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...Don't Say Goodbye, Say Good Night...

...Don't Say Goodbye, Say Good Night...

March 15, 2006: The Click 5 w/The Summer Obsession and Joanna-I HEART teeny bopper music!!!! I love the Click 5, they bring me back to my roots! The show was AWESOME! I was within the first 5 rows of people and it was no spot is a bad spot! First up was a singer named Joanna and she was actually really good. She had some pipes! There was some Christina Aguilera-ness about her but it was ok, her vocals were awesome. Next was The Summer Obsession, they were actually really good too! They were awesome and fun onstage and afterwards they were hella nice so it was super! And then of course was the Click Five...I haven't heard high pitch squeals from fans like that for quite a while now and yes it was rough on my ears but it was quite endearing. lol. They kicked ass on stage too!!! Loads of fun, on point vocals and everything! Tell me why Eric pointed at me? I was like..."uh..." I wasn't acting overly excited or anything, I was just kinda bouncing and kinda singing along...I think that since I was taller and older than everyone else around me that maybe I kinda stood out. lol. When they did "Say Goodnight" I let out a bopper squeal as well. I couldn't help it. I LOVE that song!!!!!!! Overall, it was a pleasant throwback for me and I had a blast.

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