The One About Friends

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110 The One With the Monkey

Ross gets a monkey named Marcel. Everyone makes a pact not to bring dates to their New Years Eve Party. While performing at Central Perk, Phoebe confronts some noisy boys and ends up dating one of them: David, Scientist Guy. Their relationship develops well until he gets offered a grant to go to Minsk, and doesn't know what to do. Everyone breaks the no-date pact except Ross; Phoebe brings David, Joey brings Sandy, someone he met while working as an elf in a department store; Rachel plans to bring Paolo, who's flying in earlier than expected; Chandler snaps and asks Janice; Monica invites Fun Bobby; Ross just brings Marcel. However, no one ends up with their date (or monkey) at midnight.

Original Airdate:

Other Info:
• This episode runs 24:57 on DVD (a typical sitcom runs about 22:00).

Written by Adam Chase and Ira Ungerleider
Directed by Peter Bonerz
Hank Azaria as David
Vincent Ventresca as Fun Bobby
Maggie Wheeler as Janice
Wayne Pere' as Max
Sarah Mac Donnell as Sandy