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Avril hits DA Mall!

Avril was supposed to be at this mall called Newpark Mall. We found out yesterday that she was going to be at our mall, Southland. HAHA! We couldn't pass this up! So we go there around 3 since people told us it will between 4-6. There wasn't that many people there at the time. We found out that the concert was at 5. So Taryn shows up around 4. She came from Santa Cruz to see Avril. Hey, it is a free concert! So yeah she did come on around 5 she played about 5 or 6 songs. Mostly off her new album. They were cool I guess. Her guitarist Evan is a hottie. :) I personally enjoyed a few songs. I am thinking of buying the album on May 25th. A little plug there! lol All in all a ghetto day at the mall was a bit more fun with the acquaintance of Avril and Evan!

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