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« Chapter 7 »

The week went by slowly, too slowly for the two young people in love who couldn’t wait to see each other again. It was finally Thursday and Justin was excited about it. But Thursday came and especially went by too fast. He wished it could be Thursday all the time but he knew that that wish was useless. He should concentrate on other things he scolded himself. Like his classes because especially on Thursday, the tutor day as Justin called it, he couldn’t keep his mind on his classes, thinking about Josh was just too big of a temptation, one that he couldn’t resist even if he wanted to. Daydreaming about his boyfriend became a habit, his too blue eyes, the muscled body and the soft lips which left Justin wanting for more every time he touched them. If only…

“Mr. Timberlake?!” a harsh voice cut through his daydream, startling him severely. He glanced around him, every pair of eyes was trained on him and he tried to read their faces; having no clue what had happened.

Was he supposed to give an answer to a question?

Was he in trouble?

Was it just a way to get his attention?

Justin didn’t find an answer on the faces of his classmates and instead he turned to his teacher, Mr. Flemmings.

“Excuse me sir?” Justin asked softly, ducking his head right after he spoke, not wanting everyone to see how embarrassed he was.

“Would you mind giving us the answer to the question?” Mr. Flemmings asked, fully knowing Justin would never be able to do that since he never heard the question. He probably didn’t even hear what the subject of the class was.

Justin stayed silent, looking down at his hands, tracing over the carvings in the wood.

“Stand up Mr. Timberlake” Mr. Flemmings pressed the issue, not letting him off this easily. Justin stood up slowly, looked up at his teacher who was still waiting,

“I’m sorry what was the question?” he asked, his voice wavering slightly from embarrassment. He felt majorly exposed, standing in the middle of the class and having no clue how to answer the man.

“Would you mind recapping what we’ve been discussing for… oh let’s say the last thirty minutes” Mr. Flemmings asked, not bothering to answer the boy’s question.

Justin didn’t reply, he had no idea what they’d been discussing, not a clue at all and he had a feeling Mr. Flemmings knew this. A few giggles came from behind him, they were laughing at him but that was the least of his worries as his teacher still waited for an answer.

“I’m sorry sir” Justin apologized, not wanting to tell him directly he hadn’t been paying attention but hoping the teacher would understand and let it go.

“You haven’t been paying attention, have you Justin?” Mr. Flemmings asked pointedly.

“No sir…. I haven’t, I’m sorry” Justin answered, ducking his head a little.

“Don’t let it happen again, Mr. Timberlake or I’ll have you repeat the class on detention” Mr. Flemmings warned.

“Yes sir” Justin said while nodding his head, before he quickly sank down in his seat, making himself pay attention. The last thing he needed was a detention on a Thursday so he paid attention and every question Mr. Flemmings asked him was answered with a correct answer, satisfying him and not giving him a reason to give him detention. Because detention would keep him away from Josh and there was nothing in the world that would stop him from going to see Josh, except his father he thought sadly. But he’d taken care of it and a detention might blow his cover so he pushed Josh out of his thoughts and concentrated on the class. Later he would have plenty of time for Josh…

On Friday Justin was happy and miserable at the same time. Happy because he’d just seen Josh the other day but sad that he had to wait a whole week before he would see him again. Thursday became the day to look out to, because they had no way of communicating during the week, really the only time they had was Thursday.

Three Thursdays they’d spent together and Josh wanted more, knowing that he couldn’t he began to look for an alternative. He found it when he passed by an electronics shop on his way to his second job one night. His eye fell on a little machine, not too expensive, but exactly what they needed. A little device that looked a lot like a beeper but this thing could send short messages from one to the other which was exactly what they needed. He began saving money, a little on every meal, sometimes skipping one all together so he could save more. And yes, his stomach had been complaining when he’d skipped the meals for the money but when he paid for the two little devices that would bring them closer together, would allow them to communicate during the week, the few hungry stomachs were long forgotten and he couldn’t wait for Thursday so he could give Justin his present.

