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« Chapter 17 »

“Where were you?” Howard asked calmly from the living room. Patricia had made her exit, she’d be in the pool if anyone needed her but she knew no one would. Howard had had the time he’d spend waiting for Justin to calm himself down somewhat.

Justin walked in the living room, a confused look on his face as his father pointed towards the couch indicating he should take a seat. He did before answering his father’s question.

“I was with Tamara I told you that right?”

“Don’t lie to me son! I saw Tamara at the country club… alone” Howard informed him sternly.

“I… I…” Justin was stunned, fuck, he ducked his head; there was nothing he could say. His dad knew and this would be the end of his relationship with Josh.

“What are you trying to hide from me Justin?” Howard asked, looking him over, wanting to know why he’d pretended to go see Tamara the last few weeks when they weren’t dating anymore. Why would he do that? Something popped in his head,

“You’re not still seeing that boy Josh are you?” Howard asked, hoping the answer was no but something told him that it was yes. It was the only thing he could think off. Justin stayed silent, giving Howard his answer.

“He tricked you again! I can’t believe you fell for that again!” he yelled making Justin cringe. Howard took a deep breath.

“What did I tell you about him?” Howard asked, his voice steadier but still laced with an angry undertone.

“That I couldn’t hang out with him anymore” Justin mumbled, his eyes staying on the floor.

“Exactly!” his father exclaimed before shaking his head. He wanted to ask so many questions… starting with,

“How long has this been going on Justin?” When Howard saw his son’s hesitation he added,

“And you better not lie to me now”

“A few months” he mumbled once again, still not looking at his father.

Howard thought back to that time, he’d been tutoring his friend and… realization dawned on him but he had to ask,

“You never tutored that boy Joey did you?”

Once again Justin didn’t say anything, if he said no he was stuffed but lying was even worse. However this time his father wasn’t satisfied with the silent answer. He demanded an answer with just the way he was glaring at him. Justin could feel it.

“No father” he said softly.

“James!” his father yelled getting out of his chair. He was so angry his son had lied and deceived him for a boy and a poor boy that was.

“Yes sir?” James answered a few minutes later, coming into the living room.

“Justin? Did James know about this?” Howard asked his son. Justin was still trying to get the situation straight; he’d been caught. Really caught, big time and he didn’t see James’ pleading and warningful eyes, trying to remind the young boy of the deal they’d made some time back. Howard took this as a yes and turned back towards his employee with flaring eyes,

“You’ve been covering for him!” he accused his employee.

“Sir, I…”

“No!” Justin interfered, cutting off James’ explanation, true to his word of not getting him involved. He was all of a sudden very aware of the situation James was in and he remembered their agreement. He would make it worse for himself by saving James but that was the deal. Sure he could tell his father James knew about it, letting his father take out his anger on him but Justin couldn’t let that happen. James had kept his end of the deal now it was time to keep his.

“No, he didn’t know” Justin defended his driver.

“Well he should have!”

“No, he couldn’t know I deceived him father. It wasn’t his fault. You’re mad at me, don’t take it out on him please. It was my fault, my fault alone and no one is to blame for it but me” he told his father knowing the consequences and hating the fact that James had been right; that the truth did come out sooner or later.

“Alright, alright,” Howard said once again trying to calm himself.

“James, I apologize for my outburst I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. If you want you can have the day off. Justin won’t be going anywhere for a while anyway” Howard said and Justin cringed as he felt the angry stare of his father on him.

“Thank you sir” James said, bowing in the process before he left, giving Justin a sympathetic glance as he walked away. Howard took a seat, entwining his hands in thought, shaking his head in disbelief as Justin fearfully waited what would come next.

“I told you to stay away from him and you deliberately disobeyed me” Howard told his son. Still he didn’t think Justin wasn’t the bad guy but Josh, who’d tricked his son into experimenting with fags. He knew his son wasn’t gay, he wouldn’t let that happen. This boy Josh had tricked him and he would pay for it.

“Dad I love him” Justin whispered, still having a little bit of hope his father could maybe just except him for who he was and the man he loved. His hope got crushed however when his father sprung up and waved a scolding finger in the air.

“No! No you don’t, you just think you do. He made you this way can’t you see that?”

Justin didn’t reply because he knew Josh didn’t make him this way; he was this way.

“At least give him a chance, get to know him, please” Justin tried again, he still didn’t want to give up on Josh, his Josh.

“Never!” Howard yelled this time making Justin jump.

“Justin, you won’t ever see that boy again! You disobeyed me and you will suffer the consequences for that. This will never happen again, don’t make me lock you up in your room or worse…” Howard threatened his son. He’d had enough of his son’s disobedience, he’d have to ground him for a long time but he wasn’t sure if that would be enough this time.

Justin’s eyes widened in fear, oh no… he was most fearful of the ‘or worse’.

Only once did he get locked up in the basement, it was a small space, too small to get locked up in. He was truly afraid of that little part of the basement and it was the last place he wanted to be in. That was almost like a mid evil prison, hard rocks to lie on, water and bread to eat and the unwanted company of mice or even worse, rats.

“Dad, please” Justin whispered, afraid to speak.

“Don’t do this to me” he begged him, not only talking about making him stay away from Josh but also the threat of getting locked up in the smallest place of the house.

“Shut up Justin,” Howard said harshly, unmoved by the tears that threatened to escape his son’s eyes.

“This was definitely the last time you saw that boy. If I catch you with him one more time you’ll be sorry and he even more, understand?”

Justin didn’t have the strength anymore to argue, scared for Josh and himself and the threat against Josh made him swallow his words. He’d begged and pleaded with his father to let them see each other but no use.

“You are my son and you will listen to me if you know what’s good for you, understand?” Howard finished the lecture, letting Justin know he wanted an answer by ending with, understand.

“Yes… father” Justin choked, his tears almost overwhelming him.

“Good,” Howard nodded satisfied.

“Now go up to your room and don’t come out till I say so” he ordered, nodding towards the staircase.

Justin barely nodded this time but thought better of it and added quickly,

“Yes sir”

He scurried towards his room, the tears blinding him as he fell onto his bed and sobbed.

Would he ever see Josh again?

He’d asked himself that question so many times but this time it was different because for the first time he truly thought the answer to that miserable question was… no.
