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So this was an interesting night. Nick Carter got verbally assaulted which resulted in him almost poppin a guy in the jaw, at least until Kevin Richardson stepped in and held him back. This was probably the craziest celeb thing I had ever witnessed. It was right after Nick and Paris broke up so there was a lot of speculation out there and someone opened their mouth and falsely accused Nick of something he didn't do. I felt really bad for him. I don't know what we were thinking, we walked with Nick, Kevin, Howie, and Kev's wife Kristin to their car and there was paparazzi everywhere! It was a sad thing to witness, but everything was OK in the end. Also that night, 50 cent showed up at the club, so we did the most cliche thing we could do, we yelled "G-G-G-G-G-G-UNIT!" He thought it was funny so he threw us a peace sign as he giggled and jumped in his ride. We also saw Ben MacKenzie that night, and if I remember correctly...he was plastered! Why the heck not! And last but not least, I finally saw Jack Osbourne out and about.

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