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...You Guys Rock...

*LONG WRITE UP SO BARE WITH ME. ITS PRETTY ENTERTAINING STUFF THOUGH SO READ IT PLEASE!* 10/21/04-10/22/04: Woop WOOP! We went to LA with one thing in mind...Simple Plan. Our mission, to be a part of promo week! MISSION: Accomplished. A couple weeks before the event, we found out about this contest to see SP in studio...2 weeks later...we won! Lol. We entered over 300 times. We were both allowed a guest so we brought Jenna and I was gonna take Eddie but his manager can kiss my ass. So anyways...We went down to LA wednesday night and arrived at about 4 in the morn on Thursday. We waited in line for Leno tickets like the sad fucks we are, we slept on the cement steps just for fun. We got our tickets at about 8 and then asked if we could leave early cause we had to be across the way at the in studio by 5:30 and they said no. We still kept our tickets cause they are cool. We headed back to Burbank at about 4:30 and waited with the some of the other winners. Finally at about 6 they let us in the building. We entered this room and I gotta admit, it reminded me of a pimp's house or something...cheetah print couches and rugs, purple and red was actually quite funny. Anyways, at about 6:30/7 the guys finally entered! YAY! We were hella excited. These highlights are in no particulay order...they just stick out. For some reason, Pierre busts out with his pick up line from TRL and as he enters is like "I wanna be on you!" and I yell "Ashlee Simpson" and he is like "what...did u just say ashlee simpson? why?" and I was like "TRL" and he said "OH YEAH, THATS RIGHT!" JoJo asked "so who has heard the whole album" and we were pretty much the only people who hollered! We were like "um...and these people are supposed to be fans?" So yeah, Jenna yells out her favorite song, she is like "Everytime!" and then she says "The harmonizing is hot!" Anyways, some how, JoJo ends up talking about the question of the night "have you ever hooked up with a rock star?" and then I guess someone asked jojo if he has and he was all "only I am just kidding, we just made out" something like that, it was hilarious. Then he flipped the question on SP and asked them "have you ever hooked up with a fan?" and Pierre says something like..."no I dont think so" *yeah real convincing* and then Jenna yells "LIAR!" and the guys were like "ooohh!" and when we listened to it on the radio later, you can hella hear it. Good shit! Another highlight...Pierre beat boxing...we were all like "that's hot" *too much Paris Hilton influence* and Sebastien looks at us and was like "No it's not" lol. JoJo asked the guys to describe the album in a phrase and they were all like "great, awesome, scrumptialesent, ground breaking, masterpiece" shit like that. They crack me up, although I would have to agree...the album is pretty damn awesome! So yeah, anyways, they were previewing clips from the album and we knew all the words. No one else did which makes me laugh cause again, these people are supposed to be fans. I was thinking, "how do they not know this" I guess we are weird though...we did learn the words within two days so the guys were probably thinking "how in the many times did they listen to it" I assume that they appreciated it though. Towards the end of the interview, the guys were talking about signing stuff and someone shouted out boobs or something and Pierre is like "boobs are always nice to sign" and then I must've missed something cause then he starts talking about signing foreskin. I was like "you sick fuck!" leave it to SP to come up with some shit like that, they fuckin crack me up. So anyways, the interview wrapped and we were told that the guys were gonna sign autographs but they already had stuff up there to sign, so no personal items, we were like, eh..thats kinda lame but whatever. So yeah, David signed the poster thing and then saw my mag and was like "you want me to sign that too?" and I was like "sure!" even though we were only supposed to get one thing then I busted out my Leno ticket and he signed it too. I moved onto Chuck and he was all "so what do ya think of the record?" and I was all "its fucking awesome!" I had him sign my Leno ticket too. So meanwhile, while my chat with Chuck is going on, David tells Jenna she is pretty and somehow Jeff and Seb get talking about how Seb peed his pants during the Threat mag photo shoot. I moved on to Pierre and he signs all my stuff too and saw the posters I took from the wall in my hand and asked if I wanted him to sign them and I was like "uhhh...I think you already signed one" I really didn't need another autograph, it's just funny. Anyways, all the guys were like "wtf..this is out already?" about Threat magazine and they all took a moment to look at it. Anyways yeah, I moved on to Jeff and Sebastien and it was just the standard, "whats up, how are you" kinda stuff, nice lil small talk then I was moved away from the table cause we were already taking too much time. Anyways...after that we headed to Hollywood to Teen Nick but we couldn't get in. We watched it on Sunday and it woulda been obvious that we were too old and we woulda got kicked out for corrupting the youth or something. Later on, we were getting pix with SP. David was first to walk up and he stops and takes pix with us and we had him sign our cds from the in studio and he was like "what is this" lol and we were like "dont worry, we wont burn it" and he was all "DO IT!" lol all encouraging it. Jenna has him