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...Shut Up, Shut Up, Shut Up...

We went down to LA for one reason...can you guess? Simple Plan! that's right! lol. We went down there for the guy's appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live and then for their most recent video shoot for the song "Shut Up." After Kimmel, we had our very own "Christmas with Simple Plan" Pierre, Chuck, Jeff, Pat and manager man, Eric to be exact! We took a "family christmas photo" in front of the xmas tree, it was so much fun. Anyways, after that we called it a night and went back to the hotel. We all tried to stay awake for Kimmel but oddly enough, we all fell asleep at the same time. Long drive, long day. Anyways, we weren't trippin cause we had it set up at home to tape. So, we woke up early the next day cause we had to be at the video shoot at 8am. It was early and there was like no one there! We were like "wtf...12 people?" More people slowly trickled in and we all waited around all day after signing waivers and what not, we met lots of new people, took random pix, watched the set get put together, ect...the guys got there at about 2 and we probably started filming at about 3. It was so much fun, it was awesome. We better be in it damnit! We all had "levels" so that everyone could be seen...I I really made my own, lol. I was on this platform to begin with and I couldnt see and couldn't be seen so I decided to grab my own wooden box and make myself a lil higher and it turns out, they didnt mind, they wanted "level" so I was like "right on!" anyways, we got moved around a lil one point, they had me up on this wooden crate with another girl, we were way above everyone else...I almost thought I was gonna bust my ass on it a couple times cause there was nothing to hold on to except the ceiling. But yeah, there is one point when we were all behind the bell man, one point when we were all behind chuck, we were right next to jeff on his close ups and we were near seb at one point too. Anyways, shooting wrapped at about 7:30, we got pix with the guys and stuff and then we were off. We went to the hotel to get ready for our regular night out. Lol. we hit up the hot spot and met some cool peeps. We were chatting with our friends and everything so it was cool. At one point, Ryan Merriman walks up looking fuckin hot with a beanie on and I was all casual "Hi Ryan!" lol and he was all "Hey!" I think he thought we were gonna ask for a pic...and I shouldve damnit! I only have one, another would be awesome! Either he thought that or he was all "How the hell do they know me?" So anyways, Ashlee Simpson walks up, we were like "UH...omg!" Next thing ya know, Fred Durst gets outta his car and we were like "who is that" cause the car looked important and he walks by, Jenna or Julz was like "Hi, Fred!" and he was all "Hey, how are you guys?" lol...funny shit man. Anyways, Derryck from Sum 41 walks up and we go get a pic with him, I was all "well, i haven't gotten a pic with you since April 2003 so I need another" and he laughed and took one, he was very sweet, he was all "so are you guys goin in?" rather amusing. So anyways, a car pulls up to valet and a girl gets out...and I was like "is that Lindsay?" and it was! She looks kinda different cause she lost A LOT of weight, hopefully its just natural, I would hate to see another Mary-Kate episode. Eliza Dushku walked up and I was all "Hi Eliza!" and she was all "Hey" and I think she thought we were gonna ask for a pic too. I took a pic with her on her way out. Anyways, security rushed Ashlee and Lindsay to their cars at different times and I know I was in the background of some of the razzi pix! anyways, we were waiting for Fred to come back and when he did, we got pix and had a brief convo with him, very cool guy! So yeah, one of the Black Eyed Peas members, Taboo, was there so I got a pic. LeeLee Sobeski was there and I got a pic with her too. Andrew Firestone was there, we saw him go in and said what up...told him we were from SF too. Anyways, we thought everyone was gone but apparently not. All our razzi friends were like "Paris is here!" so we were like "no way!" when she came out it was madness! I was like "Paris, can I get a picture?" and she was plastered. She stopped but wasn't looking at the camera but still...I FINALLY GOT A PIC WITH PARIS HILTON! anyways, she was all *hella drunk* "where's my car?" lol and her people were like "everyone stick together!" was insane. I know I am in HELLA razzi pix with her cause I was right next to her! but anyways, good night. We went back "home" as we should just call it now, lol. went to bed and came home the next day. It was an awesome trip! Seriously one of the best LA trips ever! can't wait to do it again! LOVES IT! lol...enjoy the pix...


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