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Watch out for:

Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Release dates:

  • Worldwide release 19th December 2001 with some exceptions...
  • Australia 26 December
  • Brazil 21st December
  • Italy 18th January
  • New Zealand 20th December

    Black Hawk Down
    Release dates:

  • US - March 1st 2002
  • Belgium 3 April 2002
  • France 3 April 2002
  • Argentina 11 April 2002
  • Netherlands 11 April 2002
  • Germany 28th March 2002

    Lullaby of Clubland
    Release Dates:

  • UK 31 August 2002
  • Canada 2 November 2002
  • South Africa 2 November 2002
  • USA 2 November 2002
  • Sweden 28 December 2002

    Deed Poll
    Release date:

  • Canada 31st March 2002
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    Lullaby of Clubland

  • Tag line:"Welcome to the Asian Underground! Hot! Steamy! Lethal!"
  • Synopsis: Carl is a gay runaway from Manchester who settles down in London where he becomes involved in the Asian underground. He meets up with Sadie and Jean, a drug dealer and his girlfriend who are in an open relationship. Carl falls in love with a Piccadilly Square hustler named Matthew. One night, the four take a cocktail of extasy and LSD which sends Carl into a murderous frenzy...
  • Orlando plays the part of Finney
    Release Dates:
    - UK 31 August 2002
    - Canada 2 November 2002
    - South Africa 2 November 2002
    - USA 2 November 2002
    - Sweden 28 December 2002

    Chequered Past

  • Synopsis: After two years, Quentin (Schneider) decides to leave his boy-friend, Lance (Bloom), to leave for New York. Desperately, Lance kidnaps the Prime Minister's daughter, Julie (Bright), to impress Quentin. But the girl turns out to be very cunning...
  • Orlando plays the part of Lance

    Deed Poll

  • Running time: aprox. 32 mins
  • directed by Jeremy Podeswa's rumours are Andre and Orlando play a gay couple again.
  • Plot keywords are: bisexuality blackmail, drug-abuse, frontal-nudity, homicide, independent-film, poetry, rape and strong-violence.
    Release date:
  • Canada on 31st March 2002

    Pure Ignorance

  • OB plays himself.