“Hey baby” Josh answered the door on Thursday with the brightest smile ever. Justin stared at him wondering what the hell had happened to him, he didn’t have time to voice his thoughts as Josh pulled him inside and embraced him in his strong arms. Shielding him from the world with his protective embrace and showing Justin just how much he loved him as he gently pressed his lips against the younger boy’s. When they parted they were both breathless and Justin still confused.

“Josh what happened? Did you win the lottery or something?” he asked still in the loving arms of his boyfriend, locking his own arms around the slim boy’s waist.

“No,” Josh shook his head.

“I got something for you” he said the smile still present.

“Come on” he urged the young boy as he pulled back and grabbed his hand, leading him to the couch and setting him down in the middle of it before he walked to the other end of the room and dug in his closet. Josh came over to the couch, dangling a plastic bag in the air triumphantly.

“You got something for me?” Justin asked happily.

Josh nodded, “Uh-huh”

He sat down next to his love and gave the bag to him, “Here, have a look”

Justin could barely contain himself as he curiously looked in the bag. A moment later he revealed two small boxes and an amazing smile.

“Oh Josh you shouldn’t have done that” Justin said as he glanced at the picture on the box. It must have been expensive he thought as he looked at the picture of the item.

“Justin I wanted to” Josh argued.

“I know but it must have been expen…” Justin started to say but Josh cut him off.

“Justin, it doesn’t matter I want you to have it, look I got one for me too” Josh demonstrated as he pointed towards the second box. Justin nodded but not whole-heartedly, thinking about what Josh might have given up for it so he could buy this for them, why he couldn’t have just said so and Justin would have bought it.

“Justin” Josh sighed, he’d wanted to surprise him with this not have him tell him how expensive it might have been and he could tell what Justin was thinking but Josh didn’t want to depend on Justin for money. It was Justin’s gift for crying out loud, how could he ask him to pay for his own gift?!

“I’m sorry. I love it, thank you” Justin said quickly, also knowing what Josh was thinking and he didn’t want to sound ungrateful because he loved the gift he just didn’t want Josh given up important things so he could buy him something. Justin knew Josh loved him, he didn’t need the gifts but he was happy with it nevertheless. Justin leaned in for a kiss to show his appreciation and to ask forgiveness for his response, Josh granted it as he kissed him back.

“Look, we can send these little messages back and forth” Josh said excitedly once they pulled back, picking up a box to show it to Justin.

“This way we can keep in touch during the week” Josh said happily.

“I miss you so much during the week” Josh added.

Justin nodded in agreement, “I miss you too, so much”

“This way we can talk to each other all week” Josh smiled as he thought about it.

“Oh Josh!” Justin exclaimed happily, wrapping his arms around the older man’s neck. Josh embraced the younger boy once again; now this was the response he’d been going for. He knew Justin would react this way about the money and he loved him for it but he really wanted to show Justin how much he loved him, not because of his money but just because he was Justin, his Justin.

Justin slammed his locker shut with a smile on his face.

“Something you want to share?” Joey asked talking in the younger boy’s ear, startling him.

He spun around swiftly.

“No” he scowled as he saw Joey standing behind him.

“Don’t scare me like that! I almost had a heart attack!” Justin scolded, punching Joey’s upper arm. Joey rubbed the painful spot with a pout which made Justin laugh.

“I’m sorry, didn’t know you had a guilty conscience” Joey said playfully wiggling his eyebrows. Justin laughed at his friend’s face before watching it grow serious.

“You ok?”

“Yes,” Justin nodded happily.

“I’m better than ok actually and I got you to thank for it” he said seriously letting Joey know just how much he appreciated his help. This wouldn’t be possible without him.

Joey smiled shyly, not knowing what to say, finally he settled for, “Your welcome”

Justin nodded his thanks once again.

“Well I better get going, Mr. Blanging hates me as it is” Joey said with a smile, patting Justin on the shoulder before walking off towards his class.

“See you later” Justin called after him. He watched Joey disappear out of sight and leaned against his locker, a smile playing across his features once again. He’d just gotten a message from Josh on his new beeper and he loved the device already. The simple sentences from his lover could bring a smile to his face and he’d never been happier with a present in his life and that counted for something, considering the many, many gifts he’d gotten in his short fifteen years of living. But the numerous of presents, mostly very expensive ones meant nothing to him in comparison to his latest gift. The fact that Josh had saved up for this one, had sacrificed one and another just so he could by him a present meant more to him than a $10.000 worth of goodies his father always got him.

