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From Hero to Humble

BB Magazine

His charcter may be cool, but in an exclusive interview with Young Hercules hunk Ryan Gosling, we found out that he's even cooler!

Hot, hot, hot! Are those the three words that come to mind when you think of blond-haired, blue-eyed actor Ryan Gosling? Yep, we at BB totaly agree! But after chatting with the Young Hercules heartthrob, we came up with three more words that sum up the sweet-beyond-belief babe even better: humble, humble, humble.

That's right, Ryan may be really good at making you believe his hunky Young Hercules hero has the strength and confidence of a thousand men, but the truth is, the 18-year-old actor confesses, he had a mega-hard time convincing himself that he had the strength or confidence to even portray the classic character. "I never had to play the strong guy," the cutie from Cornwall, Ontario, Canada tells BB from the New Zealand locale where they film the Fox Kids Network series. "I've always been comfortable playing characters like the losers. I've never been comfortable playing the hero or the guy who gets the girl or anything like that. So it's something that's really new to me."

Ryan a loser? Yeah, right! But, check this out, Ryan's worst fears were totally confirmed when he showed up to the audition for YH. "I went in and I sort of laughed at myself," remembers the actor, who got his big break on The Mickey Mouse Club and went on to play Sean Hanlon on USA's Breaker High. "It was just a bunch of 40-year-old linebackers with full-on 5 o'clock shadows. I was just like, there is no reason I should be here, this is so dumb. But I guess the casting director took pity and called me back."

One look at this adorable actor (feel free to envision him in the body-baring suit he sports on the show) and it's pretty obvious that pity was not the reason he nabbed the role--but it doesn't look like we can convince Ryan of that. As a matter of fact, when we a BB told him that he's been attracting major attention from fans like you, who've been filling our office with fan mail requesting the 411 on him, he honestly couldn't believe it! "I don't understand," the genuine guy, who divulges he's just starting to get fan mail of his own and people are starting to spot him on the street, modestly muses. "That's just crazy to me."

What's really crazy is how incredibly cool Ryan's response is to the newfound exposure he's experiencing. "It's super flattering," he beams. "You know, you don't expect that you are doing something that anyone really ever sees at all. It's so nice when people come up to you and tell you that they like the show or just that they have any feedback at all. It's a great thing!"

Sounds like if you ever want to gift Ryan with the good feeling he gives to you, you know what to do!
