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Reality Tour 2004...

July 27, 2004: Jessica Simpson and Ryan Cabrera. I personally loved the show. Julianna and I had like 8th row and Jenna had like 20th or something so all in all our seats were bomb ass. There is more to the begining of the story but check the *Celebrity Encounters* section for that story. Anyways, Ryan Cabrera was Jessica's opening act and DAMN IS HE AWESOME! Not only is he talented, but he is damn hot too. All through the show, we were holding up our signs for him and he even chatted with the whole crowd and us about the sign, It was hot. Julianna's said "Take It Off" and he was like "take what off?" and she was like "YOUR SHIRT!" and he then went on about how Shifty made him never want to take off his shirt again cause he was too "scrawny" lmao. then at one point, I am holding up my sign and it says "I LOVE YOU RYAN" and he goes "OoOooO" lmao. it was hot. Anyways yeah, he is awesome, got some cool pix and videos going. Now moving on, plain and simple...Jessica tears it up live! She can sing so well! It's seriously unbelievable. She didn't really sing too much old stuff cause no one would know it since most of her fans hopped on the bandwagon...oh one point she wanted to "especially thank those fans over the last year" and I was like "bull shit, try 4 years!" but anyways, she is so fricken nice. Some girl had a sign that said "I'd do anything to meet you!" and Jess was like "COME HERE!" and introduced herself and stuff and it was so cute! then some other girl had a sign that said "can i have a hug" and Jess called her up to the stage and gave her a hug! She is awesome. anyways, I had an awesome time! The show was great and I personally would go see it again.

From my section:

From Jenna's seat (orignal seat)

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