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I'll keep you my dirty little secret...

It has been FOREVER and a day since I updated and since I am hella lazy, I am just gonna post my celeb pics from the first half of the year on one page, so here goes:

Mest's final tour 2006:


Oscars 2006 experience: Anyways...I got all dressed up cause the fancier you look, the less they ask questions! I saw my pal YaYa, I havent seen him in FOREVER! Chatted a bit with Vinny...Lucky fuck! 360 dollars later! Hanging round rich people will get u some cash once in a while. Anyways, we went to the Elton John, Us Weekly, Vanity Fair parties...straight up POPPIN! Vanity Fair was off the hook!! too many damn fans around though. But it was still cool. My highlights were Jake Gyllenhaal, Adam Brody, and Ryan and Reese!!! I went hella bopper over them! I was the first to scream for Adam and then he came over and signed and took pix but being as I was on the end, I only got a glimpse of him, SO HOT. The funniest shit was Jake straight up rockin out in the passenger seat of his car! hella bouncing to some rap song. He looked over at us on the corner of the baracade and signalled for us to all join him in his bounce, lol. I was screaming hella high pitch for him too. He also came over and signed but being as I wasnt prepared, I got nothing except Jake standing two feet in front of me looking way better in person. When Ryan and Reese pulled up I damn near pissed my pants and squealed ridiculously! I was like "omg, its Ryan and Reese, its Ryan and Reese!" My dream photo would be a family photo with those two and even the kids too. Reese was holding her Oscar and I was so excited cause I didn't know she had won. Eve came over, again, being as I was on the end, I got shafted. Josh Groban came over, I was like "you on the Michael Buble DVD was fricken hilarious!!!" and he was all "and he really didn't know I was there!" (if you have seen it, you would know what I am talking about). I got his autograph and Aminta got a pic so that was cool. Ben Foster came over and was signing right in front of us and someone asked about what it was like to work with Justin Timberlake and he was raving about how oh so great he is and how he was such a great actor and he was all "he is such a great guy" and I couldnt take it anymore so I was like "How bout an ass hole?" he hella stopped and was like "I don't know about that" was just funny, I was like "he is" and everyone turned at looked at me kinda evil...whatever! some tv station asked me I wont even get into that. we saw hella arrivals but when it started to die down, we moved to departures. Joaquin Phoenix came over and signed, Eve signed again, Tony Curtis was signing, Jon Voight signed, Megan Mullaly signed, hella heads were over there, one point I was standing next to Ron Jeremy not giving a shit cause I wanted to try to get Gyllenhaal!!! He left though...oh well, next time. I really wanted ryan and reese but they didnt sign so oh well, one day. Anyways...enough of the specifics, let me begin the list of who else I saw in general...Heath Ledger, Michelle Williams, Tim Burton, PENGUINS!, Diane Kruger, Jon Stewart, Rachel Bilson, Rachel Weisz, Kate Bosworth, Jennifer Lopez, Marc Anthony, The Rock, Regina King, John Legend, Nicole Richie AND DJ AM, Adrien Brody, Steven Spielberg, Cedric the Entertainer, Jessica Alba, Jesse Bradford, Venus and Serena Williams, Bill Maher, Mary J. Blidge, Ziyi Zhang, Salma Hayek, Mischa Barton, Anne Heche, Chris Kattan, Matt Dillon, Kristin Davis, Kiera Knightley, ECT...Of course there was more celebs than that there but these are the ones I actually saw with my own two eyes, lol. There was tons of people who I had no idea who they were but they were Oscar winners too but yeah...overall...CELEB FILLED NIGHT!! Oh and over at the Elton John party I got a pic with Geoff Stults, Mama and Papa Hilton (Kathy and Rick) and lol..Bobby Trendy. Mr. Trendy approved of my pink pearls too! lol...kick ass! FUN TIMES!


Chris from The Summer Obsession/Ben and Eric from The Click 5 Encounter: So yeah, afterwards, I met the guys...well pretty much. Tell me why Eric and Ben walked out the front door and all the fans were by the bus so I was like "pssssttt...." lmao. I got a walking pic with Eric and half of Ben courtesy of Eric's gf. She was nice enough to take the pic so I was the only one who got a pic with them in their stage outfits. Then after a while, I got a regular clothes pic with Ben, then a regular one with Eric and I also got one with Joey but I don't have a copy of that one yet. I didn't even get close to Joe...there was A LOT of people in my way so I was whatev, I will meet him next time and I tried getting a pic with Ethan but he was in a rush to the SUV cause they had to go so whatev. I will get em all next time...I didnt have a damn sharpie on me so I couldnt get my cd or set list signed so that will have to wait til next time too...all in night!!!

