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209 The One With Phoebe's Dad
Ugly Naked Guy decorates his tree. Monica and Rachel, low on funds, make cookies to give instead of cash as holiday tips to the paperboy, the mailman, the superintendent, etc. Then they receive mangled papers and smashed packages; when their heater won't turn off and the super doesn't fix it, they fear he's also upset about not getting cash. Despite the heat, Rachel and Monica have a big Christmas party. Ross tries to make amends with Rachel. He tells her to make a list about him, so she does; he obsesses about her complaints. Phoebe discovers that everything she thought she knew about her biological father (including his picture) is a lie. Her grandmother knows where he lives, and it's not far. Phoebe (accompanied by Chandler and Joey) goes to visit him, but eventually decides she's not ready. Chandler and Joey have to do their Christmas shopping late on Christmas eve.
Original Airdate:
Other Info:
• This episode runs 22:43 on DVD (a typical sitcom runs about 22:00).
Written by Jeffrey Astrof & Mike Sikowitz
Directed by Kevin S. Bright
Audra Lindley as Frances (Phoebe's Grandma)
Michael G. Hagerty as Mr. Treeger
James Michael Tyler as Gunther