The One About Friends

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114 The One With the Candy Hearts

Ross goes on a date with a Kristen, a woman from his apartment building; Carol and Susan show up at the same restaurant; Susan gets paged and leaves; Ross pays so much attention to Carol that he doesn't even notice his date has gone. Joey can't go out with his date, Lorraine, unless he brings a friend for her friend; Chandler agrees to go, but the date turns out to be Janice; Somehow they end up together again; Janice buys Chandler candy hearts for Valentines Day; Chandler breaks up with her--again. Phoebe, Monica, and Rachel have a cleansing ritual to rid themselves of bad luck with men, which turns into a small fire; Fireman guys come to the rescue.

Original Airdate:

Other Info:
• One of Pheobe friends, Abby, shaves her head - yes she is voluntarily bald! - is know as Bonnie in future episodes. Also, Ross dates Bonnie as well.
• This episode runs 24:46 on DVD (a typical sitcom runs about 22:00). The added stuff is mostly scene extensions: Chandler mimes shooting Janice in the hallway, the firemen give the women bonfire advice, and the women ask the firemen about sliding down the pole.

Written by Bill Lawrence
Directed by James Burrows
Jane Sibbett as Carol Willick
Jessica Hecht as Susan Bunch
Heather Medway as Kristen
Nancy Valen as Lorraine
Larry Poindexter as Fireman Dave
Jay Acovone as Fireman Charlie
Joel Gretsch as Fireman Ed
Maggie Wheeler as Janice