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305 The One With Frank, Jr.
Joey gets carried away with a mailbox project and ends up building an entertainment center. He mistakenly cuts Chandler's door in half in the process. Then he gets sidetracked on re-tiling Monica's bathroom floor. Phoebe hangs out with her half-brother, Frank Jr., in hopes of getting to know him better. He misunderstands when she tells him she gives people "massages and stuff". The gang all consider what five celebrities would be on their "freebie list" - people they can sleep with without anyone getting upset. Ross finally narrows his list down by eliminating Isabella Rossellini but then he bumps into her.
Original Airdate:
Other Info:
• In this episode, Phoebe states that her birthday is on February 16th.
Written by Scott Silveri & Shana Goldberg-Meehan
Directed by Steve Zuckerman
Isabella Rossellini as herself
Giovanni Ribisi as Frank Jr.
Cynthia Mann as Jasmine