The One About Friends

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215 The One Where Ross and Rachel... You Know

Joey buys a big screen TV and two leather recliners with his newfound money. He and Chandler then spend a day refusing to leave the chairs. They even have food delivered to the girls apartment so they don't have to answer the door. Monica has a catering job for a friend of her parents, the attractive Dr. Burke. She ends up kissing him the next day at an un-needed eye exam and though there is a 21-year age difference between them, they begin dating. Ross and Rachel attempt to have their first real date, but Rachel laughs every time they kiss. When they try again the next evening, they are interrupted when Ross is called into the museum. It's too late to go to the restaurant so they have a picnic in the planetarium and end up waking up the next day naked in the display area with a group of Catholic school children looking in.

Original Airdate:

Other Info:
• This episode runs 23:25 on DVD (a typical sitcom runs about 22:00).

Written by Michael Curtis & Gregory S. Malins
Directed by Michael Lembeck
Tom Selleck as Dr. Richard Burke