The smile grew wider as he thought about last Thursday when they’d been trying their new ‘toys’ out, sending messages back and forth just to see if it worked and discovering what the little things could do. Justin was always happy when he just got to see Josh but also a little sad when he had to leave, this time however he wasn’t sad, at least not really. He could carry Josh around with him, well somehow anyway. They could stay in touch and man did that feel great. Josh did remind him to keep the beeper out of site because if someone, especially Justin’s father, discovered it, it would be over. Justin knew this all too well and knew he had to be careful. The bell rang, indicating his next class was about to start and he scurried towards his classroom the smile still present.

“Dad?” Justin asked carefully, poking his head around the living room doorframe to see his father working at the big wooden table on the side of the room.

“Yes Justin?” Howard asked absent-mindedly while scribbling down some notes.

“I was wondering…” he started slowly as he eyed his father. Howard looked up at the pause in his son’s sentence knowing that he wanted to ask something he would probably say no to. He put his pen down on the table and took off his reading glasses.

“What is it son?” he asked turning his full attention on his son.

“Can I go to the pet shop?” he asked with confidence. Howard looked confused,

“Why would you want to go to the pet shop Justin?”

“I just thought I could buy an animal…” Justin said trailing off.

“I don’t want a dog in my house Justin” Howard told him firmly.

“No, no dog just a fish or something” Justin informed him, he wasn’t planning on buying a dog, no his plans were different he thought with a smile.

“You finished your homework?” Howard asked, looking at his son.

“Yes all done” Justin nodded with a proud smile.

“Let me see” Howard demanded. Justin suppressed a sigh as he turned and ran upstairs to collect his books and agenda to show his father he was really done for the day. He returned minutes later and walked to the other end of the living room, laying his books and agenda down on the table in front of his father. He stood by, waiting as his father inspected his work, nodding satisfied he said,

“Ok you can go but take James with you” Justin shoulders slumped; why couldn’t he be a normal teenager for once? Go to the mall on his own, strolling around aimlessly and coming back when he felt like it. He’d never been a normal teenager, never was, never would be because instead of telling him; have a good time, Justin got a driver and a curfew. He accepted nevertheless as he went off to his room to put his books and agenda back in his bag. When he came back, James was standing next to his father, nodding like the plastic dog you’d put on the dashboard and just nodded all the time. Justin waited patiently till they were done talking and James made his way towards him.

“Ready to go?” James asked as he passed him, heading for the door.

“Yeah” Justin nodded following him to the door.

“Oh Justin!” Howard called after his son who turned and poked his head around the living room doorframe, waiting what he had to say.

“Don’t cause any trouble, alright?”

“Promise” Justin said slowly as he turned and walked out of the house, the sigh he’d been holding let out as he walked towards the car. And he actually thought he was going to say ‘Have fun, son’ Justin laughed at himself to ever think his father would say that to him. No instead he told him to not cause any trouble, he shook his head in disbelief.

How did I ever get a father like him?

James parked the car once they arrived at the mall, he opened the door for his passenger and Justin slowly got out, looking around him as James locked the car. James led the shortest route to the pet shop, not stopping for anything, remembering the time limit they got. When they neared the pet shop, James scrunched up his nose in disgust. He hated animals but the smell of animals was even worse.

“You go on, son. I’ll wait outside” he told Justin who smiled in return at his driver’s face.

“I’ll be back soon” Justin replied as he stepped inside the shop, grateful James would wait outside. He didn’t know if he could pull this off with him standing next to him all the time. He went to the fish tanks and immediately found what he was looking for. He addressed a salesman to help him and soon they were at the register.

“Do you deliver?” he asked quietly, leaning towards the man behind the counter.

“Normally no” the guy behind the counter responded.

“What about now?” Justin asked slipping him a $50 bill.

