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This is where I shall be updating you on my stories, what is going on with the present ones and what can you expect in the future. Mainly this is the place to check when you can expect an update from me, so keep checking for the latest info.

You can find the last three elaborate updates on this page. And for previous updates you can check Updates 2003, Updates 2004, Updates 2005 and Updates 2006.

August 5th 2007

Nearly a year later, I bring you another update. I wrote a whole bunch of short stories I have added to the site. I meant to do it sooner, but you know, busy and all. The stories I added are: Here To Stay, Loved You Until Today, Back in the Day, Revelation, Right in Front of You, At Last, and Thief. All of the stories are complete.

October 25th 2006

I'm still alive and this website is not dead! I've just been busy, you all know how it is. But I have written another story for the JuC Story Swap 2006, it's called I Can't Save You From Yourself. This story is complete. I've also written a few short stories during the past week and I will put those up as soon as possible. Or check out my livejournal!

March 18th 2006

Happy JuC Image hosting by PhotobucketImage hosting by Photobucket Day everybody! To celebrate, I have put up a new short story Way of the Streets. This story is complete.