The Starting Line:

Matchbook Romance:

Bubba Sparx:


Tyson Ritter and Pete Wentz Encounter: Anyways, we waited around afterwards trying to meet the bands. After a while, Tyson from AAR was out, and some dumb chick stole his damn wine glass!! I handed it back to him so it looked like it was me but I was like "hey, don't blame me!" lol...then he started talking about roofies and shit. He was all (to the thief) "I better not end up in bed with you!" lol. And people are so bopper, they had the poor guy backed against a car and he was trying to control it but it wasnt working so I was like "HEY, YOU ALL NEED TO BACK THE FUCK UP SO HE CAN BREATHE!" he gave me a gracious look so that was cool. lol. I got my CD signed and I got a pic with him and then when he was done, he left the wine glass on the car and I was all fallin over, grabbing his shoulder to hold myself up, lol and I was like "Do you want ur wine glass?" and he was all "oh yeah, good call!" lol. He was super cool with the freak boppers and all so props to him! And yeah, after AT LEAST and hour, the crowd had dwindled down to maybe 10-15 people and sure enough, Pete came over to the fence and was signing autographs. Smart move for him cause he would been raped had he come out on the other side of the fence but the fact that he acknowledged fans was fuckin awesome! People talk so much shit about him and FOB and how they are ass holes but in my experience they have been nice and he has been nothing but super sweet. He was makin sure all the fans were getting autographs but our end of the fence and then I was like "Pete, we have some pix for you" and he was very interested in those, lol. I didn't mean to say it loudly but it came out and I was like "pete dont ditch us" cause he had gone back to the other side and I didnt mean for him to hear it but he was all "pete don't what?" I had to try to cover it up but I couldnt. It was no biggy so we actually got some conversation in, lol. Drunk guys, Harry Potter kids and all. Aminta gave him the druken pix of the last time we saw him, he was all "oh yeah, that guy was sick" shit, we witnessed the vomit come out of his mouth out the side of the car we were in, lol. But yeah, Aminta showed him some personalized clips for him on her digi and he was all "I can't hear" and she was all "take it" and he was "oh forever!" and tried to walk away, awww...too cute. But yeah, after the hary potter video clips he was all evil like "YOU KNOW WHO DOESN'T LIKE US!? THAT LIL HARRY POTTER KID! I SAW HIM ON FUSE..." it was funny. He took that shit seriously, all jumpin at the fence, it was kinda cute. lol. But yeah, he asked Aminta where the hell she got the videos from all intrigued. I love that guy. and u know what is cool, Pete does eye contact. I am not good with it usually but he was making some serious eye contact lol. Anyways, I had him sign my cds so I almost have a complete collection on the regular version of From under the cork tree, all i need it andy on that one, and now I have pete on the new re-release. I still gotta get the old cd signed but I will get it eventually. So yeah, pete was super nice and he made sure we all got something and I seriously give him props for that!


Adam Brody and Bret Harrison Encounter (Big Japan): So yeah, we got there hella early, waited around for a couple hours and finally the moment of truth!!! Adam had been walking around but none of us were ready to ask yet, so we waited. And then finally, a new pic with Adam Brody...the first in two years! And it was awesome! I really do HEART him! I had him sign my old He was like "whoa, this was a long time ago!" And I was like "yeah, it was like two years ago" and he was all "where was this?" and I was like "Spider club" I wanted to be like yeah, you were partying with Lindsay Lohan that night! But I held back. So yeah, April is RAD. lol...that is the hottest video I have ever seen! If you know April, go to her page and watch the vid. It's hot! But yeah, we waited around all day, we were first in line. Some dumb ass bought a dinner ticket just to stand in the fron of the line. I was all "are you in line" and the dumbass was like "yeah, we have dinner tickets so he told us to stand here" yet as soon as we walked in, they sure didnt head for the dinner area. I was pissed. I was like OH HELL NO! And I speed walked past them and got us a spot in the front. Fuckin fool. But anyways, the show was awesome. I did actually enjoy the two openers and then it was Big Japan. As soon as Adam walked out on the stage, I felt like I was at a NSYNC concert again with all the squeals and sighs. It was sick! lol. But they put on a good show and they are really good live. I love how Adam kept getting the counts all jacked up, hella funny. But yeah, Bret and his dance moves was hot, lol. And the best part was April getting Adam's drumstick with all these bopper children screaming and reaching for it. Adam made sure it got right to April too cause they had and agreement. lol. Then what made it the best. Aminta threatening to beat everyones asses if they tried to take it. FUCKIN HILARIOUS!!! OMG, IT WAS AWESOME! She had her fist ready to go!!! It was fightin words last night cause some bitch tried to get all hyphy with me and I was like "Bitch I will knock your ass out so you better just shut the fuck up" I was ready to throw down. She was crowding my space and pushin on me and I did it back so she tried to get loud. I dont fuckin think so. But anyways, the show was awesome and afterwards was madness! It was like the running of the bulls when we all ran through the chain. It was hilarious! And sure enough, Adam was around back so there were boppers everywhere!! I got my CD signed by all the members who actually worked on the CD, not Brad cause he wasnt on it so I was thinking, that may be weird. But yeah, I got a pic with Bret and Adam and that was that. FUN TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!

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