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Romancing Ryan

BOP Magazine

When it comes to wooing girls, you'd think that Ryan Gosling has his bases pretty much covered. As the hunky star of the Fox Kids Network's Young Hercules, this 18-year-old studmuffin spends his time on camera beating up th bad guys while saving beautiful damsels in distress. However, when it comes to Ryan's romantic encounters off-camera, it takes a lot more than the batting of eyelashes to make his head turn.

"She has to be funny," the London Ontario, Canada native confesses to BOP about what first gives him that butterfly feeling in his stomach. "Someone who is funny and sensitive and caring. I am not really interested in the girls who only care about their hair. It doesn't really matter if they're pretty. They have to be into something else and care about other people."

Although such a winning combination is not always that easy to find, Ryan does admit that there was a special someone in his life not all that long ago in school--the only problem was that this girl was already taken. "[Even though] she was dating some guy, I had a super crush on her," he admits all dreamy-eyed. "I used to do the announcements in school ever the P.A. and I sang to her in front of the whole school and one day I asked her out, but she said no. I was heartbroken forever and I couldn't show my face."

And as if that wasn't the worst part, the "boyfriend" used to express his rage for Ryan in a very unfashionable manner. "He used to beat me up," he says. "And as soon as I sang to her, boy, did I get it."

Well, while that was an awesomely sweet show of affection on Ryan's behalf, he had to expect some repercussions considering that she did already have a boyfriend. "That's all right," Ryan says, looking back on those crazy-in-crush days. "Now I am out here [in Auckland, New Zealand, where the show is taped] and I get to get the girls on the show. That's fun."

And as if being a major girlie magnet isn't enough, Ryan is Young Hercules these days "That's right," Ryan gleams. "Now I can beat him up."
