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105 The One With the East German Laundry Detergent

Chandler and Phoebe decide to break up with Janice and Tony on the same night; Phoebe's goes really well but Chandler has a harder time. Ross arranges to do laundry with Rachel and Monica; Monica cancels, leaving just the two of them; Rachel reveals she's never done laundry before... and accidentally dyes all her white clothes pink. Joey wants his ex-girlfriend, Angela, to break up with her boyfriend, Bob, so he arranges for Monica and him to double date with them... but he tells Monica that Angela and Bob are siblings. Ugly Naked Guy lays kitchen tile. Janice buys Chandler Bullwinkle socks. Rachel is so happy about her laundry experience that she kisses Ross.
Original Airdate:
Other Info:
• Rachel told her friends last week that she even does her own laundry, whereas this week she confesses to being a "laundry virgin." This is due to the 2 episodes airing out of production order.
• Monica says Ross never told her when he lost his virginity, but last week, she even knew the exact date. Again, the episodes aired out of production order.
• Monica tells a story about the Thanksgiving parade Underdog balloon getting away, something that doesn't actually happen for another month or so.
• This episode runs 23:37 on DVD (a typical sitcom runs about 22:00).
Written by Jeff Greenstein & Jeff Strauss
Directed by Pamela Fryman
Camille Saviola as The Horrible Woman
Kim Gillingham as Angela
Jack Armstong as Bob
Maggie Wheeler as Janice