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September 24, 2005: To put it simply...Green Day f*ckin rocks!!!! Omg, the concert was seriously one of THE BEST shows I have ever been to!!! And there have been many! This one is definately in my top 10! It was so awesome! I am still amazed at how good it was! I advise everyone to go see it! I had general admission so I ended up in the front, Zach doesnt like GA so he went towards the back a lil and then I went over and "sat" with Ian and Vicky. It was f*cking insane. The pits cracked me up. Some people PISSED ME OFF! but one girl literally got my knee up her ass! well...not in the crack but I knee-ed her in the ass cause she pissed me off! I got a lil crazy when people pushed me and I must say, MY ASS IS LETHAL! It is a powerful instrument so if you crowd my space, you best believe my ass is gonna come knock you out of the way! Anyways, the show was a full 2 hours and it was just awesome!!!!!! There was old and new and some covers that were quite awesome! Anyways, to end the night, there was FIREWORKS! not just stage pyro, FIREWORKS over the water! It was just awesome. Quite a spectacle!

So yeah...Friday...9/30...the end of september...if ya get where i am going with this! anyways yeah, we had a sleepover at Jennifers, lol. we woke up early and then eventually, Alyssa and I ended up going to tower to see if any green day tix opened up and being as it was my lucky weekend, OF COURSE THERE WAS SOME! pretty good ones too! so i took one. we went to arco real quick to peep it out then we went to walmart and had another photoshoot! lol. MK & A clothes all the way...well not me, but alyssa can fit in em, lol. then we posed with high heels cause we are cool like that! anyways, went back to arco, Alyssa had to leave so i hung around all day in my car, in the shade...random places. I saw Green Day walk into the venue too! yay, lol...not much but it was still cool! there was too many workers around to try something so i just stood back and watched. Eventually i went back to my car and hung around for a cut to the chase, i went in arco, sat in my seat for about...a minute... and then i realized that the wristbands at this show were the same as the SF yeah...being as i wore mine all week, i still had it on so i was like, fuck this, i am going on the floor! so i questions asked! i was pretty close and only jimmy eat world flogging molly. So yeah, that was pretty quick then Green Day came out and it was the first time i thought i was gonna die in a pit! lol...we thought sf was bad...omg...i dont get weak or faint easily but i was like trippin...hard to breathe cause we were so crammed, my neck hurt so at one point it layed back on some dudes shoulder and then at another point, i was like sitting on someones leg that was propped up and the whole night i felt like i was being held up in the air by other people cause i was seriously lucky to find space on the floor for just one of my feet. i think it was worse cause i was in the first three rows of people and in the beginning, i was towards the center too. its amazing how you can get moved around so much and its also amazing how you can sweat so much! i honestly dont think i have EVER been that sweaty before, all the people piled on each other like that...i have not even been that sweaty in the sauna at the gym! it was sick! i straight changed my shirt in the parking lot cause it was gross. Anyways, I stayed within the first 3-5 rows of people all night so I was way closer in this show than in SF. SF was better though just cause it was outside and there was enough oxygen for everyone! lol. but yeah, the set was smaller than SF and the confetti didnt have "green day" on it! *tear* and there was no real fireworks...being as we were inside..that wouldnt exactly work. but anyways, the show still kicked major ass, the content was the same as SF so it was AWESOME! and i thoroughly enjoyed myself yet again! next tour, its on! i am gonna be in the very front and no one is gonna move me! PS thanks for letting me stay at ur house Jennifer! and thanks Alyssa for keeping me company! you guys fricken rock damnit!

October 13, 2005: They released a few more tickets at 1pm for the warfield show that night, and I got one!!!! it was seriously one of the most intense ticketmaster buying events ever! i was freakin out and when it finally came back with a ticket, i almost fricken cried but i had to compose myself being as i was in the computer lab at school...anyways...i was antsy all day after that, and couldnt even concentrate in my class cause i was so excited to go see green day at such a small venue (for them to be playing at! anyways). Got there, waited in line, got in. there was barely anyone on the floor when i got in so i went to the side where there was less people and i ended up being FRONT ROW for the show! it was awesome!!!! I was all smashed against the barricade and there was times when i couldnt breathe but it was so f*ckin amazing! i loved "the network" aka green day with masks on...they were interesting to watch! it was all experimental and shit! and then finally green day came out as themselves and it was GREAT! they did ALL of American Idiot IN ORDER! and then it was a free-for-all after that. they played whatever the hell they wanted to play and even did "requests" lol...i thought it was just the same as the tour but it wasnt...they were filming so it was probably for a dvd or something! anyways...billie joe did a lil stage dive type thing on my side and I got to help hold him up!!! it was AWESOME!!!!! we made eye contact too! lol...hella bopper style! anyways, they did old songs, they did cover songs and if u count them as the opening act, they were on stage for 4 HOURS! holy shit! GREEN DAY IS ONE OF THE BEST BANDS IN THE WHOLE WORLD! i got smashed and grabbed but it was so worth it!! Afterwards, i went out to meet Anjani and Patty and we waited around to see if we could meet them but it was slightly crazy. it was so funny, when Billie and Mike came out, we were like "should we scream" but instead, our whole side was hilarious...once security actually saw us charging, they had a lil game of red light green light with us, lol. they were like "STOP!" and we all froze in the street and all. Anyways, Billie and Mike waved and raised their beer cups to us and that was that...Tre came out and i was like "fuck it" so i screamed "TTTRRREEE!!!" but same deal. it was cool. anyways, i was relieved to see my car was not locked in or towed away so we bounced. that show was fantabulous and i am so glad i got to go!

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