, I was totally shocked and didn’t respond immediately but once it got through to me what was happening I tried to push him away. I liked the kissing but it soon got more and I didn’t want that. He just put the book away and pushed me against the couch cushions. He moved to sit on top of me and again started kissing me while his hands touched me all over. I tried to push his hands away but he kept touching me, I said no over and over but he ripped my clothes off and raped me. I just closed my eyes and waited till he was done, he was too strong. When he was finished he whispered into my ear, “I know you liked it” he got dressed and disappeared out the door. Now I know that the tone of his voice was from excitement and that I never should have brushed it off” Charles finished reading her statement.

Roy had bowed his head, it was resting in his hands and he had closed his eyes as he’d listened to the girl’s statement against his son.

“Dad she’s lying, I didn’t do it, she’s making it up I swear” Josh said unnerved by his father’s posture.

“I know Josh I know, I believe you” he soothed running his hand up and down his son’s back in a comforting matter.

“So um when is the court date?”

“It’s settled on May 24th”

“That’s three months from now” Josh mumbled inwardly.

“Will that give us enough time?” he asked frantically.

“I hope so Josh” the man said sincerely.

“As long as you tell the truth I will do the best I can to help you” Josh nodded grateful,

“Thanks” he said with a slight smile hoping everything would be ok…..

The truth always comes out. Right?
