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...Save the last dance for me...

Michael Buble Live March 25, 2006: First off is OH MY GOD. lol. Now moving on, a Candian comedian opened the show and for a white guy, he was actually pretty funny. Ducks under the ice...EH? lol. Fun times, so yeah, after he was done, Michael came out and IT WENT DUMB. He opened with "Feelin' Good" and then proceeded to almost drop the mike stand trying to be all slick. He was singing "And I'm feeling...kinda shaky tonight." lol. Way to go about it Buble! He did a bunch of songs, it was a pretty good mix of his old and new cds. He does a lot of talkin and interacting with the crowd and that is some funny ass shit! He busted into a line from "my humps" turned to the side and tried to dance, it was HILARIOUS! He and one of his band members did a fantastic modeling imitation, acting like the stage was a catwalk and in the end of it, they came together in the middle and Michael did the "*too hot to handle* ssssssssttt" on the other guy's ass and then was like "HOLY BROKEBACK" I was damn near pissin my pants at that one! I let out a "WOOOOOOOOO" hella loud after that. Anyways, People kept giving him flowers and he was like "I feel like I'm at my own funeral" lol...he was talking about how no one ever did that for Johnny Cash and he busted into a lil bit of "Ring of Fire" and of the highlights of my life...he straight up busted into Michael Jackson "Billie Jean" complete with dance moves and crotch grab. FABULOUS! I was laughin so hard, I was doing a video of it and the camera is all shaky cause I was laughing so much. It was AWESOME! But yeah, "Home"--his own song--was of course a highlight. Got some video of that too. When it came time for "Save the last dance for me" I knew he was gonna tell everyone to get off their asses and get in the aisles and dance so I was up and ready to go. I moved to about the 5th row compared to my 11th row seat and that is where I was for the rest of the show. He did his encore and closed with "A Song For You" and for the last verse of the song, he had no microphone. He sang it center stage, belting it out so that everyone in the theater could still here him. I was like "Holy shit!" so I flicked my camera to video and got most of that on tape. IT WAS AMAZING!!! I am definitely attending next time he comes back. That was some high quality entertainment, worth every penny fo sho!!

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