The One About Friends

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106 The One With The Butt

Everyone attends Joey's new musical, Freud! While there, Chandler meets a beautiful and exotic woman, Aurora, and begins dating her. Joey gets picked up by the Estelle Leonard Talent Agency, which gets him a job as Al Pacino's butt double. However, he loses the job by overacting. Rachel cleans the apartment by herself for the first time; however, she moves the green ottoman, which starts Monica obsessing. Chandler finds out Aurora is married and already has another boyfriend. When she picks up still another, Chandler isn't sure he can take it.

Original Airdate:

Other Info:
• At the beginning of the episode, Rachel gets excited, and Chandler says "You can always spot someone who hasn't never seen one of his [Joey's] plays before." However, when Joey comes out after the play ends, he says "It was better than that thing I did with the trolls...." And the whole group (minus Chandler) nods along; even Rachel, who apparently hasn't seen a play with Joey in it.
• This episode runs 24:37 on DVD (a typical sitcom runs about 22:00). A scene is added with Joey visiting his new agent, Estelle Leonard. The tag scene is the group singing the song from Freud! that Joey sang earlier in the show.

Written by Adam Chase and Ira Ungerleider
Directed by Arlene Sanford
Sofia Milos as Aurora