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...Random Celebs...

I have been REALLY LAZY and here are some pix I have accumulated over the past few months...if ya don't know...the people are: Andy Dick, Michael Phelps, Ian Crocker, Steven Anthony Lawrence, Jerry Reid, Trevor Penick, Chris Pontius, Gwen Stefani, Bob Saget, Scott Speedman, Michael Buffer, Kay Panabaker and Zac Efron, Taylor Hanson, and Mark Ruffalo, Andrew Lawrence, Josh Duhamel, Brandon Davis, Dean Cain, Pink, and Jason Mewes

Andy Dick 7/25/04: lmao...I had Andy Dick sign my chest!!!!!! We were waiting for the show to end and next thing ya know, we are inside the show watching it. lol. After it ended, we waited outside for a while and chatted with this dude, he was pretty interesting. then finally Andy came out and I was like "Hi Andy" and he was like "you guys have been waiting out here all night?" lol. he went in for hugs and shit. lol. we got pix with him, Julianna had him sign her pic and I had him sign my chest. lol. it was high quality entertainment. then J was like "we have one last request...can we all three get in a line and do the *snip snip snip* thing (from his show when he *clips* people) so we got video footage of us doing that on J's digital. it was great! then some random chick that was with him or something was like "i need to get a pic of your chest" lol. then she was like "one more of you laughing." so i was like whatever and did it.

Some Olympic swimmers were doing a tour after they came back from Athens so we drove out to Morgan Hill to a swim center to see what was up. We hung around outside the event until it ended then we followed the bus to SF to try and meet some swimmers, and sure enough we did! We met Ian Crocker, and the one and only Michael Phelps! Both guys were really nice and we got group pix with em so that was cool!

Before he was a teen idol, Zac Efron was doing a stint on Summerland. There was a Teen People event in Stoneridge Mall in Pleasanton and they brought Kay Panabaker and Zac Efron to meet some fans! It was really cool to meet the kids way back when!

Taryn and I headed down to LA to find Simple Plan's video shoot and had to stop by the club of course! That night we met Andrew Lawrence, Josh Duhmel, Brandon Davis (the actor), and Dean Cain. As you can see in my pic with Josh, we were having some sort of conversation, HOT! lol. Meeting the littlest Lawrence brother was awesome, and it took 2 more years, but I did finally meet his big bro Joey too. Brandon Davis played Bobbyy Deaver on Even Stevens. Dean Cain was super nice too!

We went down to LA for Ian's showcase at the Knitting Factory and met Stephen Anthony Lawrence (Beans on Even Stevens), Jerry Reid, Trevor Penick formerly of Otown, and Chris Pointius AKA Party Boy. I must say, Party Boy was the most random because we met him in the Hollywood Blvd parking garage!

While in LA, I think we had gotten word that Gwen Stefani was stopping by Kitson to check out her LAMB and Harajuku lines so we decided to stop by. We were outside while she was in, and then she left out the back door so we ran through the next door parking structure to try and meet her in the back. She was super awesome and was signing autographs for all of us so that was nice!

Tried out a different club that night, ran into Simple Plan there like a half hour after we met them, lol! We saw Hugh Hefner and some of his girls, met Michael Buffer too, and took pix with Scott Speedman and Bob Saget

Hanson 0ct 10, 2004: I was quite impressed with Hanson live! All of them can actually sing and even hit the notes! I had fun, I woulda had even more fun if my legs didn't hurt so bad but it was still cool. We met the guys before the show, said Hi to Zac and was like "ummm..." with Isaac. I didn't even know what to say. I was just like "WTF, why is no one saying anything to him?" I got a pic with Taylor though. That was pretty awesome. Some highlights...the bum laying on J's car and then her moving with him still on it. She even came out the passenger door too, it was funny. The dumb people who checked our bag and shit, they had to check in my sharpies! WTF. but anyways, some other highlights...J went fucking bopper when they "I will come to you" or something like that. She fucking screamed and grabbed me and then did it again. it was so fucking hilarious that I stumbled away laughing so hard that tears were actually coming out. It was very amusing. It was also amusing to see other people go bopper at times too. The highlight for me was of course MMM Bop! It was fucking funny. Everyones inner bopper came out. When the chorus came I couldn't help but laugh. After the show, some girl saw Taylor's wife and was like "Hi Wife" that was funny too. we waited by the side door but we eventually left cause we already got what we wanted. We then decided to bump some Mmm Bop and drive by. It was hella funny. I got rowdy just for fun. I was screaming and stuff. Good times I tell ya! So yeah, all around good night.

We found out that there was a Reese Witherspoon movie being filmed in San Francisco and their location for the night was Washington Square so we had to check it out! It was quite an awesome experience! As we were standing on the sidewalk, we were relatively close to the Craft Services area and at one point Reese actually came over to get something and she waved to us! There was one point when Reese was randomly walking up the street on the phone, but we didn't bother her during the call, so we watched the whole process and when filming wrapped, we went to where Reese was leaving, and asked if we could get a picture, but she said sorry, she had to get back to her kids in the hotel, totally understandable!!!! Nice of her to at lease acknowledge us! After Reese left, her co-star Mark Ruffalo came out and we were lucky enought to get a picture with him, cool cool experience!

Headed out to go see MALIBU! aka Jamie Kennedy! it was pretty damn cool, some dude offered to take our shit to get signed to we let him and then we waited more and got pix with Jamie while he was leaving. He was hella cool, he was all "you guys want me to sign something?" "have you guys been waiting the whole time?" lol, anyways, we got "MALIBU!" pix with him throwing up the "M" lol. funny shit.

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