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A Walk With Jesus


The art of listening and the ability to correctly discern the voice of God is something that every child of God should desire to become a very vital part of their Christian life. And how blessed we are when we meet someone who has developed these disciplines and is able to share some of the precious truths that God is willing to communicate to every believer who will sit at the feet of Jesus. She has shared with us words spoken by God the Father that have ministered to her and will also minister to everyone who reads this book.

I met Rosalie and had the privilege of staying in her home while ministering in Missoula, Montana. During this time it became obvious to me that Rosalie has a deep love fro the Lord and has developed a personal relationship with Him thorugh prayer and meditation, which enabled her to write this personal journal.

A Walk With Jesus is not just Rosalie's walk with the Lord, but her book has a prophetic tone which will minister to the reader. While reading the manuscript I felt God speaking encouragement and comfort to my own heart. Therefore, it is with joy that I recommend A Walk With Jesus to the body of Christ, and I thank Rosalie for sharing the words the Lord spoke to her heart in her walk with Jesus. ---Ben Torres,

Rev. Ben Torres
Church of the Revelation
1154 White Plains Road
Bronx, New York 10472

Cover Art by Terrisa J. Olson.
Copywright© 1996 by Rosalie Willis

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You may also contact Rosalie by writing:
Rosalie Willis
P.O. Box 1787
Post Falls, ID 83877