“I’ll see what I can do” he told him. Justin nodded in response before he saw the man disappearing in the back. He came back moments later with a piece of paper in his hand. Justin hated using his money for this but it was not like he could bring it him himself. If he could he definitely would but it wasn’t possible so he had no choice but to use his money to his advantage. His parents wouldn’t notice the missing money he was sure of that because the weird thing was that they were very strict when it came to Justin’s upbringing but when it came to their money; they were very careless.

“Ok,” the man addressed him.

“Where should it go?”

“To um Joshua Chasez” Justin started and listed off all the information the man would need to deliver his present. He walked outside ten minutes later stopping next to James who was still waiting by the door.

“Alright we can go” Justin informed his driver and bodyguard, well more like babysitter since he knew his father had told James to follow him, keep an eye on him. They were in the mall after all and Howard still hadn’t forgotten about Josh, knowing he worked in the mall there was no way he was going to allow Justin to go to the mall by himself. Although Justin hadn’t planned on going to see Josh when he asked if he could go to the pet shop, he was disappointed he wouldn’t be able to spontaneously drop by to visit his boyfriend. It was probably better like this because Josh wouldn’t have the time to talk to him anyway and Josh’s boss would only take it out on him once he left. He wasn’t even near the deli and he was grateful for that, the closer he was the bigger the temptation was and James would notice, he picked up on the littlest things but that was probably the reason why his father had picked him to drive him around and go with him.

“You didn’t buy anything?” James asked curiously.

“No, I didn’t see anything I liked” Justin shrugged, hoping James would not further question him and luckily he didn’t. James accompanied him, walking towards the exit when Justin’s eye fell on the basketball-decorated window of a sport shop. He looked at the display longingly before turning his pleading eyes on James who already caught onto the request that was about to come.

“James, can I have a look, just a few minutes?” Justin asked hopeful, he was a big fan of basketball but his father rather had he played golf. It was classier, basketball was for poor people so not for Justin. His father didn’t want him to play but Justin sometimes made a hoop of his own, from peace’s of paper or carton, he was creative in that. He played in his room sometimes but wished he could go down to the park and shoot some hoops with the guys there but his father never let him. It was one of his father’s rules and one you didn’t want to break just like all the other 3 million he often thought.

“You know your father doesn’t like basketball, Justin” James reminded him knowingly.

Justin sighed.

“I know but I’m not going to play I just want to have a look, please?” Justin pleaded.

“I told Mr. Timberlake I would get you to the pet shop and straight back” James informed his charge of his instructions.

“I know but come on, just for a little while, he won’t know” Justin tried to persuade the older man.

“Please” he added with a pout and James caved in, he usually did when Justin used the pout and he also felt sorry for the fella. He decided to make a compromise since he still had his job to think about.

“You get fifteen minutes but then we’re out of here, no stalling understand?” James said firmly but Justin saw the slight playfulness on his face. He could tell the difference between James’ understand and his father’s, nevertheless you didn’t want to try him out because James was working for his father not for him. James had to justify himself to Howard and lying to his boss could cost him his job, something that he didn’t want to loose just because the kid had gotten himself in trouble and wanted him to cover for him. No James’ top priority was Howard but in this case he thought it couldn’t hurt. What was fifteen minutes anyway? He could tell his boss, they got held up or Justin wasn’t sure what to do with the pets, if he should buy one or not. Justin nodded happily,

“Yes sir” he said grateful, if there was something his parents had taught him it was respect and he always answered with sir or ma’am, it was something that was engraved in his brain, it went automatically.

“Thank you” he said grateful hugging the older man for a brief second before he dashed inside the store.

“Dad, I’m home” Justin informed his father when he entered the living room, seeing him at the same spot as when he left for the mall.

“You didn’t give James any trouble did you?” Howard asked just to make sure.

“No father” Justin said in monotone.

“James!” Howard called for his driver as Justin slumped on the couch.

“Yes sir?” James answered moments later appearing in the living room.

“Did everything go ok?” Howard asked peering at the man in the doorway.

