January 25th 2004~
All the counter stats died and i had to reset them.. i am very pissed about that.
November 17th 2003~
I've updated the TV schedules monthly
and made a 12th gallery. I hmm what
else i dont know.. write me an e-mail if you read this
May 29th 2003~
Today I fixed the TV page and
updated it to June. :-)
May 19th 2003~
I changed the format of the front page,
the links page, filmography page, velvet goldmine
and down with love page, nightwatch page,
the 7th gallery and thats about it. Whoops
I changed the guestbook image too. Took me
about an hour and a half- I have way too
much time. Hope you like.
September 16th 2002-
I made the Tv schedule page. It's a new idea
right. I like it. I'm smart no other ewan site's
have this heheheheheheheh!!!!!!!
June 25th 2002-
I made a 10th gallery all yummy pics &
I'm going to add a pic to the
wallpaper page.
I made a young adam page too :-)
April 16th 2002-
Today I made a 9th gallery its very yummy, but its
also very dark :( oh well it's
still Ewan & it's still sexy so enjoy! -Sarah
March 15 2002- Today I made an 8th Gallery it only has
3 pics but I have a lot of work to do!! Enjoy.
BTW does n e one ever read this cap besides me???????
Jan 23, 02' - I made a 7th gallery and a media gallery I
am proud to announce I am no longer such a dumass
I figured out (on my own)how to make my pictures
icon size! (yay clap for Sarah!)
well g2g hope u like the new pics.
Nov. 2, 2001-
I made a Music page today and a Madonna Page
hmm what else did I do.
WHO is comming to my site on Monday I had 1829
then Thursday i had 1894.
NO ONE signs my guestbook if your reading this SIGN
Jan 16th, 2002 -
I made my friends page and my pic's page all
thumnail size i was thinking of doing it to
the Ewan Gallery's but I didnt think that would
look good with my site. If any one cares you
can e-mail me your thought on that.
By the Way tonite Ewan is going to
be on the Entertainment channel. Its 64 where
I am. I'm going to tape it I cant wait.
OK g2g see ya - Sarah
Jan 2, 2002-
Hey ppls I know I've added some stuff I just
don't happen to record it cause I'm the laziest
THING you'll ever see. I did
however add the Ewan Chat and the 6th pic
Gallery and that's about it. -Sarah
Nov. 21st, 01'-
I added a lot to the news section I had'nt heard
anything about Ewan's new baby, and I wanted to know
when she was born. Read the News section for more. -Sarah
November 19th 01'-
I totally fixed up a lot of shit I needed to do.
I put up my banners so that you can click on them and go
back to the main page of my site. I finally
figured out how to do that! I also
made a second friends page I'm just such
a friendly person hehe :P that's all for now.
Nov. 4, 2001-
Umm..i put some new music up, i made the links
on there more 'usable' and i had franck
sign my guestbook wahoooo he's so cute! i also am
going to go promote my site a billion times cause
i can so byyyyyye.