sign a pic with him and he was all "wow, I look 12." So yeah, Sebastien was next. So anyways, he too was like "wtf is this" when we had him sign the promo cd and he was like "wtf, I don't even have one yet" and Jenna was like "want me to burn it for you dawg" lol and he was all "yeah!" Then he was all "well, I have one coming to me, I just don't have the physical copy yet" so yeah, we got pix too. Next came Pierre, I had him sign a Reset cd and he was like "where did you guys find this?" and I was all "internet, gotta love the internet" and he was all "they still have this?" lol. anyways...we got our promo cds out and he was like "how the did you get this?" about the cd and then we made a lil pact with him. He was all "do me a favor, don't put this on the internet" and I was all "oh hell no, they can wait! they need to buy it on tuesday." It was just so cute how he said it, it was like a plea. so cute! so sincere! We would never do that to them anyways. People need to buy their baby, not steal it! So yeah, Jeff and Chuck walked up together and same deal, they were like "where the hell is this from?" and when we told them, they started chatting in French...I don't think they were pleased with kiis fm. But yeah, we were like "don't worry, we aren't gonna put this out there." I somehow brought up having the CD pre-ordered and they were like "thank you" and Jeff went in for hugs. HOT. lol. So yeah, took pix with Chuck but not Jeff, he walked somewhere so we were like "eh, what ev. we will get him later" Anyways, we saw Pat come out and went up to him. Chatted a teenie bit. We took pix with him too. So Simple Plan topic...we went out after that to meet up with some friends and hang's a new hot spot for Thursday night so we had to hit it up. It was my first time there, Jenna and Julz had gone before. It was pretty cool. Met and saw some celebs...Bob Saget, Hugh Hefner, Michael Buffer, Sean Stewart *big surprise there*, Scott Speedman, Al Santos, some girl that was on MTV's Made, ect...saw some very familiar faces but we are NOT gonna go there...rather embarassing actually. *YEE HAW* Anyways, over the course of the night...there was an armed robbery across the street and a fight right next to us, we had to run away from the fight cause it was getting all hairy carrie. We actually think Jenna may have started that fight...the one dude looked like 50 cent and as he walks by, Jenna was like g-g-g-g-G UNIT! and literally 5 seconds later, the fight breaks out. Kinda funny actually. So yeah, chatted more with friends and then went to the hotel. We got a tiny bit of sleep cause we woke up at 7 to get in line for Late Late Show tickets. Jenna and I went and sat there for about an hour but we got our tix so it was cool. So anyways, we got to the taping at about 4 and waited in line. Finally went in and as we were in line to get seats, Chuck was all walking around and we were like "Chuck WHAT UP!" lol and he was all "HEY, How are you guys!" So yeah, that studio is way smaller than Leno so it was hella cool. SP performed first cause I guess they had to go or something. Pat walks up the stairs and we are all "Hey PAT!" and he waves and is like "hey guys!" and the girls behind us who were "fans" didnt even know who the hell he was. We were like..."wtf...Pat is the 6th member! How do u not know who he is" So yeah, the studio manager dude was talking to people in the crowd and a group from Cal Poly was there so he was chatting with them, they did a dance contest too, it was hella fucking funny. The dude in pink rocked! So yeah, the dude asks "so are there any other groups here" and I guess we all made some noise or something and the dude looks to us and is like "where from" and points to us three and is like "SF STATE" and he was all "uh must be somewhere in nebraska" and I was like "uh. no." He was all "where is that" and we were like "San Francisco" and he was all "ohh!" how many of you are from there, and Julz points to us and is like "three!" lol *I am the only one who goes there but its just funny* And Pat was behind us and he did a lil holla, lol. he was the only person who somewhat cheered besides us, sad I know, but at least it's someone who matters! Screw the Cal Poly people. lmao. So yeah, anyways...all I know is that the next five minutes were DAMN HOT! and because of these 5 minutes...we assume that SP appreciates us! They start the song and Pierre looked back to us and smiled a few times. HOT! During the bridge part David starts singing and we were all into it hella much and Pierre gave us the thumbs up. I think we were the only people singing too. The performance ended and we were hella cheering and screaming and waving our arms in the air and Pierre looks at us and says "You guys rock!" They even wanted to play another song for us but the show wouldn't let them so they were talking in French and Pierre was getting all hairy carrie and then all sarcastically was like "yeah, we wanted to play another song for you guys but they won't let us" and the guys left the stage. The crew came out to pack up the gear and "Seb's mate Tim" was there, love that guy. So yeah, the show was pretty good. Jim Rome was really funny. So yeah, we left the studio and headed to a Friday night event but it was lame so we left. We waited for Ashley to meet us there and then once she got there, we took off and went home. All in all...DAMN GOOD TWO DAYS! So much fun! We fucking love those guys.

Some In Studio:

After in studio:

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