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« Chapter 9 »

Josh looked up from his book for a moment, looking around him in the cafeteria while the rain poured outside making him feel even more miserable.

‘Why did it always rain when people were miserable? Surprise it ain’t a thunderstorm!’ he thought to himself, catching a few glimpses from the people in the cafeteria. Some people quickly adverted their eyes when he caught them staring at him.

He was sitting alone once again. For a little while, he hadn’t been sitting alone at lunch, he hadn’t only had himself to talk to, he hadn’t only had himself to count on. He’d found someone he could count on, who wanted to be his friend. Although they were put together by force, they did start to like each other and Josh was no longer alone, he enjoyed it although it was only for a short period of time.

He was alone again, after his collision with Ashley and Robin he was left alone once again feeling like he was sitting under the scrutinizing gaze of every pair of eyes in the cafeteria.

“Hey” Ashley greeted opening the door for Robin.

“Hi” she smiled shrugging off her jacket.

“You want a drink?”

“Yup” Robin nodded, following her to the living room taking a seat while Ashley went to the kitchen for the drinks.

“Here I rented a movie, want to watch?” Ashley asked when she came back, handing the glass to Robin before picking up the video box to show her which movie she rented.

“Yeah cool” Robin said looking at the cover before she opened the box, taking out the video before giving it to Ashley to put it in the VCR. They actually became good friends since they had something in common now, both wishing that could have been something positive. However they were still grateful for the support from one another.

“Finally finished the economics project…. after six weeks” Robin sighed letting her head fall back on the top of the couch.

“You ok?” Ashley asked, knowing she’d have to see Josh for that. Robin nodded,

“I guess… he stayed away from me” she stared out in front of her,

“You know what he said?” she asked waiting for Ashley’s ‘what’ before she continued,

“Don’t be scared, I won’t hurt you” she imitated Josh who’d put up his hands to show Robin he wouldn’t lunge at her. She laughed bitterly,

“Right,” she snorted.

“Asshole” she mumbled to herself like there was no one else in the room.

“At least I won’t have to see him again” Ashley nodded, biting her lip, deep in thought before sitting down next to her, grabbing the remote, rewinding the videotape.

“Robin?” she asked when the video was ready.

“Yeah?” she answered without looking at her.

“Did he really rape you?” Ashley asked out of the blue while flipping through the channels.

“Yeah why?” Robin asked absent-mindedly, staring blindly at the TV screen.

“I don’t know, he doesn’t really seems to be the type to do that” she shrugged trying to act nonchalant.

“He raped you didn’t he?” Robin asked surprised, turning her head to face Ashley abruptly. Ashley didn’t reply immediately, she turned off the TV, forgetting all about the video and faced Robin on the couch, sitting crossed legged with her back against the arm of the couch,

“Can you keep a secret?”…..
