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Data of Criminal

Name: Gabriel Ong

Age: Always Changing, no need to update it every year

Birthday: 02/10/1985

Horoscope: Libra

About me: Not a lot of people know me really well. In fact, i think what a lot of people know of me is actually not myself. I'm more of an introvert, quiet and shy person. (Haha, shy?!?) or should I say crowd-shy. I can be crappy and lame, i think it's so hard to find someone who knows me.....

Picture of me


Favourites Section

Fav. Hideouts: Beach ( Quiet & Romantic)

Fav. Colour: Yellow, Blue

Fav. Pastime: Playing the Piano, composing, bowling, Table Tennis

Fav. Foods: Anything expensive and edible

Fav. Singer: Stefanie Sun, David Tao Tse

Fav. Celebrity: Ruby Lin and others(Check out my gallery!!!)

Fav. Songs: Of course their songs lah!!!

Fav. Movie: My Sassy Girl, Sixth Sense, Dragonheart

Fav. Gal: pls!!



Dreams: I think I wanna be a doctor or composer in the chinese music field. Or else work in the media field


Internet Section

ICQ, IRC nick: H_E_L_L_O

ICQ Number: 40110815 ( Look Mi Up!!)


Homepage: ( YOU'RE IN IT NOW!!!!)Wanted to create another one...

Frienster: You can find me!!!