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We're the Shit...

Simple Plan: Alright, we are obsessed with Simple Plan like no other, we are outrageous! Those guys are awesome and this was our first time actually seeing them perform a whole concert live and in person. We didn't know what to expect cause it's not the kind of show we normally see but it was great times anyways. We waited for everyone to finish performing because we were really there for Simple Plan, not really anyone else, it may sound mean but oh well, its our preference. Anyways, we walked in and went straight to the front floor. It was cool except for random people rubbing into my ass and what not and when the show started it was pretty funny. We were right next to the "mosh pit" and were kinda getting pushed around but nothing too intense. Jenna got caught with a digital and stupid bitch security lady literally dragged her and Michelle out to check in their cameras, as they were walking away, I got a hold of Michelle's camera so that she didnt have to check it in so yeah, anyways, the show went on and it was fuckin awesome. Jenna and Michelle finally got back and we enjoyed the rest of the show. I am too lazy to get into specific details but just know that is kicked ass! The guys are hot, the album is great, them live is great, everything was great! It was a fun ass expericence and we can't wait to do it again!

Pix coming soon!

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