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Go Dumb Kelly! Get Hyphy! *Meeting*...

Go Dumb Kelly! Get Hyphy! *Meeting*

Kelly Clarkson MEETING! December 21, 2005: Ok...and this was the third time Zach and I saw Kelly live this year and this time we went for free, Courtesy of Miss Clarkson herself!!! She always makes sure her fans get what they deserve and that is just one of the many reasons that she rocks!!!!! So anyways, after the concert, we decided that we were actually gonna try to meet her and it was on. Of course the fuckin ass hole stalker hunter guys were there and they are fuckin STUPID! The fools didnt even know it was her at first! She walks in and went up some stairs and then we were like, shit, there goes our chance. We didnt get a good good look at her so we werent 100 percent sure but I had a feeling that was her. The one dude was like "naw, for sure it wasnt her" bull shit...I knew better. So anyways, we waited just in case it wasnt her then all of a sudden, she comes back downstairs to the bus! We still couldnt see her that well but we heard her talk to her handler so we were like "that IS her!" so yeah, we walked a lil closer and Zach was like "Hey Kelly! can we get an autograph!?" and She was like "Yeah, sure!" She was like "I don't have a pen" I was like, "here ya go, I do" lol. So she signed Zach's poster first then I had her sign my pic with her from 2002. FINALLY! Those dumb asses came over to where we were, cause what do u know, IT WAS HER! morons. anyways, there was like two other people who I think were just passing by or something so she met a total of 6 people and it was AWESOME! When Zach was takin his pic with her, he was like "OMG, I think I am gonna cry!" and in his pic, u can almost see it coming! lol. Kelly is just so awesome!!!! I even smiled with teeth, something I havent been doing as much lately! I could've had her sign my cd covers too but I was seriously in a bopper mindset! It didnt even cross my mind til after we were done taking pix and walking away. I was considering going back but I was like "naw, she has done enough for us, I am not gonna be greedy" So yeah! We met Kelly! After 3 years of not meetin her, it finally happened! And Zach finally met her for the first time so it was cool! The whole ride home was straight BOPPER style, lol. We even high-fived! lmao. FUN SHIT! and a pretty great way to end out the year and concert season!

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