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« Chapter 7 »

“The library is closing” Josh announced when he came back to where Robin was looking through the books Josh had supplied.

“Ah Jimmy cricket,” she cursed, not noticing the strange look Josh gave her.

“What?” he questioned smiling.

“Huh?” she asked absent mindedly, deep in though as to where they should go now.

“Jimmy cricket?” he repeated.

“Oh! I don’t like swearing” she shrugged with a smile which earned her a chuckle from Josh.

“But we’re on a roll…. we could go to my place but no… one is home” she finished slowly remembering the warning from their professor.

“My dad is home” Josh stated, leaving the decision up to her. She debated the answer.

“We could also just work on it tomorrow or something” Josh continued when she didn’t reply.

“No that’s ok, let’s go to your house. We might be able to finish this thing tonight” she said gathering the books and papers, putting them in her backpack.

“K” Josh smiled happily, at least someone didn’t think of him as a raping monster. He swung his backpack over his shoulder before leading the way to his house.


Had to go over to grandma’s, she wasn’t feeling well, be back as soon as I can

Love Dad

Josh read the note that was on the kitchen table, turning to Robin he saw she looked a little nervous. She didn’t want to feel this way but the voices with the warnings of her classmates and teacher went through her head involuntarily.

“I know what you must be thinking,” he said softly staring at his feet.

“I didn’t plan this, I thought he would be home” Josh said before looking up to meet her eyes.

“If you want to go home I’ll understand we’ll finish this another time” Robin kept quiet, the thought did cross her mind to be honest but she didn’t want to hurt him. She’d been working with him for a couple of weeks now and he never tried anything.

“That’s ok” she finally decided.

“Let’s get started” she said gently offering him a smile. They took a seat at the kitchen table, opening their books to finish their assignment.

“You want a drink?” Josh asked before standing up and stretching his arms above his head. They’d been working for a while, putting the final pieces together when Josh decided he needed a break.

“Yeah thanks” Robin nodded; she could use a break as well. He grabbed two cokes out of the refrigerator and put them down on the table,

“Thanks” she said grabbing for the coke can blindly, not noticing how Josh was looking at her. She popped the can open and looked at him, finally seeing he was staring at her,

“What?” she asked with a smile setting the coke can back on the table after she took a sip of it. Josh smiled back before slowly leaning in, Robin watched him in slow motion till his lips reached hers…..