“Yes sir, everything went fine” James answered. Justin listened to the conversation, aware of the fact they were talking as if he weren’t there but Justin was used to it by now. Howard would always check up on him as if he didn’t trust him and Justin got mad at it when it first happened but Howard had simply said it was just him caring about him. It was then that he’d discovered that rolling his eyes at his father was unacceptable as Howard yelled in his face,

“Don’t you dare roll your eyes at me, young man!”

He’d gotten away with it then but it had startled him severely and it reminded him to never do it again.

The issue of Howard double checking everything that Justin said was dropped as well, Justin didn’t want to spend energy on it fighting it because he knew he wouldn’t be able to change his dad’s mind.

“Did he give you any trouble? Any at all?” Howard asked, ready to take repercussions if Justin had misbehaved himself. Justin eyed James for a second as he saw him hesitating. James met Justin’s pleading eye’s as he said,

“No, it went fine”

Justin let out a soft sigh of relief as he saw the reassuring smile of James.

“Good” Howard said satisfied, going back to his work.

“Thank you James” he called, without looking up from his paper.

“Thanks” Justin added his own thank you not only for taking him to the mall but also for not selling him out. James bowed slightly before he disappeared out of the living room.

The doorbell rang, arousing Josh from his peaceful sleep. It was still early, at least for him and he cursed the idiot that was trying to wake him up. He considered letting it ring but then thought maybe something had happened to his mom or Justin, he flew out of bed and crossed the room quickly to the door. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw it was just a mailman who was snickering at the appearance of the young man. His hair was standing out in every direction, his eyes barely open now that he was reassured his mother and Justin were fine and there was a print from where the sheet had been trapped under his cheek, leaving a tangle of streaks on his face. Josh smiled back scoffing, wanting to know what the hell he wanted and why he wasn’t telling him what he came here for, instead he was clearly laughing at him.

“Can I help you?” Josh asked annoyed, a sneering tone in his voice.

“Oh yes, I got a delivery” the man said, the smile falling off of his face as he held up a bag containing one little fish. Josh looked at the bag, his eyebrows raised, saying what the fuck?

“If you would just sign here” the man continued ignoring the confused, scoffing look of the young man in the doorway. Josh took the pen from him and scribbled down his name.

“Here you go” the man said and handed the bag over to Josh, a box that Josh hadn’t noticed before was lifted from the floor and held forward for him to take as well. He settled it under his arm and holding the little bag, which contained the fish, in the other. The man dug into his pocket and produced a small envelope. He gave that to Josh as well before tapping the brim of his hat in acknowledgment and then he turned, walking away. Josh closed the door, settling the box on the floor. He held the bag in front of his face and stared at the tiny fish swimming contently in the water. He carefully set the bag down on the small table in the middle of the room, eyeing it to make sure it was steady before he opened the envelope and read the little note it contained.

Dear Josh,

I bought you a Guppy fish, so it can keep you company when I can’t. I love you Josh.

Love, your Guppy

Josh smiled as he finished the note, it was from Justin. He shook his head in disbelief with the smile still on his face. He grabbed the bag of the table and looked at the fish, following it with his eyes. Then he remembered the box, he set the bag back on the table once again checking if it was steady before he walked the short distance to the door where he’d set the box. He carried it over to the couch and opened it, it contained a fish bowl, gravel, a few oxygen twigs, some food, a little scoop and the last thing; a little house for in the fishing bowl. Josh smiled, the house where Justin wanted to live with him. He put all the items on the table in front of him next to the bag with the fish before he walked to the other side of the room, grabbing some scissors from the kitchen. He opened the bag with the grinds and pour them into the bowl, he added the little house before walking back to the kitchen, filling the bowl with water. He added the little oxygen twigs for the little fish before he scooped the fish in the bowl, his new home all ready for him. Josh watched the fish swim around in circles before he carried him to the other side of the room where his bed stood. He put the fish bowl on top of the dresser on the left side of his bed, next to the window. He bend down to look at the fish,

“Welcome home, Guppy” he whispered softly to the little fish, using Justin’s nickname for the name of the fish. He wouldn’t be lonely anymore because now he had Justin with him all the time…. well sort of anyway he thought with a smile.

His guppy….

(A/N) I don’t know anything about a beeper or what it could do or whatever so forgive if it’s inaccurate.
