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Ryan Gosling

Ex-mouseketeer gets titan-sized headache in high school

Add Ryan Gosling to the long list of superstar Mickey Mouse Club gradutes. Nineteen-year-old Ryan is making name for himself by way of his performance alongside Denzel Washington in the new heart-warming flick, Remember The Titans. The modest handsome star spoke with eteen while shooting his newest film, The Believer.

eteen: Tell us about your character in Remember The Titans. Did you play football in high school?

Ryan: No, never. I played a character named Bosley who...his father's incredibly overbearing and wants him to player, and he's very racist. My character, he loves the fact that they're integrating [the football team] from the beginning, and loves all the guys and is a pretty light-hearted, easy-going guy from the start.

eteen: Can you tell us any bloopers on the set?

Ryan: Well, I think I was the on-set blooper (laughs). Anytime I tried to do anything football-ish, it went horribly awry, and we ended up just working out in the script that my character should just be a really bad football player. So you know, heaven forbid I should have to catch the ball, I would catch it with my face.

eteen: You were part of the now legendary superstar cast of The Mickey Mouse Club...

Ryan: True...Britney [Spears] and Justin [Timberlake] and all those other people are only an example of who was on the show. Behind the camera, there's this one kid named Josh Ackerman. He's gonna be an incrdible director and Tony Lucca, who was actually Keri Russell's boyfriend, is a great musician. There were so many talented people.

eteen: Are you still in touch with any of them?

Ryan: Yeah. Justin and Britney went to one of my gigs when we were out in L.A. to support me-I play the guitar-which was very nice, and Justin and I hang out whenever we get a chance...You know, Justin and I lived togather when we were on the Mickey Mouse Club.

eteen: Do you have any funny stories about those days?

Ryan: The whole thing was just anarchy (laughs). He and I would just play basketll all day. We thought we were the coolest guys in the entire world. And we were such ladies' men at 12 years old (laughs). It was great. You know, Britney lived right above us and Justin's family was nice enough to let me live with them. I actually had to share Justin's clothes and everything. Justin and I...You couldn't separate us, you know?

eteen: Growing up, you moved around a lot. What was high school like for you?

Ryan: To be really honest, high school was really hard. It was hard, because I didn't really stay in one place for too long, and being on television is hard when you're a kid, because kids don't know how to react to it, you know? So it's like if you're in any way different, just when you're a kid in general-whether you're a bit overweight, a bit underweight, you're a little bit different in any way-you're to get it, you know?

eteen: So you dealt with a lot of bullies and stuff?

Ryan: Yeah. I got beat up t. My mom had to take me out of school because of it. She had to home teach me for a year. I went to, like, four or five different schools, so it was really was hard. It was hard too, because I had a taste of a life that I wanted, in the sense that I was making my own money, and doing what I loved to do. And on some sets, you're treated like an adult and you're doing your job and this is what you love to do, you know? But then you go to a school where nobody really understands that, and so it was really good for me when I was finished and I was out of school.

eteen: What kind of advice could you give to others who might be going through the same sort of stuff?

Ryan: It's hard, because you can't control what people feel, you know? You can't make people like you, it's the worst thing you can you try and do. You can only really do you own thing and know that it's those trials you're going though that make you, in a sense, stronger.
