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Teen Magazine Interview with

Ryan Gosling!

Here is the interview that TEEN did with Ryan. He talks about his new movie and 'Remember the Titans'! Some of his personal information is incorrect but Enjoy! Here is addy if you want to check it out: Teen Magazine

Ryan Gosling

Full Name: Ryan Thomas Gosling

Birth date: November 12th 1980 (Scorpio)

Hometown: Cornwall, Ontario, Canada

Dating status: Nonexistent! (go get him girls!)

Fave movie: "Say Anything", "Cool Hand Luke"

Fave TV Show: "Sesame Street!"

Fave Actor: The "Holy Trinity" - John Cusack, Patrick Dempsey, Phillip Seymour Hoffman

Fave Actress: The Natalies (Wood and Portman)

Fave Band: Beatles, Rolling Stones

Fave Color: Black

Fave Food: Mash Potatoes

Worst Quality: Sometimes a bit too relaxed ... He laughs and says it's, "the source of my problems!"

Best Quality: Ability to be happy anywhere

You Know Him As: "Young Hercules"

You'll Soon See Him In: "Remember the Titans" starring Denzel Washington


"I didn't really know I wanted to be an actor. I just found myself doing it. I started off as a dancer and then I got on "The Mickey Mouse Club" and started doing skits and realized that I had this great love for it. When I left the show I started doing film stuff and I just haven't stopped. It's such a way of time travel. For that minute when you're shooting you become someone else and it's just incredible! Even in "Young Hercules" which is just this campy fun show; when they said action I was this guy, way back when, fighting monsters and stuff and that's amazing. It's exciting! Acting also gives you the opportunity to be that person you want to be or don't want to be. All this dialogue gives you great training in life situations like with girls and other stuff. You get to try it out in your job."


Talk turns to girls and clearly we need to know why this young buck hasn't got a love life to speak of. He goofs..."Well, Natalie Portman's not returning my phone calls! I don't know much about the subject of girls. I wish I did. I don't casually date, I'm not good at it. I don't know how to do that so it has to be a pretty important thing. I'm such a romantic that if it's not all thunder bolts, lightning and the heavens opening up, then I pretty much won't do it! You choose your friends carefully and I think even more so with your girlfriends."

But on the subject of attraction he says "clearly there is that inexplicable thing which draws us to someone which no one can explain and is the hard thing to pin point. But I think one of the most important things as far as quality goes, and although it sounds tacky and cliché, I think it comes down to intelligence. I think that's the ultimate aphrodisiac. Because intelligence leads to so many things right? If someone is really intelligent they're probably a confident, humorous person too. And it usually means they have a desire to learn and are interested in a lot of things. As far as physical stuff goes, women are beautiful! In all shapes and sizes and forms and cultures and colors! I like women ya know (laughing), so I guess what's important to me is that she be a woman and that she likes me! If she doesn't that makes it a little difficult right?"


"Music is a huge passion of mine. I started off more as a musician than an actor and music is very, very prevalent in my life. I play guitar and write and sing music. I play around town and I almost signed a record deal at one point but didn't because of different interests. Music and acting are both an expression, right? Acting is being someone else and music is everything that defines me. Ever since I was 7 or 8 I was closing the door to my room and listening to jazz records. It affects me like nothing else does. It's everything. The stuff that I write is a melding of everything I love like, jazz and blues and funk mixed with singer-songwriter stuff. I have definitely been influenced by people like Dylan and Springsteen and James Taylor". Although he is very modest about it, this multi-talented babe has actually sold some of his songs and is currently scoring an independent film.


With his portrayal of the hot headed young teenage demigod Hercules, hottie Ryan captured the attention of showbiz and fans alike. We talked about his upcoming movie, "Remember The Titans."

"Jerry Bruckheimer ("Top Gun," "Con Air," "The Rock") produced it and I believe it's going to be released in September and it's pretty exciting for me. I am kind of this dorky guy who provides comic relief for the film. My character's name is Bosley and he's a linebacker on the team. The film is about racial injustice and he is basically one of the only white guys on the team . He's not very good at ball and only plays because his parent's make him. Basically anything is exciting to this kid, and he really relishes in the racially mixed environment with the culture and the doo-wop music!"

"It was so interesting working with Denzel Washington on this. I must say he is one of the most, if not the most, talented people I have ever worked with. He is quite brilliant when it comes to his craft. All of us younger guys would joke around and stuff but when he walked on set he just had this amazing ability to sort of make you feel like you were right there in the piece and in the moment. He is so gifted and that's really inspiring."

Ryan has just been offered the lead role in the independent film "The Believer" in which he'll play a character completely unlike himself. He's enthused that it'll be one of the most drastic and challenging roles of his life. "It is one of those once in a life time roles that every actor dreams of!" The buzz on this script is huge and it's rumored that it could very well have the impact of a "Boys Don't Cry."

Ah...Academy Award anyone?
