The One About Friends

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120 The One with the Evil Orthodontist

The gang argues the virtues of Mr. Peanut and Mr. Salty. Someone is peeping into the apartment building with a telescope; Joey discovers it's a woman, and that she's very complimentary. Ugly Naked Guy gets gravity boots. Chandler has a good first date with Daniel and then obsesses about trying to call her again without seeming too needy. Rachel ends up sleeping with Barry instead of telling him to get lost; but after she and Mindy (Barry's fiance') get together and talk, Rachel decides Barry is evil. Joey has a one-track mind after Rachel mentions that her best friend, Mindy, taught her to kiss. Ross does a crossword puzzle.

Original Airdate:

Other Info:
• This episode runs 23:14 on DVD (a typical sitcom runs about 22:00).

Written by Doty Abrams
Directed by Peter Bonerz
Jennifer Grey as Mindy
Mitchell Whitfield as Barry Farber
Christopher Miranda as Bobby Rush