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...Kid's Choice Awards Weekend 2005...

April 2, 2005: My highlights, Hayden Christensen, Justin "ASS HOLE" Timberlake...yes he is still an ass even though i got a pic, Lance Bass and Simple Plan... Where to begin, All of a sudden...I see Hayden Christensen! SP's gfs were standing in front of me and all of a sudden, I straight up screamed, "OMG ITS HAYDEN CHRISTENSEN!" and of course they all look, lol...luckily they kinda know me so hopefully they didnt think i was that weird, lol. Anyways, I straight RAN at him! hella bopper like, i dodged security and was like "OMg, HAyden can I GET A PIC?!" I was all shaking trying to get my damn magazine out of my bag and I am all "hayden can you sign this?" and he asked my name and all and then I busted out my star wars dvd cover and was like " i am sorry i feel pushy but can you sign this one too?" and of course he did and then I was thinking, "fuck it, i am going for it" and I was like "omg, I am shaking right now...can I get a hug?" and he giggled and went in for it! I was like OMG! it was fucking hot!!!!!! but now...onto a grade A ass hole who decided to be nice for a change...Justin Timberlake...we were all near Cameron and I was looking over and I was like..."no way" and then I was like "JUSTIN!" not really loud so he could hear me but just outloud and I straight ran over out of the crowd around Cameron. I was like "justin can i get a pic?" and HE ACTUALLY STOPPED! camera didnt take it! go figure! but as he is "photo-opping" with some kids, I was standing next to him and someone got a pic of it. Then another girl went in for a pic and first one came out blurry so Justin straight took the camera and was like "let me do it my arm is longer" i was like...oh shit he is gonna sabotage the pic! but HE DIDNT! and I was all up over the girl's shoulder in the pic so its great! anyways, I went after him to try and get an individual and ass hole Randy got in my face thisCLOSE and was like "STOP FOLLOWING US!" over and over again so I was like *thinking uh uh mother fucker!" so i was like "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FACE, GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FACE, GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FACE" everytime he repeated "stop following us" i said "get the fuck out of my face" and then I was like "YOU NEED TO BACK THE FUCK UP!" I seriously had a rage coming over me...i wanted the big fat man to hit me, cause i woulda brought another law suit! But anyways, that passed and it was onto happier things...SP! lol. way earlier in the day we chatted with David and Pierre and i got a random high 5 from Chuck, lol. with David, we were like "what up with shafting california on the tour?" and he was all you need to ask GC about that...and what do ya know...Benji and Joel walk up after the red carpet later in the day so we were like "Joel, what's up with shafting california for the tour?" and he was all "oh dont you worry, we are planning something special for california!" so we will see! Anyways, the night before, we met Lance Bass, and it was Lance so it is definately a highlight for me...oh AND...Duncan from Blue was there, he is actually HOT in person. The girl I was with had a tid bit of bopperness, it was great!

And of course...Simple Plan...would you expect any less?

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