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...Rock the Mullet...

Simple Plan...ONCE AGAIN! We found our way to San Francisco, hoping that that show wouldn't be cancelled either, because Pierre mysteriously lost his voice the day before. We get there and there are some people already in line and the crew bus was there so that was a good sign. So anyways, it was probably like 3 when we spotted SP's bus driving down Geary, we walked over to the spot and waited a while til all the guys came out for the fans. Chuck came out first and we got him to wear those funny glasses with the big nose things as you can tell by the pix. Anyways, Jeff came out and we had some "props" for him too...the funny glasses and a mullet wig! lol. He seemed very enthused at the idea, he even kept the mullet and wore it on stage the next day at the LA show. It was fucking hilarious. Anyways, Bouvier came out next, he came over to us and I was like "can you put this on and be a dork?" lol, it was a damn pirate eye...who does that! lol, he broke one of them...heads a lil too big eh? Anyways yeah, Jenna showed him the shopping cart dance and he was all "that's hot!" lol...influenced by Paris and Nicole much? I know we are, that's one of our favorite quotes lmao. So anyways, we chatted with Chuck a lil bit when he came back, made some new friends...we get along with everyone! as long as they are nice to us too. So yeah, David was still in the bus but when he came out, they were pressed for time so we went in too. We were some of the last people in and somehow...we still got to the front. We devised a strategy...and we are sticking to it, lol. So anyways, the show was awesome! It was the best one I saw on the tour, I think it sold the most tickets too and the crowd was really in to it, it was hella fun. So anyways, we left during the last song to go wait to get pix with Seb and David and we got regular ones with Chuck and Jeff over there too. After some people were like, "I think you should move, this park isn't safe" we made our way back to the venue and I got another pic with Pierre and then we saw David too, it was soooo fucking hot...we walk up and he sees us and is like "Hey guys! fucking hug!?" We were like "wtf" cause he was one of the last SP members we weren't sure remembered us so it was a pleasant surprise! ANYWAYS...moving on LA. We left to get there at like 9 in the morn. We got to El Rey and they were already there, Sebastien was out there packing his bags for Malaysia. We didn't get any pix there, we just talked a lil bit to Jeff and Pierre. Jeff told us about the wig onstage so we had to take cameras in, we weren't planning on it but good thing we were prepared. It was so fucking hilarious. We actually saw both opening acts all the way through this time, lol...third times a charm. So yeah, I love the Plain White T's, I think they are so entertaining. Tom is so skitcked, its great. Mae was good too but I was anticipating Jeff's mullet so much that I couldn't pay attention. So yeah, SP came out, fucking awesome as usual! They are seriously so great live. So after the show, we went out by the van that was gonna take them to the airport and we were just saying bye to the guys, there were fans everywhere, the guys even stopped for some of them despite the hurry, anyways yeah, we saw an old friend so that was cool. so all in all...once again...another AWESOME SP adventure. *LOVES IT*
OH AND! I almost forgot...after the show...we headed over to visit with our razzi friends and we ended up meeting Cuba Gooding Jr, he was soooo fricken nice!!

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