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...Simple Plan AOL Music special, ect...

Encounters/sitings with/of: Simple Plan, Lisa Marie Presley, Nick Stahl, Tyson Beckford, Paris Hilton, Johnny Depp, Luke Wilson, Fieldy from Korn, ect...
Ok, we went to LA AGAIN...after a one day break back home and we went to see Simple Plan...go figure, lol. We arrived at the Troubador at I dont know...about 2:30 pm and got in line...after a while one of the girls I was with, being very observant said "why are all their passes red and ours are purple?" and we were like "why is theirs general admission and ours is 'premiere'" so we went to ask someone. He said "oh you guys are in good shape! you don't even have to be here right now." and we were like wtf...apparently "premiere" meant you got in before the general and you were GUARENTEED a spot in there. So we were like "HELL YA!" we kinda formed our own lil line and told a couple people who had the premiere passes too. then this contest winner walks up and is like "not only do we get in first but we get meet and greet" so we were like HELLS YES! lol. not like a m&g is all that necessary, lol. but anyways, we got in there...ended up being front row center and we were shown on the actual broadcast a bunch of times. the show was AWESOME as always...i especially loved the belting the notes before "welcome to my life" it was hot! Anyways...our BEST FRIEND Mike...the one eyed monster from Monsters Inc made it is his hero and "i'd do anything" is his favorite song. lol. Anyways...afterwards we hit up pat for some merch...TEN DOLLAR SHIRTS! woop woop! And then we got in the line for the m&g...we finally got up there and the person was like "ok we have 4 coming" and they look over and are like "OOOOH!" lol and I was all "SURPRISE!" they were all "these are our friends" and jeff said something like "make sure this is a good one cause they dont have any!" lol. hot...i hugged david...its like procedure now and then before i was even done, pierre was like "Park it right here!" and hella gripped me was gripping up sebastien too and another girl got in front "soccer style" in the words of pierre lol. anyways we took the pic and i looked at pierre and was like "btw...oh nevermind you werent even there" and he was all "OOOOOH!" and I was like "oh ok fine! do u know Amy and Debra from wisconsin?" and he was all "yeah i do" and I was all..."well they wanted me to tell you that they said hi" lol...and then i walked over to get my stuff and told jeff and Chuck the same thing and they were like "tell them hi for us!" As we were walking up to see SP again, a car was turing the corner and no joke, the passenger was Johnny Depp! And I swear, if it wasn't him, the dude looked EXACTLY like him. When we all freaked out on the corner because it was possibly Johnny, he looked back at us and waved and giggled. It had to be him! But moving on...we were sitting around and apparently i was asleep hardcore and all i here is "Stephanie Stephanie...Pierre" and that woke me up! lol. Pat ran into the door...all i heard was ::BOOM:: lol. anyways Pierre walks up and i said his name and pat was all "OH THERE THEY ARE!" and I gave pierre his early bday present since he seemed amused by one of the girls' shirts at KCA...i got one for him too. so anyways...a lil later Jeff walks in LAUGHING! lol...he was busting up. his laugh cracks me up...its like a giggle...and apparently Jeff doesnt like beef jerky! lol, Chuck walks over to us to say what up so that was cool. Anyways, we left a lil later and headed "home" lol. next day we went to meet Lisa Marie Presley and Nick Stahl and succeeded. Lisa is REALLY fan friendly! After that, we somehow stumbled upon a Paris Hilton movie set but we went over to the club. It was DEAD! we got a pic with Tyson Beckford and that was probably the know its sad when Sean Stewart is a highlight...anyways...a lil later a BIG ass dude walks out and all of a sudden I am like "OMG PARIS!" but she just continued on to the car. She had the dark hair going for the movie...and she was wearing the same thing at the club that she is wearing in the movie. I don't remember the details about Luke Wilson, but I think we saw him at the same club as Paris! We went back to the set for a while and it seems like its gonna be one of those stupid funny movies. *insert gay tone* "black hawk down...mayday mayday"

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